/****************************************************************** * $Id: nanohttp-common.c,v 1.10 2004/08/30 13:28:58 snowdrop Exp $ * * CSOAP Project: A http client/server library in C * Copyright (C) 2003 Ferhat Ayaz * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Email: ayaz@jprogrammer.net ******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include static char *strtok_r (char *s, const char *delim, char **save_ptr) { char *token; if (s == NULL) s = *save_ptr; /* Scan leading delimiters. */ s += strspn (s, delim); if (*s == '\0') return NULL; /* Find the end of the token. */ token = s; s = strpbrk (token, delim); if (s == NULL) /* This token finishes the string. */ *save_ptr = strchr (token, '\0'); else { /* Terminate the token and make *SAVE_PTR point past it. */ *s = '\0'; *save_ptr = s + 1; } return token; } #endif static log_level_t loglevel = HLOG_DEBUG; log_level_t log_set_level(log_level_t level) { log_level_t old = loglevel; loglevel = level; return old; } log_level_t log_get_level() { return loglevel; } static void log_write(log_level_t level, const char *prefix, const char* func, const char *format, va_list ap) { char buffer[1054]; char buffer2[1054]; if (level < loglevel) return; sprintf(buffer, "*%s*: [%s] %s\n", prefix, func, format); vsprintf(buffer2, buffer, ap); printf(buffer2); fflush(stdout); } void log_verbose(const char* FUNC, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); log_write(HLOG_VERBOSE, "VERBOSE", FUNC, format, ap); va_end(ap); } void log_debug(const char* FUNC, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); log_write(HLOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG", FUNC, format, ap); va_end(ap); } void log_info(const char* FUNC, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); log_write(HLOG_INFO, "INFO", FUNC, format, ap); va_end(ap); } void log_warn(const char* FUNC, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); log_write(HLOG_WARN, "WARN", FUNC, format, ap); va_end(ap); } void log_error(const char* FUNC, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); log_write(HLOG_ERROR, "ERROR", FUNC, format, ap); va_end(ap); } /* ----------------------------------------- FUNCTION: strcmpigcase ------------------------------------------ */ int strcmpigcase(const char *s1, const char *s2) { int l1, l2, i; if (s1 == NULL && s2 == NULL) return 1; if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) return 0; l1 = strlen(s1); l2 = strlen(s2); if (l1 != l2) return 0; for (i=0;ikey = (char*)malloc(strlen(key)+1); strcpy(pair->key, key); } else { pair->key = NULL; } if (value != NULL) { pair->value = (char*)malloc(strlen(value)+1); strcpy(pair->value, value); } else { pair->value = NULL; } pair->next = next; return pair; } hpair_t *hpairnode_parse(const char *str, const char *delim, hpair_t *next) { hpair_t *pair; char *key, *value; int c; pair = (hpair_t*)malloc(sizeof(hpair_t)); pair->key = ""; pair->value = ""; pair->next = next; key = strtok_r((char *)str, delim, &value); if (key != NULL) { pair->key = (char*)malloc(strlen(key)+1); strcpy(pair->key, key); } if (value != NULL) { for (c=0;value[c]==' ';c++); /* skip white space */ pair->value = (char*)malloc(strlen(&value[c])+1); strcpy(pair->value, &value[c]); } return pair; } hpair_t* hpairnode_copy(const hpair_t *src) { hpair_t *pair; if (src == NULL) return NULL; pair = hpairnode_new(src->key, src->value, NULL); return pair; } hpair_t* hpairnode_copy_deep(const hpair_t *src) { hpair_t *pair, *result, *next; if (src == NULL) return NULL; result = hpairnode_copy(src); next = src->next; pair = result; while (next != NULL) { pair->next = hpairnode_copy(next); pair = pair->next; next = next->next; } return result; } void hpairnode_dump(hpair_t *pair) { if (pair == NULL) { log_verbose1("(NULL)[]"); return; } log_verbose5("(%p)['%s','%s','%p']", pair, SAVE_STR(pair->key), SAVE_STR(pair->value), pair->next); } void hpairnode_dump_deep(hpair_t *pair) { hpair_t *p; p = pair; log_verbose1("-- BEGIN dump hpairnode_t --"); while (p != NULL) { hpairnode_dump(p); p = p->next; } log_verbose1("-- END dump hpairnode_t --\n"); } void hpairnode_free(hpair_t *pair) { if (pair == NULL) return; free(pair->key); free(pair->value); free(pair); } void hpairnode_free_deep(hpair_t *pair) { hpair_t *tmp; while (pair != NULL) { tmp = pair->next; hpairnode_free(pair); pair=tmp; } } char *hpairnode_get_ignore_case(hpair_t *pair, const char* key) { if (key == NULL) { log_error1("key is NULL"); return NULL; } while (pair != NULL) { if (pair->key != NULL) { if (strcmpigcase(pair->key, key)) { return pair->value; } } pair = pair->next; } return NULL; } char *hpairnode_get(hpair_t *pair, const char* key) { if (key == NULL) { log_error1("key is NULL"); return NULL; } while (pair != NULL) { if (pair->key != NULL) { if (!strcmp(pair->key, key)) { return pair->value; } } pair = pair->next; } return NULL; } static void hurl_dump(const hurl_t *url) { if (url == NULL) { log_error1("url is NULL!"); return ; } log_verbose2("PROTOCOL : %s", SAVE_STR(url->protocol)); log_verbose2(" HOST : %s", SAVE_STR(url->host)); log_verbose2(" PORT : %d", url->port); log_verbose2(" CONTEXT : %s", SAVE_STR(url->context)); } hurl_t* hurl_new(const char* urlstr) { int iprotocol; int ihost; int iport; int len; int size; hurl_t *url; char tmp[8]; iprotocol = 0; len = strlen(urlstr); /* find protocol */ while (urlstr[iprotocol] != ':' && urlstr[iprotocol] != '\0') { iprotocol++; } if (iprotocol == 0) { log_error1("no protocol"); return NULL; } if (iprotocol + 3 >= len) { log_error1("no host"); return NULL; } if ( urlstr[iprotocol] != ':' && urlstr[iprotocol+1] != '/' && urlstr[iprotocol+2] != '/') { log_error1("no protocol"); return NULL; } /* find host */ ihost = iprotocol + 3; while (urlstr[ihost] != ':' && urlstr[ihost] != '/' && urlstr[ihost] != '\0') { ihost++; } if (ihost == iprotocol + 1) { log_error1("no host"); return NULL; } /* find port */ iport = ihost; if (ihost + 1 < len) { if (urlstr[ihost] == ':') { while (urlstr[iport] != '/' && urlstr[iport] != '\0') { iport++; } } } url = (hurl_t*)malloc(sizeof(hurl_t)); url->protocol = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*iprotocol+1); strncpy(url->protocol, urlstr, iprotocol); url->protocol[iprotocol] = '\0'; size = ihost - iprotocol - 3; url->host = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*size + 1); strncpy(url->host, &urlstr[iprotocol+3], size); url->host[size] = '\0'; if (iport > ihost) { size = iport - ihost; strncpy(tmp, &urlstr[ihost+1], size); url->port = atoi(tmp); } else { url->port = 80; } len = strlen(urlstr); if (len > iport ) { size = len - iport; url->context = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*size+1); strncpy(url->context, &urlstr[iport], size); url->context[size]='\0'; } else { url->context = NULL; } hurl_dump(url); return url; } void hurl_free(hurl_t *url) { if (url == NULL) return; free(url->protocol); free(url->host); free(url->context); free(url); } /* request stuff */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION: hrequest_new_from_buffer ----------------------------------------------------- */ hrequest_t *hrequest_new_from_buffer(char *data) { hrequest_t *req; hpair_t *hpair = NULL, *qpair = NULL, *tmppair = NULL; char *tmp; char *tmp2; char *saveptr; char *saveptr2; char *saveptr3; char *result; char *key; char *value; char *opt_key; char *opt_value; int firstline = 1; req = (hrequest_t*)malloc(sizeof(hrequest_t)); req->method = NULL; req->spec = NULL; req->path = NULL; req->query = NULL; req->header = NULL; tmp = data; for (;;) { result = (char*)strtok_r(tmp, "\n", &saveptr); tmp=saveptr; if (result == NULL) break; if (firstline) { firstline=0; tmp2 = result; /* parse [GET|POST] [PATH] [SPEC] */ key = (char*)strtok_r(tmp2," ", &saveptr2); /* save method (get or post) */ tmp2 = saveptr2; if (key != NULL) { req->method = (char*)malloc(strlen(key)+1); strcpy(req->method, key); } /* below is key the path and tmp2 the spec */ key = (char*)strtok_r(tmp2," ", &saveptr2); /* save spec */ tmp2 = saveptr2; if (tmp2 != NULL) { req->spec = (char*)malloc(strlen(tmp2)+1); strcpy(req->spec, tmp2); } /* parse and save path+query parse: /path/of/target?key1=value1&key2=value2... */ if (key != NULL) { tmp2 = key; key = (char*)strtok_r(tmp2,"?", &saveptr2); tmp2 = saveptr2; /* save path */ req->path = (char*)malloc(strlen(key)+1); strcpy(req->path, key); /* parse options */ for (;;) { key = (char*)strtok_r(tmp2,"&",&saveptr2); tmp2 = saveptr2; if (key == NULL) break; opt_key = (char*)strtok_r(key,"=", &saveptr3); opt_value = saveptr3; if (opt_value == NULL) opt_value = ""; /* create option pair */ if (opt_key != NULL) { tmppair = (hpair_t*)malloc(sizeof(hpair_t)); if (req->query == NULL) { req->query = qpair = tmppair; } else { qpair->next = tmppair; qpair = tmppair; } /* fill hpairnode_t struct */ qpair->next = NULL; qpair->key = (char*)malloc(strlen(opt_key)+1); qpair->value = (char*)malloc(strlen(opt_value)+1); strcpy(qpair->key, opt_key); strcpy(qpair->value, opt_value); } } } } else { /* parse "key: value" */ tmp2 = result; key = (char*)strtok_r(tmp2, ": ", &saveptr2); value = saveptr2; /* create pair */ tmppair = (hpair_t*)malloc(sizeof(hpair_t)); if (req->header == NULL) { req->header = hpair = tmppair; } else { hpair->next = tmppair; hpair = tmppair; } /* fill pairnode_t struct */ hpair->next = NULL; hpair->key = (char*)malloc(strlen(key)+1); hpair->value = (char*)malloc(strlen(value)+1); strcpy(hpair->key, key); strcpy(hpair->value, value); } } return req; } void hrequest_free(hrequest_t *req) { if (req == NULL) return; free(req->method); free(req->path); free(req->spec); hpairnode_free_deep(req->header); hpairnode_free_deep(req->query); } /* response stuff */ /* ------------------------------------------- FUNCTION: hresponse_new ---------------------------------------------*/ hresponse_t *hresponse_new() { hresponse_t *res; /* create response object */ res = (hresponse_t*)malloc(sizeof(hresponse_t)); res->spec[0] = '\0'; res->errcode = -1; res->desc = NULL; res->header = NULL; res->body = NULL; res->bodysize = 0; return res; } /* ------------------------------------------- FUNCTION: hresponse_new_from_buffer ---------------------------------------------*/ hresponse_t *hresponse_new_from_buffer(const char* buffer) { hresponse_t *res; char *s1, *s2, *str; /* create response object */ res = hresponse_new(); /* *** parse spec *** */ /* [HTTP/1.1 | 1.2] [CODE] [DESC] */ /* stage 1: HTTP spec */ str = (char*)strtok_r((char *)buffer, " ", &s2); s1 = s2; if (str == NULL) { log_error1("Parse error"); return NULL; } strncpy(res->spec, str, 10); /* stage 2: http code */ str = (char*)strtok_r(s1, " ", &s2); s1 = s2; if (str == NULL) { log_error1("Parse error"); return NULL; } res->errcode = atoi(str); /* stage 3: description text */ str = (char*)strtok_r(s1, "\r\n", &s2); s1 = s2; if (str == NULL) { log_error1("Parse error"); return NULL; } res->desc = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)+1); strcpy(res->desc, str); res->desc[strlen(str)] = '\0'; /* *** parse header *** */ /* [key]: [value] */ for (;;) { str = strtok_r(s1, "\n", &s2); s1 = s2; /* check if header ends without body */ if (str == NULL) { return res; } /* check also for end of header */ if (!strcmp(str, "\r")) { break; } str[strlen(str)-1] = '\0'; res->header = hpairnode_parse(str, ":", res->header); } /* *** Save body *** */ res->body = s1; /* return response object */ return res; } void hresponse_free(hresponse_t *res) { /* not implemented yet!*/ }