/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <axis2_core_utils.h> #include <axutil_string.h> #include <axis2_conf.h> #include <axis2_relates_to.h> #include <axis2_addr.h> #include <axis2_http_transport.h> #include <axutil_uuid_gen.h> #include <axutil_property.h> #include <axis2_conf_ctx.h> /* internal structure to keep the rest map in a multi level hash */ typedef struct { /* the structure will keep as many as following fields */ /* if the mapped value is directly the operation */ axis2_op_t *op_desc; /* if the mapped value is a constant, this keeps a hash map of possible constants => corrosponding map_internal structure */ axutil_hash_t *consts_map; /* if the mapped value is a param, this keeps a hash map of possible param_values => corrosponding_map_internal structre */ axutil_hash_t *params_map; } axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t; /* some functions to use internally in handling rest map */ /* infer op from the live url */ axis2_op_t * axis2_core_utils_infer_op_from_parent_rest_map( const axutil_env_t *env, axutil_hash_t *rest_map, axis2_char_t *live_url, axutil_array_list_t *param_keys, axutil_array_list_t *param_values); /* build the restmap recursively - internal function*/ axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_internal_build_rest_map_recursively( const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_char_t * url, axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t *mapping_struct, axis2_op_t *op_desc); /* infer op from the live url recursively */ axis2_op_t *AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_internal_infer_op_from_rest_map_recursively( const axutil_env_t *env, const axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t *parent_mapping_struct, axis2_char_t *live_url, axutil_array_list_t *param_keys, axutil_array_list_t *param_values); /* match a pattern with a url component */ axis2_status_t axis2_core_utils_match_url_component_with_pattern( const axutil_env_t *env, axis2_char_t *pattern, axis2_char_t *url_component, axutil_array_list_t *param_keys, axutil_array_list_t *param_values); AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_msg_ctx_t *AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_create_out_msg_ctx( const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_msg_ctx_t * in_msg_ctx) { axis2_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; axis2_msg_ctx_t *new_msg_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_transport_in_desc_t *transport_in = NULL; axis2_transport_out_desc_t *transport_out = NULL; axis2_msg_info_headers_t *old_msg_info_headers = NULL; axis2_msg_info_headers_t *msg_info_headers = NULL; axis2_endpoint_ref_t *reply_to = NULL; axis2_endpoint_ref_t *fault_to = NULL; axis2_endpoint_ref_t *to = NULL; const axis2_char_t *msg_id = NULL; axis2_relates_to_t *relates_to = NULL; const axis2_char_t *action = NULL; axis2_op_ctx_t *op_ctx = NULL; axis2_svc_ctx_t *svc_ctx = NULL; axis2_bool_t doing_rest = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_bool_t doing_mtom = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_bool_t server_side = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_svc_grp_ctx_t *svc_grp_ctx = NULL; axis2_char_t *msg_uuid = NULL; axutil_stream_t *out_stream = NULL; axutil_param_t *expose_headers_param = NULL; axis2_bool_t expose_headers = AXIS2_FALSE; AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, in_msg_ctx, NULL); conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(in_msg_ctx, env); transport_in = axis2_msg_ctx_get_transport_in_desc(in_msg_ctx, env); transport_out = axis2_msg_ctx_get_transport_out_desc(in_msg_ctx, env); new_msg_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_create(env, conf_ctx, transport_in, transport_out); if(!new_msg_ctx) { return NULL; } if(transport_in) { expose_headers_param = axutil_param_container_get_param( axis2_transport_in_desc_param_container(transport_in, env), env, AXIS2_EXPOSE_HEADERS); } if(expose_headers_param) { axis2_char_t *expose_headers_value = NULL; expose_headers_value = axutil_param_get_value(expose_headers_param, env); if(expose_headers_value && 0 == axutil_strcasecmp(expose_headers_value, AXIS2_VALUE_TRUE)) { expose_headers = AXIS2_TRUE; } } if(expose_headers) { axis2_msg_ctx_set_transport_headers(new_msg_ctx, env, axis2_msg_ctx_extract_transport_headers(in_msg_ctx, env)); } axis2_msg_ctx_set_http_accept_record_list(new_msg_ctx, env, axis2_msg_ctx_extract_http_accept_record_list(in_msg_ctx, env)); axis2_msg_ctx_set_http_accept_charset_record_list(new_msg_ctx, env, axis2_msg_ctx_extract_http_accept_charset_record_list(in_msg_ctx, env)); axis2_msg_ctx_set_http_accept_language_record_list(new_msg_ctx, env, axis2_msg_ctx_extract_http_accept_language_record_list(in_msg_ctx, env)); old_msg_info_headers = axis2_msg_ctx_get_msg_info_headers(in_msg_ctx, env); if(!old_msg_info_headers) { return NULL; } msg_info_headers = axis2_msg_ctx_get_msg_info_headers(new_msg_ctx, env); if(!msg_info_headers) { /* if there is no msg info header in ew msg ctx, then create one */ msg_info_headers = axis2_msg_info_headers_create(env, NULL, NULL); if(!msg_info_headers) return NULL; axis2_msg_ctx_set_msg_info_headers(new_msg_ctx, env, msg_info_headers); } msg_uuid = axutil_uuid_gen(env); axis2_msg_info_headers_set_message_id(msg_info_headers, env, msg_uuid); if(msg_uuid) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, msg_uuid); msg_uuid = NULL; } reply_to = axis2_msg_info_headers_get_reply_to(old_msg_info_headers, env); axis2_msg_info_headers_set_to(msg_info_headers, env, reply_to); fault_to = axis2_msg_info_headers_get_fault_to(old_msg_info_headers, env); axis2_msg_info_headers_set_fault_to(msg_info_headers, env, fault_to); to = axis2_msg_info_headers_get_to(old_msg_info_headers, env); axis2_msg_info_headers_set_from(msg_info_headers, env, to); msg_id = axis2_msg_info_headers_get_message_id(old_msg_info_headers, env); /* we can create with default Relates to namespace. Actual namespace based on addressing version will be created in addressing out handler */ relates_to = axis2_relates_to_create(env, msg_id, AXIS2_WSA_RELATES_TO_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT_VALUE); axis2_msg_info_headers_set_relates_to(msg_info_headers, env, relates_to); action = axis2_msg_info_headers_get_action(old_msg_info_headers, env); axis2_msg_info_headers_set_action(msg_info_headers, env, action); op_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_op_ctx(in_msg_ctx, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_op_ctx(new_msg_ctx, env, op_ctx); svc_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_svc_ctx(in_msg_ctx, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_svc_ctx(new_msg_ctx, env, svc_ctx); ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_base(in_msg_ctx, env); if(ctx) { axis2_ctx_t *new_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_base(new_msg_ctx, env); if(new_ctx) { axis2_ctx_set_property_map(new_ctx, env, axis2_ctx_get_property_map(ctx, env)); } } out_stream = axis2_msg_ctx_get_transport_out_stream(in_msg_ctx, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_transport_out_stream(new_msg_ctx, env, out_stream); axis2_msg_ctx_set_out_transport_info(new_msg_ctx, env, axis2_msg_ctx_get_out_transport_info( in_msg_ctx, env)); /* Setting the character set encoding */ doing_rest = axis2_msg_ctx_get_doing_rest(in_msg_ctx, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_doing_rest(new_msg_ctx, env, doing_rest); doing_mtom = axis2_msg_ctx_get_doing_mtom(in_msg_ctx, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_doing_mtom(new_msg_ctx, env, doing_mtom); server_side = axis2_msg_ctx_get_server_side(in_msg_ctx, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_server_side(new_msg_ctx, env, server_side); svc_grp_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_svc_grp_ctx(in_msg_ctx, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_svc_grp_ctx(new_msg_ctx, env, svc_grp_ctx); axis2_msg_ctx_set_is_soap_11(new_msg_ctx, env, axis2_msg_ctx_get_is_soap_11(in_msg_ctx, env)); axis2_msg_ctx_set_keep_alive(new_msg_ctx, env, axis2_msg_ctx_is_keep_alive(in_msg_ctx, env)); axis2_msg_ctx_set_charset_encoding(new_msg_ctx, env, axis2_msg_ctx_get_charset_encoding( in_msg_ctx, env)); return new_msg_ctx; } AXIS2_EXTERN void AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_reset_out_msg_ctx( const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_msg_ctx_t * out_msg_ctx) { axis2_msg_info_headers_t *msg_info_headers = NULL; if(!out_msg_ctx) return; msg_info_headers = axis2_msg_ctx_get_msg_info_headers(out_msg_ctx, env); if(msg_info_headers) { axis2_msg_info_headers_set_to(msg_info_headers, env, NULL); axis2_msg_info_headers_set_fault_to(msg_info_headers, env, NULL); axis2_msg_info_headers_set_from(msg_info_headers, env, NULL); axis2_msg_info_headers_set_reply_to(msg_info_headers, env, NULL); } axis2_msg_ctx_set_op_ctx(out_msg_ctx, env, NULL); axis2_msg_ctx_set_svc_ctx(out_msg_ctx, env, NULL); axis2_msg_ctx_reset_transport_out_stream(out_msg_ctx, env); axis2_msg_ctx_reset_out_transport_info(out_msg_ctx, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_svc_grp_ctx(out_msg_ctx, env, NULL); return; } AXIS2_EXTERN axutil_qname_t *AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_get_module_qname( const axutil_env_t * env, const axis2_char_t * name, const axis2_char_t * version) { axutil_qname_t *ret_qname = NULL; AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, name, NULL); if(version && 0 != axutil_strlen(version)) { axis2_char_t *mod_name1 = NULL; axis2_char_t *mod_name = NULL; mod_name1 = axutil_stracat(env, name, "-"); if(!mod_name1) { return NULL; } mod_name = axutil_stracat(env, mod_name1, version); if(!mod_name) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, mod_name1); mod_name1 = NULL; return NULL; } ret_qname = axutil_qname_create(env, mod_name, NULL, NULL); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, mod_name); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, mod_name1); return ret_qname; } ret_qname = axutil_qname_create(env, name, NULL, NULL); return ret_qname; } AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_calculate_default_module_version( const axutil_env_t * env, axutil_hash_t * modules_map, axis2_conf_t * axis_conf) { axutil_hash_t *default_modules = NULL; axutil_hash_index_t *hi = NULL; void *val = NULL; AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, modules_map, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, axis_conf, AXIS2_FAILURE); default_modules = axutil_hash_make(env); if(!default_modules) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } for(hi = axutil_hash_first(modules_map, env); hi; hi = axutil_hash_next(env, hi)) { axis2_module_desc_t *mod_desc = NULL; axutil_hash_this(hi, NULL, NULL, &val); mod_desc = (axis2_module_desc_t *)val; if(mod_desc) { const axutil_qname_t *module_qname = NULL; module_qname = axis2_module_desc_get_qname(mod_desc, env); if(module_qname) { axis2_char_t *mod_name_with_ver = NULL; mod_name_with_ver = axutil_qname_get_localpart(module_qname, env); if(mod_name_with_ver) { axis2_char_t *module_name_str = NULL; axis2_char_t *module_ver_str = NULL; axis2_char_t *current_def_ver = NULL; module_name_str = axis2_core_utils_get_module_name(env, mod_name_with_ver); if(!module_name_str) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } module_ver_str = axis2_core_utils_get_module_version(env, mod_name_with_ver); current_def_ver = axutil_hash_get(default_modules, module_name_str, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); if(current_def_ver) { if(module_ver_str && AXIS2_TRUE == axis2_core_utils_is_latest_mod_ver(env, module_ver_str, current_def_ver)) { axutil_hash_set(default_modules, module_name_str, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING, module_ver_str); } else { if(module_name_str) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, module_name_str); } if(module_ver_str) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, module_ver_str); } } } else { axutil_hash_set(default_modules, module_name_str, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING, module_ver_str); } if(module_name_str) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, module_name_str); } } } } val = NULL; } hi = NULL; val = NULL; for(hi = axutil_hash_first(default_modules, env); hi; hi = axutil_hash_next(env, hi)) { void *key_string = NULL; axutil_hash_this(hi, (const void **)&key_string, NULL, &val); if(key_string && NULL != val) { axis2_conf_add_default_module_version(axis_conf, env, (axis2_char_t *)key_string, (axis2_char_t *)val); AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Added default module" " version : %s for module : %s", (axis2_char_t *)val, (axis2_char_t *)key_string); } } if(default_modules) { axutil_hash_free(default_modules, env); default_modules = NULL; } return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_char_t *AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_get_module_name( const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_char_t * module_name) { axis2_char_t version_seperator = '-'; axis2_char_t *name = NULL; axis2_char_t *version_sep_loc = NULL; AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, module_name, NULL); name = axutil_strdup(env, module_name); if(!name) { return NULL; } version_sep_loc = axutil_rindex(name, version_seperator); if(version_sep_loc) { *version_sep_loc = '\0'; } return name; } AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_char_t *AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_get_module_version( const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_char_t * module_name) { axis2_char_t version_seperator = '-'; axis2_char_t *version_sep_loc = NULL; AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, module_name, NULL); version_sep_loc = axutil_rindex(module_name, version_seperator); if(version_sep_loc) { return axutil_strdup(env, version_sep_loc + sizeof(axis2_char_t)); } return NULL; } AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_bool_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_is_latest_mod_ver( const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_char_t * module_ver, axis2_char_t * current_def_ver) { double cur_ver = 0.0; double mod_ver = 0.0; AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, module_ver, AXIS2_FALSE); AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, current_def_ver, AXIS2_FALSE); cur_ver = atof(current_def_ver); mod_ver = atof(module_ver); if(mod_ver > cur_ver) { return AXIS2_TRUE; } return AXIS2_FAILURE; } /* build the rest map - external function */ AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_prepare_rest_mapping( const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_char_t * url, axutil_hash_t *rest_map, axis2_op_t *op_desc) { axis2_char_t *first_delimitter = NULL; axis2_char_t *next_level_url = NULL; axis2_char_t *mapping_key = NULL; axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t *mapping_struct = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_SUCCESS; axis2_char_t *bracket_start = NULL; first_delimitter = axutil_strchr(url, '/'); if(first_delimitter) { /* if there is another recursive level, this will get the url of that level */ next_level_url = first_delimitter + 1; *first_delimitter = '\0'; } if((bracket_start = axutil_strchr(url, '{'))) { /* we support multiple param per url component, but we validate only one param */ if(axutil_strchr(bracket_start, '}')) { /* this is validated */ } else { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_URL_FORMAT, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Invalid URL Format, no closing bracket in declaring parameters"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } } /* only constants are allowed in this level, so here url become the mapping_key */ mapping_key = url; if(*mapping_key == '\0') /* empty mapping key */ { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_URL_FORMAT, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Invalid URL Format: empty mapping key"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } /* retrieve or create the mapping structure for the key*/ mapping_struct = axutil_hash_get(rest_map, mapping_key, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); if(!mapping_struct) { mapping_struct = (axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t)); if(!mapping_struct) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } memset(mapping_struct, 0, sizeof(axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t)); mapping_key = axutil_strdup(env, mapping_key); axutil_hash_set(rest_map, mapping_key, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING, mapping_struct); } if(!next_level_url) { /* if no next level url, put the op_desc in right this level */ if(mapping_struct->op_desc) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_DUPLICATE_URL_REST_MAPPING, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Duplicate URL Mapping found"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } mapping_struct->op_desc = op_desc; } else { /* we have to build the map_internal structure recursively */ status = axis2_core_utils_internal_build_rest_map_recursively(env, next_level_url, mapping_struct, op_desc); } return status; } /* build the restmap recursively - internal function*/ axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_internal_build_rest_map_recursively( const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_char_t * url, axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t *parent_mapping_struct, axis2_op_t *op_desc) { /* Here url is expected to be in the form {student}/marks/{subject} or marks/{subject} */ axis2_char_t *first_delimitter = NULL; axis2_char_t *next_level_url = NULL; axis2_char_t *mapping_key = NULL; axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t *mapping_struct = NULL; axutil_hash_t *cur_level_rest_map = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_SUCCESS; axis2_char_t *bracket_start = NULL; axis2_bool_t is_key_a_param = AXIS2_FALSE; first_delimitter = axutil_strchr(url, '/'); if(first_delimitter) { /* if there is another recurisive level, this will get the url of that level */ next_level_url = first_delimitter + 1; *first_delimitter = '\0'; } if((bracket_start = axutil_strchr(url, '{'))) { /* we support multiple param per url component, but we validate only one param */ if(axutil_strchr(bracket_start, '}')) { is_key_a_param = AXIS2_TRUE; } else { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_URL_FORMAT, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Invalid URL Format, no closing bracket in declaring parameters"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } } /* here the url become the mapping_key */ mapping_key = url; if(*mapping_key == '\0') /* empty mappng key */ { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_URL_FORMAT, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Invalid URL Format: empty mapping key"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(is_key_a_param) { /* set the rest map as the params_map */ if(parent_mapping_struct->params_map == NULL) { parent_mapping_struct->params_map = axutil_hash_make(env); if(!parent_mapping_struct->params_map) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } } cur_level_rest_map = parent_mapping_struct->params_map; } else { /* set the rest map as the consts_map */ if(parent_mapping_struct->consts_map == NULL) { parent_mapping_struct->consts_map = axutil_hash_make(env); if(!parent_mapping_struct->consts_map) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } } cur_level_rest_map = parent_mapping_struct->consts_map; } /* retrieve or create the maping structure for the key*/ mapping_struct = axutil_hash_get(cur_level_rest_map, mapping_key, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); if(!mapping_struct) { mapping_struct = (axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t*)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t)); if(!mapping_struct) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } memset(mapping_struct, 0, sizeof(axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t)); mapping_key = axutil_strdup(env, mapping_key); axutil_hash_set(cur_level_rest_map, mapping_key, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING, mapping_struct); } if(!next_level_url) { /* if no next level url, put the op_desc in right this level */ if(mapping_struct->op_desc) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_DUPLICATE_URL_REST_MAPPING, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Duplicate URL Mapping found"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } mapping_struct->op_desc = op_desc; } else { /* we have to build the map_internal structure recursively */ status = axis2_core_utils_internal_build_rest_map_recursively(env, next_level_url, mapping_struct, op_desc); } return status; } /* free the rest map recursively */ AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_free_rest_map( const axutil_env_t *env, axutil_hash_t *rest_map) { axutil_hash_index_t *hi = NULL; const void *key = NULL; void *val = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_SUCCESS; for(hi = axutil_hash_first(rest_map, env); hi; hi = axutil_hash_next(env, hi)) { axutil_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, &val); if(val) { axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t *mapping_struct = NULL; mapping_struct = (axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t*)val; /* freeing the consts_map and params_map */ if(mapping_struct->consts_map) { axis2_core_utils_free_rest_map(env, mapping_struct->consts_map); } if(mapping_struct->params_map) { axis2_core_utils_free_rest_map(env, mapping_struct->params_map); } AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, mapping_struct); } if(key) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, (axis2_char_t *)key); key = NULL; } } axutil_hash_free(rest_map, env); return status; } AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_op_t *AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_get_rest_op_with_method_and_location( axis2_svc_t *svc, const axutil_env_t *env, const axis2_char_t *method, const axis2_char_t *location, axutil_array_list_t *param_keys, axutil_array_list_t *param_values) { axis2_char_t *addition_params_str = NULL; axis2_char_t *adjusted_local_url = NULL; axis2_char_t *live_mapping_url = NULL; axis2_char_t *local_url = NULL; axis2_op_t *op = NULL; int key_len = 0; AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Checking for operation using " "REST HTTP Location fragment : %s", location); /* we are creating a dup of the location */ local_url = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_strdup(env, location); if(!local_url) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create the live rest mapping url"); return NULL; } /* checking the existence of the addition parameters after the question mark '?' */ addition_params_str = strchr(local_url, '?'); if(addition_params_str) { *addition_params_str = '\0'; addition_params_str++; } /* if the first character is '/' ignore that */ if(*local_url == '/') { adjusted_local_url = local_url + 1; } else { adjusted_local_url = local_url; } /* now create the mapping url */ key_len = axutil_strlen(method) + axutil_strlen(adjusted_local_url) + 2; live_mapping_url = (axis2_char_t *)(AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axis2_char_t) * key_len)); if(!live_mapping_url) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create the live rest mapping url"); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, local_url); return NULL; } sprintf(live_mapping_url, "%s:%s", method, adjusted_local_url); op = axis2_core_utils_infer_op_from_parent_rest_map(env, axis2_svc_get_rest_map(svc, env), live_mapping_url, param_keys, param_values); if(op) { axis2_char_t *params_str; AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Operation found using target endpoint uri fragment"); /* here we are going to extract out the additional parameters * put after '?' mark */ params_str = addition_params_str; while(params_str && *params_str != '\0') { axis2_char_t *next_params_str = NULL; axis2_char_t *key_value_seperator = NULL; axis2_char_t *key = NULL; axis2_char_t *value = NULL; /* we take one parameter pair to the params_str */ next_params_str = strchr(params_str, '&'); if(next_params_str) { *next_params_str = '\0'; } key_value_seperator = strchr(params_str, '='); if(key_value_seperator) { /* devide the key value pair */ *key_value_seperator = '\0'; key = params_str; value = key_value_seperator + 1; } else { /* there is no '=' symbol, that mean only the key exist */ key = params_str; } if(key) { key = axutil_strdup(env, key); axutil_array_list_add(param_keys, env, key); } if(value) { value = axutil_strdup(env, value); axutil_array_list_add(param_values, env, value); } if(next_params_str) { /* if there was an '&' character then */ params_str = next_params_str + 1; } else { params_str = NULL; /* just to end the loop */ } } } if(live_mapping_url) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, live_mapping_url); } if(local_url) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, local_url); } return op; } /* infer op from the live url */ axis2_op_t * axis2_core_utils_infer_op_from_parent_rest_map( const axutil_env_t *env, axutil_hash_t *rest_map, axis2_char_t *live_url, axutil_array_list_t *param_keys, axutil_array_list_t *param_values) { axis2_char_t *first_delimitter = NULL; axis2_char_t *next_level_url = NULL; axis2_char_t *url_component = NULL; axis2_op_t *op_desc = NULL; axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t *mapping_struct = NULL; first_delimitter = axutil_strchr(live_url, '/'); if(first_delimitter) { /* if there is another recursive level, this will get the url of that level */ next_level_url = first_delimitter + 1; *first_delimitter = '\0'; } /* so live url is the url_component */ url_component = live_url; /* check it in the hash map */ mapping_struct = (axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t*)axutil_hash_get(rest_map, url_component, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); if(mapping_struct) { if(!next_level_url) { /* if no level exists, find it here */ op_desc = mapping_struct->op_desc; } else { op_desc = axis2_core_utils_internal_infer_op_from_rest_map_recursively(env, mapping_struct, next_level_url, param_keys, param_values); } } if(!op_desc) { /* if the url is not mapped to the given constant url * we have to match it with the url pattern */ axutil_hash_index_t *hi = NULL; const void *key = NULL; void *val = NULL; axis2_status_t matched_status = AXIS2_FAILURE; for(hi = axutil_hash_first(rest_map, env); hi; hi = axutil_hash_next(env, hi)) { axutil_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, &val); if(key == url_component) { continue; /* skip the already checked key */ } if(key && val) { axis2_char_t *hash_key = (axis2_char_t*)key; axis2_char_t *dup_url_component = NULL; axis2_char_t *dup_pattern = NULL; /* temporary param keys and values for each entry */ axutil_array_list_t *tmp_param_keys = NULL; axutil_array_list_t *tmp_param_values = NULL; tmp_param_keys = axutil_array_list_create(env, 10); if(!tmp_param_keys) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); return NULL; } tmp_param_values = axutil_array_list_create(env, 10); if(!tmp_param_values) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_keys, env); return NULL; } dup_url_component = axutil_strdup(env, url_component); if(!dup_url_component) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_keys, env); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_values, env); return NULL; } dup_pattern = axutil_strdup(env, hash_key); if(!dup_pattern) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_keys, env); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_values, env); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, dup_url_component); return NULL; } matched_status = axis2_core_utils_match_url_component_with_pattern(env, dup_pattern, dup_url_component, tmp_param_keys, tmp_param_values); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, dup_url_component); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, dup_pattern); if(matched_status == AXIS2_SUCCESS && val) { mapping_struct = (axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t*)val; if(!next_level_url) { op_desc = mapping_struct->op_desc; } else { op_desc = axis2_core_utils_internal_infer_op_from_rest_map_recursively(env, mapping_struct, next_level_url, tmp_param_keys, tmp_param_values); } if(op_desc) { /* we are done, the url is matched with a pattern */ /* but before leaving should merge the param arrays */ int i = 0; void *param_key = NULL; void *param_value = NULL; for(i = 0; i < axutil_array_list_size(tmp_param_keys, env); i++) { /* size(tmp_param_keys) == size(tmp_param_values) */ param_key = axutil_array_list_get(tmp_param_keys, env, i); param_value = axutil_array_list_get(tmp_param_values, env, i); /* add it to original array */ axutil_array_list_add(param_keys, env, param_key); axutil_array_list_add(param_values, env, param_value); } /* since of is found, no more searches needed */ break; } } /* freeing the temporary arrays */ axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_keys, env); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_values, env); } } } if(!op_desc) { /* no more to look up */ AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_URL_FORMAT, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "REST maping structure is NULL for the accessed URL"); return NULL; } return op_desc; } /* infer op from the live url recursively */ axis2_op_t *AXIS2_CALL axis2_core_utils_internal_infer_op_from_rest_map_recursively( const axutil_env_t *env, const axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t *parent_mapping_struct, axis2_char_t *live_url, axutil_array_list_t *param_keys, axutil_array_list_t *param_values) { axis2_char_t *first_delimitter = NULL; axis2_char_t *next_level_url = NULL; axis2_char_t *url_component = NULL; axis2_op_t *op_desc = NULL; axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t *child_mapping_struct = NULL; axutil_hash_index_t *hi = NULL; const void *key = NULL; void *val = NULL; first_delimitter = axutil_strchr(live_url, '/'); if(first_delimitter) { /* if there is another recurisive level, this will get the url of that level */ next_level_url = first_delimitter + 1; *first_delimitter = '\0'; } /* so live url is the url_component */ url_component = live_url; /* first check the url component in the constants array list */ if(parent_mapping_struct->consts_map) { child_mapping_struct = axutil_hash_get(parent_mapping_struct->consts_map, url_component, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); } /* if the url component exists in the consts_map, go through it inside */ if(child_mapping_struct) { if(!next_level_url) { /* there is no another level, so the op should be here */ op_desc = child_mapping_struct->op_desc; if(!op_desc) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "The operation descriptor not found constant given in the url"); } /* rather than returning NULL we continue to search params_map */ } else { op_desc = axis2_core_utils_internal_infer_op_from_rest_map_recursively(env, child_mapping_struct, next_level_url, param_keys, param_values); } } if(op_desc) { /* if the op for the accessed url found, no further searching is needed */ return op_desc; } /* if it is not found in the consts_map we have to assume it is in a params_map */ if(!parent_mapping_struct->params_map) { /* wrong operation, abort to continue to let calling function to check other operations */ if(first_delimitter) { /* restore the delimmiters */ *first_delimitter = '/'; } return NULL; } for(hi = axutil_hash_first(parent_mapping_struct->params_map, env); hi; hi = axutil_hash_next( env, hi)) { axutil_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, &val); if(key && val) { int i = 0; axis2_char_t *hash_key = (axis2_char_t*)key; axis2_status_t matched_status = AXIS2_SUCCESS; axis2_char_t *dup_url_component = NULL; axis2_char_t *dup_pattern = NULL; /* temporary param keys and values for each entry */ axutil_array_list_t *tmp_param_keys; axutil_array_list_t *tmp_param_values; tmp_param_keys = axutil_array_list_create(env, 10); if(!tmp_param_keys) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); return NULL; } tmp_param_values = axutil_array_list_create(env, 10); if(!tmp_param_values) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_keys, env); return NULL; } dup_url_component = axutil_strdup(env, url_component); if(!dup_url_component) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_keys, env); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_values, env); return NULL; } dup_pattern = axutil_strdup(env, hash_key); if(!dup_pattern) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_keys, env); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_values, env); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, dup_url_component); return NULL; } matched_status = axis2_core_utils_match_url_component_with_pattern(env, dup_pattern, dup_url_component, tmp_param_keys, tmp_param_values); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, dup_url_component); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, dup_pattern); if(matched_status == AXIS2_SUCCESS) { child_mapping_struct = (axutil_core_utils_map_internal_t*)val; if(!next_level_url) { /* there is no another level, so the op should be here */ op_desc = child_mapping_struct->op_desc; } else { /* if there is next level, we should check that level too */ op_desc = axis2_core_utils_internal_infer_op_from_rest_map_recursively(env, child_mapping_struct, next_level_url, tmp_param_keys, tmp_param_values); } if(op_desc) { /* the operation is found */ /* but before leaving should merge the param arrays */ int i = 0; void *param_key = NULL; void *param_value = NULL; for(i = 0; i < axutil_array_list_size(tmp_param_keys, env); i++) { /* size(tmp_param_keys) == size(tmp_param_values) */ param_key = axutil_array_list_get(tmp_param_keys, env, i); param_value = axutil_array_list_get(tmp_param_values, env, i); /* add it to original array */ axutil_array_list_add(param_keys, env, param_key); axutil_array_list_add(param_values, env, param_value); } /* freeing the temporary arrays */ axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_keys, env); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_values, env); /* since of is found, no more searches needed */ break; } } /* if we come here => op is not yet found */ /* just freeing the temp key and value arrays */ for(i = 0; i < axutil_array_list_size(tmp_param_keys, env); i++) { void *value = axutil_array_list_get(tmp_param_keys, env, i); if(value) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, value); } } for(i = 0; i < axutil_array_list_size(tmp_param_values, env); i++) { void *value = axutil_array_list_get(tmp_param_values, env, i); if(value) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, value); } } axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_keys, env); axutil_array_list_free(tmp_param_values, env); } } if(!op_desc) { /* this is not an error, since the calling function may find another opertion match with the url */ AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "The operation descriptor not found for the accessed URL"); if(first_delimitter) { /* restore the delimmiters */ *first_delimitter = '/'; } } return op_desc; } /* match a pattern with a url component */ axis2_status_t axis2_core_utils_match_url_component_with_pattern( const axutil_env_t *env, axis2_char_t *pattern, axis2_char_t *url_component, axutil_array_list_t *param_keys, axutil_array_list_t *param_values) { axutil_array_list_t *const_components = NULL; axis2_char_t *c = NULL; axis2_char_t *url_c = NULL; axis2_char_t *pattern_c = NULL; axis2_char_t *const_part = NULL; axis2_char_t *param_part = NULL; axis2_char_t *param_value = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_SUCCESS; /* here the state can have following values 0 - inside a constant 1 - inside a param */ int loop_state = 0; int i = 0; int pattern_ending_with_param = 0; /* the constant that undergoing matching */ int matching_constant_index = 0; axis2_char_t *matching_constant = NULL; /* dividing the pattern to consts */ const_components = axutil_array_list_create(env, 10); if(!const_components) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); } /* check whether the pattern ending with a param */ if(*(pattern + axutil_strlen(pattern) - 1) == '}') { pattern_ending_with_param = 1; } const_part = pattern; /* a parse to fil the const array and key array */ for(c = pattern; c && *c != '\0'; c++) { if(loop_state == 0) { /* inside a constant */ if(*c == '{') { if(const_part == c) { /* no const part */ } else { /* add the constant */ *c = '\0'; const_part = axutil_strdup(env, const_part); if(!const_part) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; break; } axutil_array_list_add(const_components, env, const_part); } param_part = c + 1; /* start the param */ loop_state = 1; /* moving to the param from next iteration */ } else if(*c == '}') { /* invalid state */ AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_URL_FORMAT, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Error in parsing the url for %s", url_component); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; break; } } else { /* inside a param */ if(*c == '}') { if(*(c + 1) == '{') /* you can not have two params without a constant in between */ { /* invalid state */ AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_URL_FORMAT, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR( env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Error in parsing the url for %s, Please put constant between 2 parameters", url_component); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; break; } if(param_part == c) { /* no param part */ } else { /* add the param */ *c = '\0'; param_part = axutil_strdup(env, param_part); if(param_part == NULL) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; break; } axutil_array_list_add(param_keys, env, param_part); const_part = c + 1; /* start the const */ } loop_state = 0; /* moving to the const from next iteration */ } else if(*c == '{') { /* invalid state */ AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_URL_FORMAT, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Error in parsing the url for %s", url_component); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; break; } } } /* loop should stop in state 0 */ if(loop_state != 0) { status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(const_part != c) { /* add the tailing const */ const_part = axutil_strdup(env, const_part); if(!const_part) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } axutil_array_list_add(const_components, env, const_part); } if(axutil_array_list_size(const_components, env) == 0 && status == AXIS2_SUCCESS) { /* no constants mean, the url componenent itself is the value */ url_component = axutil_strdup(env, url_component); if(url_component) { axutil_array_list_add(param_values, env, url_component); /* free the empty const array */ axutil_array_list_free(const_components, env); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(status == AXIS2_FAILURE) { /* invalid state */ AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_URL_FORMAT, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Error in parsing the url for %s", url_component); /* free the const array */ for(i = 0; i < axutil_array_list_size(const_components, env); i++) { void *value; value = axutil_array_list_get(const_components, env, i); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, value); } axutil_array_list_free(const_components, env); return status; } /* we are tracking the loop_state here too - this is useful only to track start*/ /* we are using the param_value part to track the matching param value */ if(*pattern != '{') { /* starting_with_constant */ loop_state = 0; param_value = NULL; } else { /* starting_with_param */ loop_state = 1; param_value = url_component; } matching_constant_index = 0; matching_constant = axutil_array_list_get(const_components, env, 0); /* now parse the url component */ for(url_c = url_component; *url_c != '\0' && status == AXIS2_SUCCESS && matching_constant != NULL; url_c++) { axis2_char_t *tmp_url_c = url_c; pattern_c = matching_constant; while(*tmp_url_c == *pattern_c && *tmp_url_c != '\0' && *pattern_c != '\0') { tmp_url_c++; pattern_c++; } if(*pattern_c == '\0') { /* we finised matching the constant pattern successfuly*/ if(loop_state == 0) { /* loop_state => we expected there is a constant */ } else { /* we expected a param, but the constant is found => url_c should mark the end of the param */ if(param_value == NULL) { /* unexpected invalid state */ AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_URL_FORMAT, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Error in parsing the url for %s", url_component); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } *url_c = '\0'; param_value = axutil_strdup(env, param_value); if(param_value == NULL) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; break; } axutil_array_list_add(param_values, env, param_value); } /* next the param part is starting */ param_value = tmp_url_c; loop_state = 1; /* the end of the constant expects, start of a variable */ /* so we found one constant, go for the other */ matching_constant_index++; matching_constant = axutil_array_list_get(const_components, env, matching_constant_index); tmp_url_c--; /* increment the url_c to tmp_url_c */ url_c = tmp_url_c; } else { /* pattern not matched */ if(loop_state == 0) { /* we are expected this to be a constant, but it has not happend * mean: the pattern match failed */ status = AXIS2_FAILURE; break; } } } if(matching_constant_index != axutil_array_list_size(const_components, env)) { status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(pattern_ending_with_param) { if(param_value) { param_value = axutil_strdup(env, param_value); if(param_value == NULL) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "No memory. Cannot create internal rest mapping structure"); status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } else { axutil_array_list_add(param_values, env, param_value); } } } else if(*url_c != '\0') { /* here the pattern ending is a constant (not a param), and matches all are already made * but some url part left => this is a not mach */ status = AXIS2_FAILURE; } /* finally freeing the const array */ for(i = 0; i < axutil_array_list_size(const_components, env); i++) { void *value; value = axutil_array_list_get(const_components, env, i); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, value); } axutil_array_list_free(const_components, env); return status; }