2004/10/08 changed minor release for libcsoap and nanohttp 2004/09/13 fixed SIGTERM to work for Windows Michael Rans 2004/09/04 made HTTP server multithreaded, so it can handle multiple connections Michael Rans 2004/08/27 made Windows port of libsoap Michael Rans 2004/06/02 xsd2c is now a part of the csoap projects "libsoap/xsd2c/" Examples are under "libsoap/examples/xsd2c" Ferhat Ayaz 2004/05/18 Added command line argument support for "-NHTTPtsig ". This defines the termination signal handler value. Example : ./myserver -NHTTPtsig 2 will shutdown nano http properly by pressing ctrl-c (SIGINT = 2). Ferhat Ayaz 2004/04/14 added content-type text/xml as default in soap_client_invoke() Ferhat Ayaz 2004/03/26 creates detached threads (depending on problem under Redhat 9), thanks Menzo Windhouwer 2004/03/26 gracefully terminate HTTP server, added SIGTERM signal handler, thanks Menzo Windhouwer