# -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ(2.68) AC_INIT([ideviceinstaller], [m4_esyscmd(./git-version-gen $RELEASE_VERSION)], [https://github.com/libimobiledevice/ideviceinstaller/issues], [], [https://libimobiledevice.org]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([dist-bzip2 no-dist-gzip check-news]) m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) # Check if we have a version defined if test -z $PACKAGE_VERSION; then AC_MSG_ERROR([PACKAGE_VERSION is not defined. Make sure to configure a source tree checked out from git or that .tarball-version is present.]) fi # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AM_PROG_CC_C_O LT_INIT # Checks for libraries. PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libimobiledevice, libimobiledevice-1.0 >= 1.3.0) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libplist, libplist-2.0 >= 2.2.0) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libzip, libzip >= 0.10) # Checks for header files. AC_HEADER_STDC AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stdint.h stdlib.h string.h]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_C_CONST AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_TYPE_SSIZE_T AC_TYPE_UINT16_T AC_TYPE_UINT32_T AC_TYPE_UINT8_T # Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_FUNC_REALLOC AC_CHECK_FUNCS([strdup strerror asprintf vasprintf]) # Check for lstat AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether lstat is available]) AC_TRY_LINK([ #include #include #if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) #include #endif ],[ struct stat st; lstat("/tmp", &st); ], [have_lstat="yes"], [have_lstat="no"]) AC_MSG_RESULT([${have_lstat}]) if test "x${have_lstat}" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LSTAT], 1, [Define if lstat syscall is supported]) fi AS_COMPILER_FLAGS(GLOBAL_CFLAGS, "-Wall -Wextra -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wswitch-default -Wno-unused-parameter -Werror -g") AC_SUBST(GLOBAL_CFLAGS) m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES],[AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile src/Makefile man/Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT echo " Configuration for $PACKAGE $VERSION: ------------------------------------------- Install prefix: .........: $prefix Now type 'make' to build $PACKAGE $VERSION, and then 'make install' for installation. "