/* * ipsw.c * Utilities for extracting and manipulating IPSWs * * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Martin Szulecki. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2012 Nikias Bassen. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2010 Joshua Hill. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <zip.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <openssl/sha.h> #include "ipsw.h" #include "locking.h" #include "download.h" #include "common.h" #include "idevicerestore.h" #define BUFSIZE 0x100000 typedef struct { struct zip* zip; } ipsw_archive; ipsw_archive* ipsw_open(const char* ipsw); void ipsw_close(ipsw_archive* archive); ipsw_archive* ipsw_open(const char* ipsw) { int err = 0; ipsw_archive* archive = (ipsw_archive*) malloc(sizeof(ipsw_archive)); if (archive == NULL) { error("ERROR: Out of memory\n"); return NULL; } archive->zip = zip_open(ipsw, 0, &err); if (archive->zip == NULL) { error("ERROR: zip_open: %s: %d\n", ipsw, err); free(archive); return NULL; } return archive; } int ipsw_get_file_size(const char* ipsw, const char* infile, off_t* size) { ipsw_archive* archive = ipsw_open(ipsw); if (archive == NULL || archive->zip == NULL) { error("ERROR: Invalid archive\n"); return -1; } int zindex = zip_name_locate(archive->zip, infile, 0); if (zindex < 0) { error("ERROR: zip_name_locate: %s\n", infile); return -1; } struct zip_stat zstat; zip_stat_init(&zstat); if (zip_stat_index(archive->zip, zindex, 0, &zstat) != 0) { error("ERROR: zip_stat_index: %s\n", infile); return -1; } *size = zstat.size; ipsw_close(archive); return 0; } int ipsw_extract_to_file(const char* ipsw, const char* infile, const char* outfile) { ipsw_archive* archive = ipsw_open(ipsw); if (archive == NULL || archive->zip == NULL) { error("ERROR: Invalid archive\n"); return -1; } int zindex = zip_name_locate(archive->zip, infile, 0); if (zindex < 0) { error("ERROR: zip_name_locate: %s\n", infile); return -1; } struct zip_stat zstat; zip_stat_init(&zstat); if (zip_stat_index(archive->zip, zindex, 0, &zstat) != 0) { error("ERROR: zip_stat_index: %s\n", infile); return -1; } char* buffer = (char*) malloc(BUFSIZE); if (buffer == NULL) { error("ERROR: Unable to allocate memory\n"); return -1; } struct zip_file* zfile = zip_fopen_index(archive->zip, zindex, 0); if (zfile == NULL) { error("ERROR: zip_fopen_index: %s\n", infile); return -1; } FILE* fd = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if (fd == NULL) { error("ERROR: Unable to open output file: %s\n", outfile); zip_fclose(zfile); return -1; } int i = 0; int size = 0; int bytes = 0; int count = 0; double progress = 0; for(i = zstat.size; i > 0; i -= count) { if (i < BUFSIZE) size = i; else size = BUFSIZE; count = zip_fread(zfile, buffer, size); if (count < 0) { error("ERROR: zip_fread: %s\n", infile); zip_fclose(zfile); free(buffer); return -1; } fwrite(buffer, 1, count, fd); bytes += size; progress = ((double) bytes/ (double) zstat.size) * 100.0; print_progress_bar(progress); } fclose(fd); zip_fclose(zfile); ipsw_close(archive); free(buffer); return 0; } int ipsw_file_exists(const char* ipsw, const char* infile) { ipsw_archive* archive = ipsw_open(ipsw); if (archive == NULL || archive->zip == NULL) { return -1; } int zindex = zip_name_locate(archive->zip, infile, 0); if (zindex < 0) { ipsw_close(archive); return -2; } ipsw_close(archive); return 0; } int ipsw_extract_to_memory(const char* ipsw, const char* infile, unsigned char** pbuffer, unsigned int* psize) { ipsw_archive* archive = ipsw_open(ipsw); if (archive == NULL || archive->zip == NULL) { error("ERROR: Invalid archive\n"); return -1; } int zindex = zip_name_locate(archive->zip, infile, 0); if (zindex < 0) { error("ERROR: zip_name_locate: %s\n", infile); return -1; } struct zip_stat zstat; zip_stat_init(&zstat); if (zip_stat_index(archive->zip, zindex, 0, &zstat) != 0) { error("ERROR: zip_stat_index: %s\n", infile); return -1; } struct zip_file* zfile = zip_fopen_index(archive->zip, zindex, 0); if (zfile == NULL) { error("ERROR: zip_fopen_index: %s\n", infile); return -1; } int size = zstat.size; unsigned char* buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc(size+1); if (buffer == NULL) { error("ERROR: Out of memory\n"); zip_fclose(zfile); return -1; } if (zip_fread(zfile, buffer, size) != size) { error("ERROR: zip_fread: %s\n", infile); zip_fclose(zfile); free(buffer); return -1; } buffer[size] = '\0'; zip_fclose(zfile); ipsw_close(archive); *pbuffer = buffer; *psize = size; return 0; } int ipsw_extract_build_manifest(const char* ipsw, plist_t* buildmanifest, int *tss_enabled) { unsigned int size = 0; unsigned char* data = NULL; *tss_enabled = 0; /* older devices don't require personalized firmwares and use a BuildManifesto.plist */ if (ipsw_file_exists(ipsw, "BuildManifesto.plist") == 0) { if (ipsw_extract_to_memory(ipsw, "BuildManifesto.plist", &data, &size) == 0) { plist_from_xml((char*)data, size, buildmanifest); free(data); return 0; } } data = NULL; size = 0; /* whereas newer devices do not require personalized firmwares and use a BuildManifest.plist */ if (ipsw_extract_to_memory(ipsw, "BuildManifest.plist", &data, &size) == 0) { *tss_enabled = 1; plist_from_xml((char*)data, size, buildmanifest); free(data); return 0; } return -1; } int ipsw_extract_restore_plist(const char* ipsw, plist_t* restore_plist) { unsigned int size = 0; unsigned char* data = NULL; if (ipsw_extract_to_memory(ipsw, "Restore.plist", &data, &size) == 0) { plist_from_xml((char*)data, size, restore_plist); free(data); return 0; } return -1; } void ipsw_close(ipsw_archive* archive) { if (archive != NULL) { zip_unchange_all(archive->zip); zip_close(archive->zip); free(archive); } } int ipsw_get_latest_fw(plist_t version_data, const char* product, char** fwurl, unsigned char* sha1buf) { *fwurl = NULL; if (sha1buf != NULL) { memset(sha1buf, '\0', 20); } plist_t n1 = plist_dict_get_item(version_data, "MobileDeviceSoftwareVersionsByVersion"); if (!n1) { error("%s: ERROR: Can't find MobileDeviceSoftwareVersionsByVersion dict in version data\n", __func__); return -1; } plist_dict_iter iter = NULL; plist_dict_new_iter(n1, &iter); if (!iter) { error("%s: ERROR: Can't get dict iter\n", __func__); return -1; } char* key = NULL; long long unsigned int major = 0; plist_t val = NULL; do { plist_dict_next_item(n1, iter, &key, &val); if (key) { plist_t pr = plist_access_path(n1, 3, key, "MobileDeviceSoftwareVersions", product); if (pr) { long long unsigned int v = strtoull(key, NULL, 10); if (v > major) major = v; } free(key); } } while (val); free(iter); if (major == 0) { error("%s: ERROR: Can't find major version?!\n", __func__); return -1; } char majstr[32]; // should be enough for a uint64_t value sprintf(majstr, FMT_qu, (long long unsigned int)major); n1 = plist_access_path(version_data, 7, "MobileDeviceSoftwareVersionsByVersion", majstr, "MobileDeviceSoftwareVersions", product, "Unknown", "Universal", "Restore"); if (!n1) { error("%s: ERROR: Can't get Unknown/Universal/Restore node?!\n", __func__); return -1; } plist_t n2 = plist_dict_get_item(n1, "BuildVersion"); if (!n2 || (plist_get_node_type(n2) != PLIST_STRING)) { error("%s: ERROR: Can't get build version node?!\n", __func__); return -1; } char* strval = NULL; plist_get_string_val(n2, &strval); n1 = plist_access_path(version_data, 5, "MobileDeviceSoftwareVersionsByVersion", majstr, "MobileDeviceSoftwareVersions", product, strval); if (!n1) { error("%s: ERROR: Can't get MobileDeviceSoftwareVersions/%s node?!\n", __func__, strval); free(strval); return -1; } free(strval); strval = NULL; n2 = plist_dict_get_item(n1, "SameAs"); if (n2) { plist_get_string_val(n2, &strval); } if (strval) { n1 = plist_access_path(version_data, 5, "MobileDeviceSoftwareVersionsByVersion", majstr, "MobileDeviceSoftwareVersions", product, strval); free(strval); strval = NULL; if (!n1 || (plist_dict_get_size(n1) == 0)) { error("%s: ERROR: Can't get MobileDeviceSoftwareVersions/%s dict\n", __func__, product); return -1; } } n2 = plist_access_path(n1, 2, "Update", "BuildVersion"); if (n2) { strval = NULL; plist_get_string_val(n2, &strval); if (strval) { n1 = plist_access_path(version_data, 5, "MobileDeviceSoftwareVersionsByVersion", majstr, "MobileDeviceSoftwareVersions", product, strval); free(strval); strval = NULL; } } n2 = plist_access_path(n1, 2, "Restore", "FirmwareURL"); if (!n2 || (plist_get_node_type(n2) != PLIST_STRING)) { error("%s: ERROR: Can't get FirmwareURL node\n", __func__); return -1; } plist_get_string_val(n2, fwurl); if (sha1buf != NULL) { n2 = plist_access_path(n1, 2, "Restore", "FirmwareSHA1"); if (n2 && plist_get_node_type(n2) == PLIST_STRING) { strval = NULL; plist_get_string_val(n2, &strval); if (strval) { if (strlen(strval) == 40) { int i; int v; for (i = 0; i < 40; i+=2) { v = 0; sscanf(strval+i, "%02x", &v); sha1buf[i/2] = (unsigned char)v; } } free(strval); } } } return 0; } static int sha1_verify_fp(FILE* f, unsigned char* expected_sha1) { unsigned char tsha1[20]; char buf[8192]; if (!f) return 0; SHA_CTX sha1ctx; SHA1_Init(&sha1ctx); rewind(f); while (!feof(f)) { size_t sz = fread(buf, 1, 8192, f); SHA1_Update(&sha1ctx, (const void*)buf, sz); } SHA1_Final(tsha1, &sha1ctx); return (memcmp(expected_sha1, tsha1, 20) == 0) ? 1 : 0; } int ipsw_download_latest_fw(plist_t version_data, const char* product, const char* todir, char** ipswfile) { char* fwurl = NULL; unsigned char isha1[20]; *ipswfile = NULL; if ((ipsw_get_latest_fw(version_data, product, &fwurl, isha1) < 0) || !fwurl) { error("ERROR: can't get URL for latest firmware\n"); return -1; } char* fwfn = strrchr(fwurl, '/'); if (!fwfn) { error("ERROR: can't get local filename for firmware ipsw\n"); return -2; } fwfn++; info("Latest firmware is %s\n", fwfn); char fwlfn[256]; sprintf(fwlfn, "%s/%s", todir, fwfn); char fwlock[256]; sprintf(fwlock, "%s.lock", fwlfn); lock_info_t lockinfo; if (lock_file(fwlock, &lockinfo) != 0) { error("WARNING: Could not lock file '%s'\n", fwlock); } int need_dl = 0; unsigned char zsha1[20] = {0, }; FILE* f = fopen(fwlfn, "rb"); if (f) { if (memcmp(zsha1, isha1, 20) != 0) { info("Verifying '%s'...\n", fwlfn); if (sha1_verify_fp(f, isha1)) { info("Checksum matches.\n"); } else { info("Checksum does not match.\n"); need_dl = 1; } } fclose(f); } else { need_dl = 1; } int res = 0; if (need_dl) { if (strncmp(fwurl, "protected:", 10) == 0) { error("ERROR: Can't download '%s' because it needs a purchase.\n", fwfn); res = -3; } else { remove(fwlfn); info("Downloading latest firmware (%s)\n", fwurl); download_to_file(fwurl, fwlfn, 1); if (memcmp(isha1, zsha1, 20) != 0) { info("\nVerifying '%s'...\n", fwlfn); FILE* f = fopen(fwlfn, "rb"); if (f) { if (sha1_verify_fp(f, isha1)) { info("Checksum matches.\n"); } else { error("ERROR: File download failed (checksum mismatch).\n"); res = -4; } fclose(f); // make sure to remove invalid files if (res < 0) remove(fwlfn); } else { error("ERROR: Can't open '%s' for checksum verification\n", fwlfn); res = -5; } } } } free(fwurl); if (res == 0) { *ipswfile = strdup(fwlfn); } if (unlock_file(&lockinfo) != 0) { error("WARNING: Could not unlock file '%s'\n", fwlock); } return res; }