path: root/include/libimobiledevice/installation_proxy.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/libimobiledevice/installation_proxy.h')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/libimobiledevice/installation_proxy.h b/include/libimobiledevice/installation_proxy.h
index 18b7804..4740b20 100644
--- a/include/libimobiledevice/installation_proxy.h
+++ b/include/libimobiledevice/installation_proxy.h
@@ -55,24 +55,271 @@ typedef instproxy_client_private *instproxy_client_t; /**< The client handle. */
typedef void (*instproxy_status_cb_t) (const char *operation, plist_t status, void *user_data);
/* Interface */
+ * Connects to the installation_proxy service on the specified device.
+ *
+ * @param device The device to connect to
+ * @param service The service descriptor returned by lockdownd_start_service.
+ * @param client Pointer that will be set to a newly allocated
+ * instproxy_client_t upon successful return.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success, or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value
+ * when an error occured.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_client_new(idevice_t device, lockdownd_service_descriptor_t service, instproxy_client_t *client);
+ * Starts a new installation_proxy service on the specified device and connects to it.
+ *
+ * @param device The device to connect to.
+ * @param client Pointer that will point to a newly allocated
+ * instproxy_client_t upon successful return. Must be freed using
+ * instproxy_client_free() after use.
+ * @param label The label to use for communication. Usually the program name.
+ * Pass NULL to disable sending the label in requests to lockdownd.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success, or an INSTPROXY_E_* error
+ * code otherwise.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_client_start_service(idevice_t device, instproxy_client_t * client, const char* label);
+ * Disconnects an installation_proxy client from the device and frees up the
+ * installation_proxy client data.
+ *
+ * @param client The installation_proxy client to disconnect and free.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success
+ * or INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG if client is NULL.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_client_free(instproxy_client_t client);
+ * List installed applications. This function runs synchronously.
+ *
+ * @param client The connected installation_proxy client
+ * @param client_options The client options to use, as PLIST_DICT, or NULL.
+ * Valid client options include:
+ * "ApplicationType" -> "User"
+ * "ApplicationType" -> "System"
+ * @param result Pointer that will be set to a plist that will hold an array
+ * of PLIST_DICT holding information about the applications found.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value if
+ * an error occured.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_browse(instproxy_client_t client, plist_t client_options, plist_t *result);
+ * Install an application on the device.
+ *
+ * @param client The connected installation_proxy client
+ * @param pkg_path Path of the installation package (inside the AFC jail)
+ * @param client_options The client options to use, as PLIST_DICT, or NULL.
+ * Valid options include:
+ * "iTunesMetadata" -> PLIST_DATA
+ * "ApplicationSINF" -> PLIST_DATA
+ * "PackageType" -> "Developer"
+ * If PackageType -> Developer is specified, then pkg_path points to
+ * an .app directory instead of an install package.
+ * @param status_cb Callback function for progress and status information. If
+ * NULL is passed, this function will run synchronously.
+ * @param user_data Callback data passed to status_cb.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value if
+ * an error occured.
+ *
+ * @note If a callback function is given (async mode), this function returns
+ * INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS immediately if the status updater thread has been
+ * created successfully; any error occuring during the operation has to be
+ * handled inside the specified callback function.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_install(instproxy_client_t client, const char *pkg_path, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data);
+ * Upgrade an application on the device. This function is nearly the same as
+ * instproxy_install; the difference is that the installation progress on the
+ * device is faster if the application is already installed.
+ *
+ * @param client The connected installation_proxy client
+ * @param pkg_path Path of the installation package (inside the AFC jail)
+ * @param client_options The client options to use, as PLIST_DICT, or NULL.
+ * Valid options include:
+ * "iTunesMetadata" -> PLIST_DATA
+ * "ApplicationSINF" -> PLIST_DATA
+ * "PackageType" -> "Developer"
+ * If PackageType -> Developer is specified, then pkg_path points to
+ * an .app directory instead of an install package.
+ * @param status_cb Callback function for progress and status information. If
+ * NULL is passed, this function will run synchronously.
+ * @param user_data Callback data passed to status_cb.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value if
+ * an error occured.
+ *
+ * @note If a callback function is given (async mode), this function returns
+ * INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS immediately if the status updater thread has been
+ * created successfully; any error occuring during the operation has to be
+ * handled inside the specified callback function.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_upgrade(instproxy_client_t client, const char *pkg_path, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data);
+ * Uninstall an application from the device.
+ *
+ * @param client The connected installation proxy client
+ * @param appid ApplicationIdentifier of the app to uninstall
+ * @param client_options The client options to use, as PLIST_DICT, or NULL.
+ * Currently there are no known client options, so pass NULL here.
+ * @param status_cb Callback function for progress and status information. If
+ * NULL is passed, this function will run synchronously.
+ * @param user_data Callback data passed to status_cb.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value if
+ * an error occured.
+ *
+ * @note If a callback function is given (async mode), this function returns
+ * INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS immediately if the status updater thread has been
+ * created successfully; any error occuring during the operation has to be
+ * handled inside the specified callback function.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_uninstall(instproxy_client_t client, const char *appid, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data);
+ * List archived applications. This function runs synchronously.
+ *
+ * @see instproxy_archive
+ *
+ * @param client The connected installation_proxy client
+ * @param client_options The client options to use, as PLIST_DICT, or NULL.
+ * Currently there are no known client options, so pass NULL here.
+ * @param result Pointer that will be set to a plist containing a PLIST_DICT
+ * holding information about the archived applications found.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value if
+ * an error occured.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_lookup_archives(instproxy_client_t client, plist_t client_options, plist_t *result);
+ * Archive an application on the device.
+ * This function tells the device to make an archive of the specified
+ * application. This results in the device creating a ZIP archive in the
+ * 'ApplicationArchives' directory and uninstalling the application.
+ *
+ * @param client The connected installation proxy client
+ * @param appid ApplicationIdentifier of the app to archive.
+ * @param client_options The client options to use, as PLIST_DICT, or NULL.
+ * Valid options include:
+ * "SkipUninstall" -> Boolean
+ * "ArchiveType" -> "ApplicationOnly"
+ * @param status_cb Callback function for progress and status information. If
+ * NULL is passed, this function will run synchronously.
+ * @param user_data Callback data passed to status_cb.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value if
+ * an error occured.
+ *
+ * @note If a callback function is given (async mode), this function returns
+ * INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS immediately if the status updater thread has been
+ * created successfully; any error occuring during the operation has to be
+ * handled inside the specified callback function.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_archive(instproxy_client_t client, const char *appid, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data);
+ * Restore a previously archived application on the device.
+ * This function is the counterpart to instproxy_archive.
+ * @see instproxy_archive
+ *
+ * @param client The connected installation proxy client
+ * @param appid ApplicationIdentifier of the app to restore.
+ * @param client_options The client options to use, as PLIST_DICT, or NULL.
+ * Currently there are no known client options, so pass NULL here.
+ * @param status_cb Callback function for progress and status information. If
+ * NULL is passed, this function will run synchronously.
+ * @param user_data Callback data passed to status_cb.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value if
+ * an error occured.
+ *
+ * @note If a callback function is given (async mode), this function returns
+ * INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS immediately if the status updater thread has been
+ * created successfully; any error occuring during the operation has to be
+ * handled inside the specified callback function.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_restore(instproxy_client_t client, const char *appid, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data);
+ * Removes a previously archived application from the device.
+ * This function removes the ZIP archive from the 'ApplicationArchives'
+ * directory.
+ *
+ * @param client The connected installation proxy client
+ * @param appid ApplicationIdentifier of the archived app to remove.
+ * @param client_options The client options to use, as PLIST_DICT, or NULL.
+ * Currently there are no known client options, so passing NULL is fine.
+ * @param status_cb Callback function for progress and status information. If
+ * NULL is passed, this function will run synchronously.
+ * @param user_data Callback data passed to status_cb.
+ *
+ * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value if
+ * an error occured.
+ *
+ * @note If a callback function is given (async mode), this function returns
+ * INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS immediately if the status updater thread has been
+ * created successfully; any error occuring during the operation has to be
+ * handled inside the specified callback function.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_remove_archive(instproxy_client_t client, const char *appid, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data);
/* Helper */
+ * Create a new client_options plist.
+ *
+ * @return A new plist_t of type PLIST_DICT.
+ */
plist_t instproxy_client_options_new();
+ * Add one or more new key:value pairs to the given client_options.
+ *
+ * @param client_options The client options to modify.
+ * @param ... KEY, VALUE, [KEY, VALUE], NULL
+ *
+ * @note The keys and values passed are expected to be strings, except for the
+ * keys "ApplicationSINF", "iTunesMetadata", "ReturnAttributes" which are
+ * expecting a plist_t node as value and "SkipUninstall" expects int.
+ */
void instproxy_client_options_add(plist_t client_options, ...);
+ * Free client_options plist.
+ *
+ * @param client_options The client options plist to free. Does nothing if NULL
+ * is passed.
+ */
void instproxy_client_options_free(plist_t client_options);
+ * Query the device for the path of an application.
+ *
+ * @param client The connected installation proxy client.
+ * @param appid ApplicationIdentifier of app to retrieve the path for.
+ * @param path Pointer to store the device path for the application
+ * which is set to NULL if it could not be determined.
+ *
+ * the path could not be determined or an INSTPROXY_E_* error
+ * value if an error occured.
+ *
+ * @note This implementation browses all applications and matches the
+ * right entry by the application identifier.
+ */
instproxy_error_t instproxy_client_get_path_for_bundle_identifier(instproxy_client_t client, const char* bundle_id, char** path);
#ifdef __cplusplus