/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv_invoke_business_logic_sync( axis2_msg_recv_t * msg_recv, const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_msg_ctx_t * msg_ctx, axis2_msg_ctx_t * new_msg_ctx); AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_msg_recv_t *AXIS2_CALL axis2_raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv_create( const axutil_env_t * env) { axis2_msg_recv_t *msg_recv = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE; msg_recv = axis2_msg_recv_create(env); if(!msg_recv) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); return NULL; } status = axis2_msg_recv_set_scope(msg_recv, env, AXIS2_APPLICATION_SCOPE); if(!status) { axis2_msg_recv_free(msg_recv, env); return NULL; } axis2_msg_recv_set_invoke_business_logic(msg_recv, env, axis2_raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv_invoke_business_logic_sync); return msg_recv; } static axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv_invoke_business_logic_sync( axis2_msg_recv_t * msg_recv, const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_msg_ctx_t * msg_ctx, axis2_msg_ctx_t * new_msg_ctx) { axis2_svc_skeleton_t *svc_obj = NULL; axis2_op_ctx_t *op_ctx = NULL; axis2_op_t *op_desc = NULL; const axis2_char_t *style = NULL; axiom_node_t *om_node = NULL; axiom_element_t *om_element = NULL; axis2_char_t *local_name = NULL; axiom_node_t *result_node = NULL; axiom_node_t *body_content_node = NULL; axiom_element_t *body_content_element = NULL; axiom_soap_envelope_t *default_envelope = NULL; axiom_soap_body_t *out_body = NULL; axiom_soap_header_t *out_header = NULL; axiom_soap_fault_t *soap_fault = NULL; axiom_node_t *out_node = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_SUCCESS; axis2_bool_t skel_invoked = AXIS2_FALSE; const axis2_char_t *soap_ns = AXIOM_SOAP12_SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI; int soap_version = AXIOM_SOAP12; axiom_namespace_t *env_ns = NULL; axiom_node_t *fault_node = NULL; axiom_soap_fault_detail_t *fault_detail; axis2_bool_t is_fault = AXIS2_FALSE; AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, msg_ctx, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, new_msg_ctx, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[axis2]Entry:axis2_raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv_invoke_business_logic_sync"); /* get the implementation class for the Web Service */ svc_obj = axis2_msg_recv_make_new_svc_obj(msg_recv, env, msg_ctx); if(!svc_obj) { const axis2_char_t *svc_name = NULL; axis2_svc_t *svc = axis2_msg_ctx_get_svc(msg_ctx, env); if(svc) { svc_name = axis2_svc_get_name(svc, env); } else { svc_name = "unknown"; } AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Impl object for service '%s' not set in message receiver. %d :: %s", svc_name, env->error->error_number, AXIS2_ERROR_GET_MESSAGE(env->error)); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } else { op_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_op_ctx(msg_ctx, env); op_desc = axis2_op_ctx_get_op(op_ctx, env); style = axis2_op_get_style(op_desc, env); if(0 == axutil_strcmp(AXIS2_STYLE_DOC, style)) { axiom_soap_envelope_t *envelope = NULL; axiom_soap_body_t *body = NULL; envelope = axis2_msg_ctx_get_soap_envelope(msg_ctx, env); body = axiom_soap_envelope_get_body(envelope, env); om_node = axiom_soap_body_get_base_node(body, env); om_element = axiom_node_get_data_element(om_node, env); om_node = axiom_node_get_first_element(om_node, env); } else if(0 == axutil_strcmp(AXIS2_STYLE_RPC, style)) { axiom_soap_envelope_t *envelope = NULL; axiom_soap_body_t *body = NULL; axiom_node_t *op_node = NULL; axiom_element_t *op_element = NULL; envelope = axis2_msg_ctx_get_soap_envelope(msg_ctx, env); body = axiom_soap_envelope_get_body(envelope, env); op_node = axiom_soap_body_get_base_node(body, env); op_element = axiom_node_get_data_element(op_node, env); if(op_element) { local_name = axiom_element_get_localname(op_element, env); if(local_name) { axutil_array_list_t *function_arr = NULL; int i = 0; int size = 0; axis2_bool_t matches = AXIS2_FALSE; function_arr = svc_obj->func_array; if(function_arr) { size = axutil_array_list_size(function_arr, env); } for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { axis2_char_t *function_name = NULL; function_name = (axis2_char_t *)axutil_array_list_get(function_arr, env, i); if(!axutil_strcmp(function_name, local_name)) { matches = AXIS2_TRUE; } } if(matches) { om_node = axiom_node_get_first_child(op_node, env); om_element = axiom_node_get_data_element(om_node, env); } else { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_OM_ELEMENT_MISMATCH, AXIS2_FAILURE); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } } else { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_OM_ELEMENT_INVALID_STATE, AXIS2_FAILURE); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } } else { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_RPC_NEED_MATCHING_CHILD, AXIS2_FAILURE); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } } else { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STYLE, AXIS2_FAILURE); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(status == AXIS2_SUCCESS) { skel_invoked = AXIS2_TRUE; result_node = AXIS2_SVC_SKELETON_INVOKE(svc_obj, env, om_node, new_msg_ctx); } if(result_node) { if(0 == axutil_strcmp(style, AXIS2_STYLE_RPC)) { axiom_namespace_t *ns = NULL; axis2_char_t *res_name = NULL; res_name = axutil_stracat(env, local_name, "Response"); ns = axiom_namespace_create(env, "http://soapenc/", "res"); if(!ns) { status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } else { body_content_element = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, res_name, ns, &body_content_node); axiom_node_add_child(body_content_node, env, result_node); } } else { body_content_node = result_node; } } else { axis2_char_t *mep = (axis2_char_t *)axis2_op_get_msg_exchange_pattern(op_desc, env); if(axutil_strcmp(mep, AXIS2_MEP_URI_IN_ONLY) && axutil_strcmp(mep, AXIS2_MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY)) { status = AXIS2_ERROR_GET_STATUS_CODE(env->error); if(status == AXIS2_SUCCESS) { axis2_msg_ctx_set_no_content(new_msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_TRUE); } else { axis2_msg_ctx_set_status_code(msg_ctx, env, axis2_msg_ctx_get_status_code( new_msg_ctx, env)); } /* The new_msg_ctx is passed to the service. The status code must * be taken from here and set to the old message context which is * used by the worker when the request processing fails. */ if(svc_obj->ops->on_fault) { fault_node = AXIS2_SVC_SKELETON_ON_FAULT(svc_obj, env, om_node); } is_fault = AXIS2_TRUE; } else { /* If we have a in only message result node is NULL. We create fault only if * an error is set */ status = AXIS2_ERROR_GET_STATUS_CODE(env->error); if(status == AXIS2_SUCCESS) { axis2_msg_ctx_set_no_content(new_msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_TRUE); } else { axis2_msg_ctx_set_status_code(msg_ctx, env, axis2_msg_ctx_get_status_code( new_msg_ctx, env)); if(!axutil_strcmp(mep, AXIS2_MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY)) { /* The new_msg_ctx is passed to the service. The status code must * be taken from here and set to the old message context which is * used by the worker when the request processing fails. */ if(svc_obj->ops->on_fault) { fault_node = AXIS2_SVC_SKELETON_ON_FAULT(svc_obj, env, om_node); } is_fault = AXIS2_TRUE; } } } } } if(msg_ctx && axis2_msg_ctx_get_is_soap_11(msg_ctx, env)) { soap_ns = AXIOM_SOAP11_SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI; /* default is 1.2 */ soap_version = AXIOM_SOAP11; } if(axis2_msg_ctx_get_soap_envelope(new_msg_ctx, env)) { /* service implementation has set the envelope, useful when setting a SOAP fault. No need to further process */ return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } /* create the soap envelope here */ env_ns = axiom_namespace_create(env, soap_ns, "soapenv"); if(!env_ns) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } default_envelope = axiom_soap_envelope_create(env, env_ns); if(!default_envelope) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } out_header = axiom_soap_header_create_with_parent(env, default_envelope); if(!out_header) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } out_body = axiom_soap_body_create_with_parent(env, default_envelope); if(!out_body) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } out_node = axiom_soap_body_get_base_node(out_body, env); if(!out_node) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(status != AXIS2_SUCCESS || is_fault) { /* something went wrong. set a SOAP Fault */ const axis2_char_t *fault_value_str = "soapenv:Sender"; const axis2_char_t *fault_reason_str = NULL; const axis2_char_t *err_msg = NULL; if(!skel_invoked) { if(axis2_msg_ctx_get_is_soap_11(msg_ctx, env)) { fault_value_str = AXIOM_SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX ":" AXIOM_SOAP11_FAULT_CODE_RECEIVER; } else { fault_value_str = AXIOM_SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX ":" AXIOM_SOAP12_SOAP_FAULT_VALUE_RECEIVER; } } err_msg = AXIS2_ERROR_GET_MESSAGE(env->error); if (err_msg && axutil_strcmp(err_msg, "")) { if(!axutil_strcmp(err_msg, "No Error")) { fault_reason_str = "An error has occurred, but could not determine exact details"; } else { fault_reason_str = err_msg; } } else { fault_reason_str = "An error has occurred, but could not determine exact details"; } soap_fault = axiom_soap_fault_create_default_fault(env, out_body, fault_value_str, fault_reason_str, soap_version); if (fault_node) { axiom_node_t *fault_detail_node = NULL; fault_detail = axiom_soap_fault_detail_create_with_parent(env, soap_fault); fault_detail_node = axiom_soap_fault_detail_get_base_node(fault_detail, env); AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "fault_detail:%s", axiom_node_to_string( fault_detail_node, env)); axiom_soap_fault_detail_add_detail_entry(fault_detail, env, fault_node); } } if (body_content_node) { axiom_node_add_child(out_node, env, body_content_node); status = axis2_msg_ctx_set_soap_envelope(new_msg_ctx, env, default_envelope); } else if (soap_fault) { axis2_msg_ctx_set_soap_envelope(new_msg_ctx, env, default_envelope); status = AXIS2_SUCCESS; } else { /* we should free the memory as the envelope is not used, one way case */ axiom_soap_envelope_free(default_envelope, env); default_envelope = NULL; } AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[axis2]Exit:axis2_raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv_invoke_business_logic_sync"); return status; } AXIS2_EXPORT int axis2_get_instance( struct axis2_msg_recv **inst, const axutil_env_t * env) { *inst = axis2_raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv_create(env); if(!(*inst)) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } AXIS2_EXPORT int axis2_remove_instance( struct axis2_msg_recv *inst, const axutil_env_t * env) { if(inst) { axis2_msg_recv_free(inst, env); } return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }