cdef extern from "libimobiledevice/afc.h": cdef struct afc_client_private: pass ctypedef afc_client_private *afc_client_t ctypedef enum afc_error_t: AFC_E_SUCCESS = 0 AFC_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1 AFC_E_OP_HEADER_INVALID = 2 AFC_E_NO_RESOURCES = 3 AFC_E_READ_ERROR = 4 AFC_E_WRITE_ERROR = 5 AFC_E_UNKNOWN_PACKET_TYPE = 6 AFC_E_INVALID_ARG = 7 AFC_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 8 AFC_E_OBJECT_IS_DIR = 9 AFC_E_PERM_DENIED = 10 AFC_E_SERVICE_NOT_CONNECTED = 11 AFC_E_OP_TIMEOUT = 12 AFC_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA = 13 AFC_E_END_OF_DATA = 14 AFC_E_OP_NOT_SUPPORTED = 15 AFC_E_OBJECT_EXISTS = 16 AFC_E_OBJECT_BUSY = 17 AFC_E_NO_SPACE_LEFT = 18 AFC_E_OP_WOULD_BLOCK = 19 AFC_E_IO_ERROR = 20 AFC_E_OP_INTERRUPTED = 21 AFC_E_OP_IN_PROGRESS = 22 AFC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR = 23 AFC_E_MUX_ERROR = 30 AFC_E_NO_MEM = 31 AFC_E_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA = 32 AFC_E_DIR_NOT_EMPTY = 33 ctypedef enum afc_file_mode_t: AFC_FOPEN_RDONLY = 0x00000001 AFC_FOPEN_RW = 0x00000002 AFC_FOPEN_WRONLY = 0x00000003 AFC_FOPEN_WR = 0x00000004 AFC_FOPEN_APPEND = 0x00000005 AFC_FOPEN_RDAPPEND = 0x00000006 ctypedef enum afc_link_type_t: AFC_HARDLINK = 1 AFC_SYMLINK = 2 ctypedef enum afc_lock_op_t: AFC_LOCK_SH = 1 | 4 AFC_LOCK_EX = 2 | 4 AFC_LOCK_UN = 8 | 4 afc_error_t afc_client_new(idevice_t device, lockdownd_service_descriptor_t descriptor, afc_client_t *client) afc_error_t afc_client_free(afc_client_t client) afc_error_t afc_get_device_info(afc_client_t client, char ***infos) afc_error_t afc_read_directory(afc_client_t client, char *dir, char ***list) afc_error_t afc_get_file_info(afc_client_t client, char *filename, char ***infolist) afc_error_t afc_remove_path(afc_client_t client, char *path) afc_error_t afc_remove_path_and_contents(afc_client_t client, char *path) afc_error_t afc_rename_path(afc_client_t client, char *f, char *to) afc_error_t afc_make_directory(afc_client_t client, char *dir) afc_error_t afc_truncate(afc_client_t client, char *path, uint64_t newsize) afc_error_t afc_make_link(afc_client_t client, afc_link_type_t linktype, char *target, char *linkname) afc_error_t afc_set_file_time(afc_client_t client, char *path, uint64_t mtime) afc_error_t afc_file_open(afc_client_t client, char *filename, afc_file_mode_t file_mode, uint64_t *handle) afc_error_t afc_file_close(afc_client_t client, uint64_t handle) afc_error_t afc_file_lock(afc_client_t client, uint64_t handle, afc_lock_op_t operation) afc_error_t afc_file_read(afc_client_t client, uint64_t handle, char *data, uint32_t length, uint32_t *bytes_read) afc_error_t afc_file_write(afc_client_t client, uint64_t handle, char *data, uint32_t length, uint32_t *bytes_written) afc_error_t afc_file_seek(afc_client_t client, uint64_t handle, int64_t offset, int whence) afc_error_t afc_file_tell(afc_client_t client, uint64_t handle, uint64_t *position) afc_error_t afc_file_truncate(afc_client_t client, uint64_t handle, uint64_t newsize) LOCK_SH = AFC_LOCK_SH LOCK_EX = AFC_LOCK_EX LOCK_UN = AFC_LOCK_UN cdef class AfcError(BaseError): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._lookup_table = { AFC_E_SUCCESS: "Success", AFC_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR: "Unknown error", AFC_E_OP_HEADER_INVALID: "OP header invalid", AFC_E_NO_RESOURCES: "No resources", AFC_E_READ_ERROR: "Read error", AFC_E_WRITE_ERROR: "Write error", AFC_E_UNKNOWN_PACKET_TYPE: "Unknown packet type", AFC_E_INVALID_ARG: "Invalid argument", AFC_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: "Object not found", AFC_E_OBJECT_IS_DIR: "Object is directory", AFC_E_PERM_DENIED: "Permission denied", AFC_E_SERVICE_NOT_CONNECTED: "Service not connected", AFC_E_OP_TIMEOUT: "OP timeout", AFC_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA: "Too much data", AFC_E_END_OF_DATA: "End of data", AFC_E_OP_NOT_SUPPORTED: "OP not supported", AFC_E_OBJECT_EXISTS: "Object exists", AFC_E_OBJECT_BUSY: "Object busy", AFC_E_NO_SPACE_LEFT: "No space left", AFC_E_OP_WOULD_BLOCK: "OP would block", AFC_E_IO_ERROR: "IO error", AFC_E_OP_INTERRUPTED: "OP interrupted", AFC_E_OP_IN_PROGRESS: "OP in progress", AFC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR: "Internal error", AFC_E_MUX_ERROR: "MUX error", AFC_E_NO_MEM: "No memory", AFC_E_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA: "Not enough data", AFC_E_DIR_NOT_EMPTY: "Directory not empty" } BaseError.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # forward declaration of AfcClient cdef class AfcClient(BaseService) cdef class AfcFile(Base): cdef uint64_t _c_handle cdef AfcClient _client cdef bytes _filename def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise TypeError("AfcFile cannot be instantiated") def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() cpdef close(self): self.handle_error(afc_file_close(self._client._c_client, self._c_handle)) cpdef lock(self, int operation): self.handle_error(afc_file_lock(self._client._c_client, self._c_handle, operation)) cpdef seek(self, int64_t offset, int whence): self.handle_error(afc_file_seek(self._client._c_client, self._c_handle, offset, whence)) cpdef uint64_t tell(self): cdef uint64_t position self.handle_error(afc_file_tell(self._client._c_client, self._c_handle, &position)) return position cpdef truncate(self, uint64_t newsize): self.handle_error(afc_file_truncate(self._client._c_client, self._c_handle, newsize)) cpdef bytes read(self, uint32_t size): cdef: uint32_t bytes_read char* c_data = malloc(size) bytes result try: self.handle_error(afc_file_read(self._client._c_client, self._c_handle, c_data, size, &bytes_read)) result = c_data[:bytes_read] return result except BaseError, e: raise finally: free(c_data) cpdef uint32_t write(self, bytes data): cdef: uint32_t bytes_written char* c_data = data try: self.handle_error(afc_file_write(self._client._c_client, self._c_handle, c_data, len(data), &bytes_written)) except BaseError, e: raise return bytes_written cdef inline BaseError _error(self, int16_t ret): return AfcError(ret) cdef class AfcClient(BaseService): __service_name__ = "" cdef afc_client_t _c_client def __cinit__(self, iDevice device = None, LockdownServiceDescriptor descriptor = None, *args, **kwargs): if (device is not None and descriptor is not None): self.handle_error(afc_client_new(device._c_dev, descriptor._c_service_descriptor, &(self._c_client))) def __dealloc__(self): cdef afc_error_t err if self._c_client is not NULL: err = afc_client_free(self._c_client) self.handle_error(err) cdef BaseError _error(self, int16_t ret): return AfcError(ret) cpdef list get_device_info(self): cdef: afc_error_t err char** infos = NULL bytes info int i = 0 list result = [] err = afc_get_device_info(self._c_client, &infos) try: self.handle_error(err) except BaseError, e: raise finally: if infos != NULL: while infos[i]: info = infos[i] result.append(info) free(infos[i]) i = i + 1 free(infos) return result cpdef list read_directory(self, bytes directory): cdef: afc_error_t err char** dir_list = NULL bytes f int i = 0 list result = [] err = afc_read_directory(self._c_client, directory, &dir_list) try: self.handle_error(err) except BaseError, e: raise finally: if dir_list != NULL: while dir_list[i]: f = dir_list[i] result.append(f) free(dir_list[i]) i = i + 1 free(dir_list) return result cpdef AfcFile open(self, bytes filename, bytes mode=b'r'): cdef: afc_file_mode_t c_mode uint64_t handle AfcFile f if mode == b'r': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_RDONLY elif mode == b'r+': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_RW elif mode == b'w': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_WRONLY elif mode == b'w+': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_WR elif mode == b'a': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_APPEND elif mode == b'a+': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_RDAPPEND else: raise ValueError("mode string must be 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w+', 'a', or 'a+'") self.handle_error(afc_file_open(self._c_client, filename, c_mode, &handle)) f = AfcFile.__new__(AfcFile) f._c_handle = handle f._client = self f._filename = filename return f cpdef list get_file_info(self, bytes path): cdef: list result = [] char** c_result = NULL int i = 0 bytes info try: self.handle_error(afc_get_file_info(self._c_client, path, &c_result)) except BaseError, e: raise finally: if c_result != NULL: while c_result[i]: info = c_result[i] result.append(info) free(c_result[i]) i = i + 1 free(c_result) return result cpdef remove_path(self, bytes path): self.handle_error(afc_remove_path(self._c_client, path)) cpdef remove_path_and_contents(self, bytes path): self.handle_error(afc_remove_path_and_contents(self._c_client, path)) cpdef rename_path(self, bytes f, bytes t): self.handle_error(afc_rename_path(self._c_client, f, t)) cpdef make_directory(self, bytes d): self.handle_error(afc_make_directory(self._c_client, d)) cpdef truncate(self, bytes path, uint64_t newsize): self.handle_error(afc_truncate(self._c_client, path, newsize)) cpdef link(self, bytes source, bytes link_name): self.handle_error(afc_make_link(self._c_client, AFC_HARDLINK, source, link_name)) cpdef symlink(self, bytes source, bytes link_name): self.handle_error(afc_make_link(self._c_client, AFC_SYMLINK, source, link_name)) cpdef set_file_time(self, bytes path, uint64_t mtime): self.handle_error(afc_set_file_time(self._c_client, path, mtime)) cdef class Afc2Client(AfcClient): __service_name__ = "" cpdef AfcFile open(self, bytes filename, bytes mode=b'r'): cdef: afc_file_mode_t c_mode uint64_t handle AfcFile f if mode == b'r': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_RDONLY elif mode == b'r+': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_RW elif mode == b'w': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_WRONLY elif mode == b'w+': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_WR elif mode == b'a': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_APPEND elif mode == b'a+': c_mode = AFC_FOPEN_RDAPPEND else: raise ValueError("mode string must be 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w+', 'a', or 'a+'") self.handle_error(afc_file_open(self._c_client, filename, c_mode, &handle)) f = AfcFile.__new__(AfcFile) f._c_handle = handle f._client = self f._filename = filename return f