{64} '', // Radio Command? uint8 uk_b1; uint8 uk_b2; char* uk_s1; uint8 uk_b3; uint8 uk_b4; uint8 uk_b5; char* uk_s2; char* playername; char* command; {} 'ScoreInfo', uint8 entindex; sint16 frags; sint16 deaths; uint16 uk_s1; uint16 team_index; {} 'Health', uint8 health; {} 'FlashLight', uint8 state; // 1/0 on/off uint8 flash_battery; {} 'CurWeapon', (67) uint8 uk_b1; uint8 uk_b2; uint8 uk_b3; {} '', (73) uint8 uk_b1; uint8 uk_b2; {} 'SayText', (75) uint8 message_length; uint8 slot; uint8 uk_b1; // if slot!=0 char* uk_string; {} '', (76) uint8 message_length; uint8 slot; uint8 uk_b1; // if slot!=0 char* uk_string; {} '', (77) uint8 message_length; uint8 slot; uint8 uk_b1; // if slot!=0 char* uk_string; // Strings containing with # is some sort of command, also "#C1#C2" {} '', (78) uint8 uk_b1; char* weapon; char[8] uk_b2; {} '', (87) uint8 uk_b1; char* team; char[9] uk_b2; {} 'ShowMenu', (96) uint8 message_length; uint8[4] uk_b1; char* uk_string; // #DCT_BuyItem {} 'SendAudio', (100) uint8 message_length; uint8 slot; uint8 uk_b1; char* uk_string; // %!MRAD_LOCKNLOAD {} 'RoundTime', (101) uint16 round_sec; {} 'Money', (102) uint32 money_amount; uint8 uk_b2; // ? Add 0 /Substract 1? {} 'StatusIcon', (107) uint8 message_length; uint8 uk_b1; char* icon; {} 'StatusText', (107) uint8 message_length; uint8 uk_b1; char* uk_string; // message_length points to space after strings end \0 byte?? uint8 uk_b2; // ? uint8 uk_b3; // ? {} 'Radar', (112) // ? char[8] uk_b1; {} 'VGUIMenu', (114) // ? {} 'WClose', (115) uint8 message_length; char* uk_string; // found aimbot stuff in here in some demos {} '', (118) uint8 message_length; char* uk_string; {128} '', // ? char* delta_name; {143} '', // ? {217} '', // ? // usercmd_t - 440 bytes - skipped !OK! {249} '', // ? deltadata? // ID: 43 - clientdata_t - 1332 >< 1346 bytes (next block unknown) - 1343 ? // ID: 03 - entity_state_t - 1430 bytes - skipped !OK! // ID: 03 - entity_state_player_t - 1314 bytes - count varies // ID: 43 - custom_entity_state_t - 513 bytes // ID: 43 - entity_t - 368 bytes - skipped !OK! // ID: 23 - weapon_data_t - 546 bytes - count varies