/****************************************************************** * $Id: soap-nhttp.c,v 1.4 2006/11/25 16:35:57 m0gg Exp $ * * CSOAP Project: A SOAP client/server library in C * Copyright (C) 2003 Ferhat Ayaz * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Email: ayaz@jprogrammer.net ******************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "soap-fault.h" #include "soap-env.h" #include "soap-ctx.h" #include "soap-service.h" #include "soap-client.h" #include "soap-transport.h" #include "soap-addressing.h" #include "soap-admin.h" #include "soap-wsil.h" #include "soap-nhttp.h" static herror_t _soap_nhttp_send_document(httpd_conn_t *conn, xmlDocPtr doc) { char length[16]; xmlBufferPtr buf; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); xmlNodeDump(buf, doc, xmlDocGetRootElement(doc), 1, 1); sprintf(length, "%d", xmlBufferLength(buf)); httpd_set_header(conn, HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, "text/xml"); httpd_set_header(conn, HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, length); httpd_send_header(conn, 200, HTTP_STATUS_200_REASON_PHRASE); http_output_stream_write_string(conn->out, xmlBufferContent(buf)); xmlBufferFree(buf); return H_OK; } static herror_t _soap_nhttp_send_fault(httpd_conn_t *conn, const char *message) { xmlDocPtr doc; herror_t ret; doc = soap_fault_build(SOAP_FAULT_SENDER, message, soap_transport_get_name(), NULL); ret = _soap_nhttp_send_document(conn, doc); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return ret; } static herror_t _soap_nhttp_send(httpd_conn_t *conn, struct SoapCtx *context, struct SoapEnv *env) { return _soap_nhttp_send_document(conn, env->root->doc); } static int _soap_nhttp_xml_io_read(void *ctx, char *buffer, int len) { int ret; struct http_input_stream_t *in = (struct http_input_stream_t *)ctx; if (!http_input_stream_is_ready(in)) return 0; if ((ret = http_input_stream_read(in, buffer, len)) == -1) return 0; return ret; } static int _soap_nhttp_xml_io_close(void *ctx) { /* nothing */ return 0; } static herror_t _soap_nhttp_env_new_from_stream(struct http_input_stream_t *in, struct SoapEnv **out) { xmlDocPtr doc; doc = xmlReadIO(_soap_nhttp_xml_io_read, _soap_nhttp_xml_io_close, in, "", NULL, 0); if (in->err != H_OK) return in->err; if (doc == NULL) return herror_new("_soap_nhttp_env_new_from_stream", XML_ERROR_PARSE, "Trying to parse invalid XML"); return soap_env_new_from_doc(doc, out); } static void soap_nhttp_process(httpd_conn_t * conn, struct hrequest_t * req) { char *action; struct SoapEnv *env; struct SoapCtx *ctx; struct SoapCtx *response; herror_t err; /* if (req->method == HTTP_REQUEST_GET && router->wsdl) { _soap_nhttp_send_document(conn, router->wsdl); return; } */ if (req->method != HTTP_REQUEST_POST) { httpd_send_header(conn, 200, HTTP_STATUS_200_REASON_PHRASE); http_output_stream_write_string(conn->out, "" "" "" "" "


" "
" "
I only speak with 'POST' method.
" "" ""); return; } if ((err = _soap_nhttp_env_new_from_stream(req->in, &env)) != H_OK) { _soap_nhttp_send_fault(conn, herror_message(err)); herror_release(err); return; } if (env == NULL) { _soap_nhttp_send_fault(conn, "Can not receive POST data!"); return; } ctx = soap_ctx_new(env); if ((action = hpairnode_get_ignore_case(req->header, SOAP_NHTTP_SOAP_ACTION))) { xmlURI *uri; uri = xmlParseURI(action); soap_addressing_set_action(env, uri); xmlFree(uri); } xmlDocDump(stdout, ctx->env->root->doc); soap_ctx_add_files(ctx, req->attachments); /* only local part is interesting... */ soap_addressing_set_to_address_string(ctx->env, req->path); soap_transport_process(ctx, &response); _soap_nhttp_send_document(conn, response->env->root->doc); soap_ctx_free(response); soap_ctx_free(ctx); return; } herror_t soap_nhttp_server_init_args(int argc, char **argv) { herror_t err; if ((err = httpd_init(argc, argv)) != H_OK) { log_error2("httpd_init failed (%s)", herror_message(err)); return err; } if ((err = soap_wsil_init_args(argc, argv)) != H_OK) { log_error2("soap_wsil_init_args failed (%s)", herror_message(err)); return err; } return soap_admin_init_args(argc, argv); } static herror_t _soap_nhttp_client_build_result(hresponse_t * res, struct SoapEnv ** env) { log_verbose2("Building result (%p)", res); if (res == NULL) return herror_new("_soap_client_build_result", GENERAL_INVALID_PARAM, "hresponse_t is NULL"); if (res->in == NULL) return herror_new("_soap_client_build_result", GENERAL_INVALID_PARAM, "Empty response from server"); if (res->errcode != 200) return herror_new("_soap_client_build_result", GENERAL_INVALID_PARAM, "HTTP code is not OK (%i)", res->errcode); return _soap_nhttp_env_new_from_stream(res->in, env); } static herror_t _soap_nhttp_client_invoke(void *unused, struct SoapCtx *request, struct SoapCtx **response) { herror_t status; /* Buffer variables */ xmlBufferPtr buffer; char *content; char tmp[15]; char *action; char *url; struct SoapEnv *res_env; /* Transport variables */ httpc_conn_t *conn; hresponse_t *res; /* multipart/related start id */ char start_id[150]; static int counter = 1; struct part_t *part; /* for copy attachments */ char href[MAX_HREF_SIZE]; log_verbose1("nanohttp client"); /* Create buffer */ buffer = xmlBufferCreate(); xmlNodeDump(buffer, request->env->root->doc, request->env->root, 1, 0); content = (char *) xmlBufferContent(buffer); xmlDocDump(stdout, request->env->root->doc); /* Transport via HTTP */ if (!(conn = httpc_new())) { return herror_new("soap_client_invoke", SOAP_ERROR_CLIENT_INIT, "Unable to create HTTP client!"); } if ((action = soap_addressing_get_action_string(request->env))) httpc_set_header(conn, SOAP_NHTTP_SOAP_ACTION, action); else httpc_set_header(conn, SOAP_NHTTP_SOAP_ACTION, ""); log_verbose2("action is \"%s\"", action); free(action); httpc_set_header(conn, HEADER_CONNECTION, "Close"); if (!(url = soap_addressing_get_to_address_string(request->env))) return herror_new("soap_nhttp_client_invoke", 0, "Missing client URL"); log_verbose2("url is \"%s\"", url); if (!request->attachments) { /* content-type is always 'text/xml' */ httpc_set_header(conn, HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, "text/xml"); sprintf(tmp, "%d", (int) strlen(content)); httpc_set_header(conn, HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, tmp); if ((status = httpc_post_begin(conn, url)) != H_OK) { httpc_close_free(conn); xmlBufferFree(buffer); return status; } if ((status = http_output_stream_write_string(conn->out, content)) != H_OK) { httpc_close_free(conn); xmlBufferFree(buffer); return status; } if ((status = httpc_post_end(conn, &res)) != H_OK) { httpc_close_free(conn); xmlBufferFree(buffer); return status; } } else { httpc_set_header(conn, HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING, TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED); sprintf(start_id, "289247829121218%d", counter++); if ((status = httpc_mime_begin(conn, url, start_id, "", "text/xml")) != H_OK) { httpc_close_free(conn); xmlBufferFree(buffer); return status; } if ((status = httpc_mime_next(conn, start_id, "text/xml", "binary")) != H_OK) { httpc_close_free(conn); xmlBufferFree(buffer); return status; } if ((status = http_output_stream_write(conn->out, content, strlen(content))) != H_OK) { httpc_close_free(conn); xmlBufferFree(buffer); return status; } for (part=request->attachments->parts; part; part=part->next) { if ((status = httpc_mime_send_file(conn, part->id, part->content_type, part->transfer_encoding, part->filename)) != H_OK) { log_error2("httpc_mime_send_file failed (%s)", herror_message(status)); httpc_close_free(conn); xmlBufferFree(buffer); return status; } } if ((status = httpc_mime_end(conn, &res)) != H_OK) { httpc_close_free(conn); xmlBufferFree(buffer); return status; } } xmlBufferFree(buffer); free(url); if ((status = _soap_nhttp_client_build_result(res, &res_env)) != H_OK) { hresponse_free(res); httpc_close_free(conn); return status; } *response = soap_ctx_new(res_env); /* soap_ctx_add_files(*response, res->attachments) */ if (res->attachments != NULL) { part = res->attachments->parts; while (part) { soap_ctx_add_file(*response, part->filename, part->content_type, href); part->deleteOnExit = 0; part = part->next; } } hresponse_free(res); httpc_close_free(conn); log_verbose1("done"); return H_OK; } herror_t soap_nhttp_client_init_args(int argc, char **argv) { soap_transport_add("https", NULL, _soap_nhttp_client_invoke); soap_transport_add("http", NULL, _soap_nhttp_client_invoke); return httpc_init(argc, argv); } herror_t soap_nhttp_register(const void *data) { herror_t status; const char *context; context = (char *)data; if ((status = httpd_register(context, soap_nhttp_process)) != H_OK) { log_error2("httpd_register_secure failed (%s)", herror_message(status)); return status; } return H_OK; } herror_t soap_nhttp_server_run(void) { return httpd_run(); } void soap_nhttp_server_destroy(void) { httpd_destroy(); return; } void soap_nhttp_client_destroy(void) { httpc_destroy(); return; } short soap_nhttp_get_port(void) { return httpd_get_port(); } const char * soap_nhttp_get_protocol(void) { return httpd_get_protocol(); }