// GFAX - Gnome fax application // Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008 George A. Farris // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. //#define DEBUGHYLAFAX namespace gfax { using Mono.Unix; using System; using System.Collections; public enum FaxStatus: int { Sent, Fail, New, Busy, Block, Sleep, Run, Receiving, Received }; public class Fax { static Hylafax hfax; static Efax efax; static bool firstRun = true; public class FaxQueue { public string Jobid; public string Number; public string Status; public FaxStatus StatusType; public string Owner; public string Pages; public string Dials; public string Error; public object Sendat; } public class FaxRecQueue { public string Pages; public string Status; public FaxStatus StatusType; public string Sender; public object TimeReceived; public string Filename; } public static string async_get_server_status () { if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { hfax = new Hylafax(); if ( !hfax.connect() ) return (Catalog.GetString("No Connection")); hfax.asyncstatus("status"); hfax.close(); hfax = null; return (""); } if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "efax") { //TODO put modem ready status here if (firstRun) { firstRun = false; return (Catalog.GetString("Efax transmit process running...\nScanning job files every 30 seconds.")); } else return (null); } return (Catalog.GetString("Error transport agent not specified!")); } public static ArrayList async_get_queue_status (string queue) { if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { hfax = new Hylafax(); if ( hfax.connect() ) hfax.asyncstatus(queue); hfax.close(); hfax = null; } if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "efax") { string reply = gfax.efax.status(queue); if (queue == "doneq" || queue == "sendq") return (parse_senddone(reply)); else // (queue == "recvq") return (parse_receive(reply)); } return (null); } // parse the send or done queue public static ArrayList parse_senddone (string reply) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); if (reply.Length > 0) { foreach (string s in reply.Split('\n')) { FaxQueue hq = new FaxQueue(); //Console.WriteLine("s length equals --> {0}", s.Length); if (s.Length == 0 ) break; string[] sa = s.Split('='); // TODO put error here about bad network comms if (sa.Length != 8) { break; } if ( sa[0].Length != 0 ) hq.Jobid = sa[0].Trim(); else hq.Jobid = ""; if ( sa[1].Length != 0 ) hq.Number = sa[1].Trim(); else hq.Number = ""; if ( sa[2].Length != 0 ) { switch (sa[2]) { case "R": hq.Status = Catalog.GetString("Run"); hq.StatusType = FaxStatus.Run; break; case "S": hq.Status = Catalog.GetString("Sleep"); hq.StatusType = FaxStatus.Sleep; break; case "B": hq.Status = Catalog.GetString("Block"); hq.StatusType = FaxStatus.Block; break; case "W": hq.Status = Catalog.GetString("Busy"); hq.StatusType = FaxStatus.Busy; break; case "D": hq.Status = Catalog.GetString("Done"); hq.StatusType = FaxStatus.Sent; break; case "F": hq.Status = Catalog.GetString("Fail"); hq.StatusType = FaxStatus.Fail; break; case "P": hq.Status = Catalog.GetString("New"); hq.StatusType = FaxStatus.New; break; } } else hq.Status = ""; if ( sa[3].Length != 0 ) hq.Owner = sa[3].Trim(); else hq.Owner = ""; if ( sa[4].Length != 0 ) hq.Pages = sa[4].Trim(); else hq.Pages = ""; if ( sa[5].Length != 0 ) hq.Dials = sa[5].Trim(); else hq.Dials = ""; if ( sa[6].Length != 0 ) hq.Error = sa[6]; else hq.Error = ""; if ( sa[7].Length != 0 ) { // 2004/03/09 18.01.51 try { hq.Sendat = (DateTime)System.DateTime.ParseExact(sa[7].Replace(".", ":").Trim(), "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch(FormatException e) { hq.Sendat = null; } } else { hq.Sendat = null; } list.Add(hq); } } else { // no status FaxQueue hq = new FaxQueue(); hq.Jobid = ""; hq.Number = ""; hq.Status = ""; hq.Owner = ""; hq.Pages = ""; hq.Dials = ""; hq.Error = ""; hq.Sendat = null; list.Add(hq); } return (list); } // parse the receive queue // //Page S Sender/TSI Recvd@ Filename //1 +49 30 7865224 10Nov04 fax00004.tif // should come back as //1= =+49 30 7865224=10Nov04=fax00004.tif public static ArrayList parse_receive (string reply) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); if (reply.Length > 0) { foreach (string s in reply.Split('\n')) { FaxRecQueue hq = new FaxRecQueue(); if (s.Length == 0 ) break; string[] sa = s.Split('='); if (sa.Length != 5) { break; } if ( sa[0].Length != 0 ) hq.Pages = sa[0].Trim(); else hq.Pages = ""; if ( sa[1].Length != 0 ) switch (sa[1]) { case "N*": hq.Status = Catalog.GetString("Receiving"); hq.StatusType = FaxStatus.Receiving; break; case "N ": hq.Status = Catalog.GetString("Done"); hq.StatusType = FaxStatus.Received; break; } if ( sa[2].Length != 0 ) hq.Sender = sa[2].Trim(); else hq.Sender = ""; if ( sa[3].Length != 0 ) { try { hq.TimeReceived = (DateTime)System.DateTime.ParseExact(sa[3].Trim(), "yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch(FormatException e) { hq.TimeReceived = null; } } else hq.TimeReceived = null; if ( sa[4].Length != 0 ) hq.Filename = sa[4].Trim(); else hq.Filename = ""; list.Add(hq); } } else { // no status FaxRecQueue hq = new FaxRecQueue(); hq.Pages = ""; hq.Status = ""; hq.Sender = ""; hq.TimeReceived = null; hq.Filename = ""; list.Add(hq); } return (list); } public static void sendfax (string fname) { string remote_fname; if (Settings.Faxtracing == true) { Console.WriteLine("[Fax.sendfax] File name is : {0}", fname); } if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { Hylafax hfaxsf = new Hylafax(); // hylafax actually stores the file to the server hfaxsf.connect(); remote_fname = hfaxsf.send_init(fname); // if "Cancel" button pressed on progess bar if (remote_fname == "cancelled") return; if (Settings.Faxtracing == true) { if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { Console.WriteLine("[Fax.sendfax] Remote file name is : {0}", remote_fname); } } //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); IEnumerator enu = gfax.Destinations.GetEnumerator(); if (Settings.Faxtracing == true) { if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { Console.WriteLine("[Fax.sendfax] Destinations has a count of : {0}", gfax.Destinations.Count); } } while ( enu.MoveNext() ) { // TODO try catch exception here GfaxContact c = (GfaxContact)enu.Current; if (Settings.Faxtracing == true) { if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { Console.WriteLine("[Fax.sendfax] In while loop contact is -----> {0}", c.PhoneNumber); } } hfaxsf.send(remote_fname, c); if (Settings.Faxtracing == true) { if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { Console.WriteLine("[Fax.sendfax] In while loop bottom... "); } } //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // open the log and log out going fax to server // Date Time PhoneNumber Organization ContactPerson // log file is in ~/.etc/gfax //if (Settings.LogEnabled) //log_it((GfaxContact)enu.Current); } if (Settings.Faxtracing == true) { if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { Console.WriteLine("[Fax.sendfax] End of send contact loop..."); } } hfaxsf = null; } //Efax transport if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "efax") { // Convert the file with ghostscript string directory = gfax.efax.send_init(fname); if (directory == "cancelled") return; IEnumerator enu = gfax.Destinations.GetEnumerator(); while ( enu.MoveNext() ) { gfax.efax.send(directory, (GfaxContact)enu.Current); if (Settings.LogEnabled) log_it((GfaxContact)enu.Current); } } } public static bool recvfax (string fname) { // Hylafax support if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { hfax = new Hylafax(); // hylafax actually stores the file to the server hfax.connect(); return(hfax.getfile(fname)); } // Efax transport if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "efax") { return false; } return false; } public static void log_it (GfaxContact contact) { } public static void modify_job (string jobid, string number, string sendat, string dials) { if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { hfax = new Hylafax(); hfax.connect(); hfax.job_select(jobid); hfax.job_suspend(); hfax.job_param_set("SENDTIME", sendat); hfax.job_param_set("EXTERNAL", number); hfax.job_param_set("DIALSTRING", number); hfax.job_param_set("MAXDIALS", dials); hfax.job_submit(); hfax = null; } /* if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "efax") { gfax.efax.job_kill(jobid); gfax.efax.job_delete(jobid); } */ } public static void resubmit_job (string jobid, string number, string sendat, string dials) { // will have to query the job, get the file name // possibly retrieve the file and then re-submit the job if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { hfax = new Hylafax(); hfax.connect(); hfax.job_select(jobid); /* hfax.job_reset("P"); hfax.job_suspend(); hfax.job_param_set("SENDTIME", sendat); hfax.job_param_set("EXTERNAL", number); hfax.job_param_set("DIALSTRING", number); hfax.job_param_set("MAXDIALS", dials); hfax.job_submit(); hfax = null; */ } } public static void delete_job (string jobid) { if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { hfax = new Hylafax(); hfax.connect(); hfax.job_select(jobid); hfax.job_kill(); hfax.job_delete(); hfax = null; } if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "efax") { gfax.efax.job_kill(jobid); gfax.efax.job_delete(jobid); } } public static int delete_file (string fname) { if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "hylafax") { hfax = new Hylafax(); hfax.connect(); int reply = hfax.deletefile(fname); hfax = null; return (reply); } if (Settings.TransmitAgent == "efax") { return(0); } return(0); } } }