/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <axis2_op.h> #include <axis2_module_desc.h> #include <axis2_phases_info.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <axis2_op.h> #include <axis2_dep_engine.h> #include <axutil_env.h> #include <axutil_allocator.h> #include <axutil_class_loader.h> #include <axutil_error_default.h> #include <axutil_log_default.h> #include <axis2_transport_sender.h> #include <axis2_transport_receiver.h> #include <axis2_core_utils.h> #include <cut_defs.h> void axis2_test_dep_engine_load(axutil_env_t *env ) { axis2_dep_engine_t *dep_engine = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axutil_hash_t *svc_map = NULL; axutil_array_list_t *in_phases = NULL; axis2_char_t *axis2c_home = NULL; axis2c_home = AXIS2_GETENV("AXIS2C_HOME"); dep_engine = axis2_dep_engine_create_with_repos_name(env, axis2c_home); CUT_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL(dep_engine, NULL, 1); conf = axis2_dep_engine_load(dep_engine, env); axis2_conf_set_dep_engine(conf, env, dep_engine); CUT_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL(conf, NULL, 1); svc_map = axis2_conf_get_all_svcs(conf, env); CUT_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL(svc_map, NULL, 0); if (svc_map) { axutil_hash_index_t *hi = NULL; void *service = NULL; printf("svc_map count = %d\n", axutil_hash_count(svc_map)); for (hi = axutil_hash_first(svc_map, env); hi; hi = axutil_hash_next(env, hi)) { axutil_hash_t *ops = NULL; axis2_svc_t *svc = NULL; axutil_param_t *impl_info_param = NULL; axutil_hash_this(hi, NULL, NULL, &service); svc = (axis2_svc_t *) service; impl_info_param = axis2_svc_get_param(svc, env, AXIS2_SERVICE_CLASS); if (!impl_info_param) { printf("imple_info_param is null\n"); } ops = axis2_svc_get_all_ops(svc, env); if (ops) { axutil_hash_index_t *hi2 = NULL; void *op = NULL; axis2_char_t *oname = NULL; printf("ops count = %d\n", axutil_hash_count(ops)); for (hi2 = axutil_hash_first(ops, env); hi2; hi2 = axutil_hash_next(env, hi2)) { if (!hi2) break; axutil_hash_this(hi2, NULL, NULL, &op); if (op) { const axutil_qname_t *qname = NULL; qname = axis2_op_get_qname((axis2_op_t *) op, env); oname = axutil_qname_get_localpart(qname, env); printf("op name = %s\n", oname); } } } else printf("ops count = zero\n"); } } in_phases = axis2_conf_get_in_phases_upto_and_including_post_dispatch(conf, env); CUT_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL(in_phases, NULL, 0); CUT_ASSERT_INT_EQUAL(env->error->status_code, AXIS2_SUCCESS, 0); /* To avoid warning of not using cut_str_equal */ CUT_ASSERT_STR_EQUAL("", "", 0); axis2_conf_free(conf, env); } int axis2_test_transport_receiver_load(axutil_env_t *env ) { axutil_dll_desc_t *dll_desc = NULL; axis2_char_t *dll_name = NULL; axis2_transport_receiver_t *transport_recv = NULL; axutil_param_t *impl_info_param = NULL; axis2_bool_t is_running = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_char_t *axis2c_home = NULL; printf("******************************************\n"); printf("testing axis2_transport_recv load\n"); printf("******************************************\n"); dll_desc = axutil_dll_desc_create(env); axis2c_home = AXIS2_GETENV("AXIS2C_HOME"); dll_name = axutil_stracat(env, axis2c_home, "/lib/libaxis2_http_receiver.so"); printf("transport receiver name:%s\n", dll_name); axutil_dll_desc_set_name(dll_desc, env, dll_name); axutil_dll_desc_set_type(dll_desc, env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_RECV_DLL); impl_info_param = axutil_param_create(env, NULL, NULL); axutil_param_set_value(impl_info_param, env, dll_desc); axutil_class_loader_init(env); transport_recv = (axis2_transport_receiver_t *) axutil_class_loader_create_dll(env, impl_info_param); is_running = axis2_transport_receiver_is_running(transport_recv, env); printf("is_running:%d\n", is_running); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, dll_name); printf("transport receiver load test successful\n"); return 0; } int axis2_test_transport_sender_load(axutil_env_t *env ) { axutil_dll_desc_t *dll_desc = NULL; axis2_char_t *dll_name = NULL; axis2_transport_sender_t *transport_sender = NULL; axutil_param_t *impl_info_param = NULL; axis2_char_t *axis2c_home = NULL; axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx = NULL; printf("******************************************\n"); printf("testing axis2_transport_sender load\n"); printf("******************************************\n"); msg_ctx = (axis2_msg_ctx_t *) AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, 5); dll_desc = axutil_dll_desc_create(env); axis2c_home = AXIS2_GETENV("AXIS2C_HOME"); dll_name = axutil_stracat(env, axis2c_home, "/lib/libaxis2_http_sender.so"); printf("transport sender name:%s\n", dll_name); axutil_dll_desc_set_name(dll_desc, env, dll_name); axutil_dll_desc_set_type(dll_desc, env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_SENDER_DLL); impl_info_param = axutil_param_create(env, NULL, NULL); axutil_param_set_value(impl_info_param, env, dll_desc); axutil_class_loader_init(env); transport_sender = (axis2_transport_sender_t *) axutil_class_loader_create_dll(env, impl_info_param); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, dll_name); printf("transport sender load test successful\n"); return 0; } void axis2_test_default_module_version(axutil_env_t *env ) { axis2_conf_t *axis_conf = NULL; axutil_qname_t *mod_qname1 = NULL; axutil_qname_t *mod_qname2 = NULL; axutil_qname_t *mod_qname3 = NULL; axutil_qname_t *mod_qname4 = NULL; axutil_qname_t *mod_qname5 = NULL; axis2_module_desc_t *module1 = NULL; axis2_module_desc_t *module2 = NULL; axis2_module_desc_t *module3 = NULL; axis2_module_desc_t *module4 = NULL; axis2_module_desc_t *module5 = NULL; axis2_module_desc_t *def_mod = NULL; axutil_array_list_t *engaged_modules = NULL; axutil_qname_t *engage_qname = NULL; axis2_bool_t found1 = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_bool_t found2 = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_bool_t found3 = AXIS2_FALSE; axis_conf = axis2_conf_create(env); mod_qname1 = axutil_qname_create(env, "module1", NULL, NULL); module1 = axis2_module_desc_create_with_qname(env, mod_qname1); axis2_conf_add_module(axis_conf, env, module1); mod_qname2 = axutil_qname_create(env, "module2-0.90", NULL, NULL); module2 = axis2_module_desc_create_with_qname(env, mod_qname2); axis2_conf_add_module(axis_conf, env, module2); mod_qname3 = axutil_qname_create(env, "module2-0.92", NULL, NULL); module3 = axis2_module_desc_create_with_qname(env, mod_qname3); axis2_conf_add_module(axis_conf, env, module3); mod_qname4 = axutil_qname_create(env, "module2-0.91", NULL, NULL); module4 = axis2_module_desc_create_with_qname(env, mod_qname4); axis2_conf_add_module(axis_conf, env, module4); mod_qname5 = axutil_qname_create(env, "test_module-1.92", NULL, NULL); module5 = axis2_module_desc_create_with_qname(env, mod_qname5); axis2_conf_add_module(axis_conf, env, module5); axis2_core_utils_calculate_default_module_version(env, axis2_conf_get_all_modules (axis_conf, env), axis_conf); def_mod = axis2_conf_get_default_module(axis_conf, env, "module1"); CUT_ASSERT_PTR_EQUAL(def_mod, module1, 0); def_mod = axis2_conf_get_default_module(axis_conf, env, "module2-0.92"); CUT_ASSERT_PTR_EQUAL(def_mod, module3, 0); def_mod = axis2_conf_get_default_module(axis_conf, env, "test_module-1.92"); CUT_ASSERT_PTR_EQUAL(def_mod, module5, 0); engage_qname = axutil_qname_create(env, "module2-0.92", NULL, NULL); axis2_conf_engage_module(axis_conf, env, engage_qname); axutil_qname_free(engage_qname, env); engage_qname = NULL; engage_qname = axutil_qname_create(env, "module1", NULL, NULL); axis2_conf_engage_module(axis_conf, env, engage_qname); axutil_qname_free(engage_qname, env); engage_qname = NULL; axis2_conf_engage_module_with_version(axis_conf, env, "test_module", "1.92"); engaged_modules = axis2_conf_get_all_engaged_modules(axis_conf, env); CUT_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL(engaged_modules, NULL, 0); if (engaged_modules) { int list_size = 0; int i = 0; list_size = axutil_array_list_size(engaged_modules, env); CUT_ASSERT_INT_EQUAL(list_size, 3, 0); for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++) { axutil_qname_t *engaged_mod_qname = NULL; engaged_mod_qname = axutil_array_list_get(engaged_modules, env, i); if (0 == axutil_strcmp("module2-0.92", axutil_qname_get_localpart(engaged_mod_qname, env))) { found1 = AXIS2_TRUE; } if (0 == axutil_strcmp("module1", axutil_qname_get_localpart(engaged_mod_qname, env))) { found2 = AXIS2_TRUE; } if (0 == axutil_strcmp("test_module-1.92", axutil_qname_get_localpart(engaged_mod_qname, env))) { found3 = AXIS2_TRUE; } } } CUT_ASSERT_INT_NOT_EQUAL(found1, AXIS2_FALSE, 0); CUT_ASSERT_INT_NOT_EQUAL(found2, AXIS2_FALSE, 0); CUT_ASSERT_INT_NOT_EQUAL(found3, AXIS2_FALSE, 0); axis2_conf_free(axis_conf, env); CUT_ASSERT_INT_EQUAL(env->error->status_code, AXIS2_SUCCESS, 0); } int main( ) { axutil_env_t *env = cut_setup_env("Context"); CUT_ASSERT(env != NULL); if (env) { axis2_test_dep_engine_load(env); axis2_test_default_module_version(env); axutil_env_free(env); } CUT_RETURN_ON_FAILURE(-1); return 0; }