cdef class BaseError(Exception): def __cinit__(self, int16_t errcode): self._c_errcode = errcode def __nonzero__(self): return self._c_errcode != 0 property message: def __get__(self): if self._c_errcode in self._lookup_table: return self._lookup_table[self._c_errcode] else: return "Unknown error ({0})".format(self._c_errcode) property code: def __get__(self): return self._c_errcode def __str__(self): return '%s (%s)' % (self.message, self.code) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() cdef class Base: cdef inline int handle_error(self, int16_t ret) except -1: if ret == 0: return 0 cdef BaseError err = self._error(ret) raise err cdef BaseError _error(self, int16_t ret): pass cdef extern from "libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice.h": ctypedef enum idevice_error_t: IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS = 0 IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG = -1 IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR = -2 IDEVICE_E_NO_DEVICE = -3 IDEVICE_E_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA = -4 IDEVICE_E_SSL_ERROR = -6 IDEVICE_E_TIMEOUT = -7 ctypedef void (*idevice_event_cb_t) (const_idevice_event_t event, void *user_data) cdef extern idevice_error_t idevice_event_subscribe(idevice_event_cb_t callback, void *user_data) cdef extern idevice_error_t idevice_event_unsubscribe() idevice_error_t idevice_get_device_list(char ***devices, int *count) idevice_error_t idevice_device_list_free(char **devices) void idevice_set_debug_level(int level) idevice_error_t idevice_new(idevice_t *device, char *udid) idevice_error_t idevice_free(idevice_t device) idevice_error_t idevice_get_udid(idevice_t device, char** udid) idevice_error_t idevice_get_handle(idevice_t device, uint32_t *handle) idevice_error_t idevice_connect(idevice_t device, uint16_t port, idevice_connection_t *connection) idevice_error_t idevice_disconnect(idevice_connection_t connection) idevice_error_t idevice_connection_send(idevice_connection_t connection, char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *sent_bytes) idevice_error_t idevice_connection_receive_timeout(idevice_connection_t connection, char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *recv_bytes, unsigned int timeout) idevice_error_t idevice_connection_receive(idevice_connection_t connection, char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *recv_bytes) cdef class iDeviceError(BaseError): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._lookup_table = { IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS: 'Success', IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG: 'Invalid argument', IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'Unknown error', IDEVICE_E_NO_DEVICE: 'No device', IDEVICE_E_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA: 'Not enough data', IDEVICE_E_SSL_ERROR: 'SSL Error', IDEVICE_E_TIMEOUT: 'Connection timeout' } BaseError.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def set_debug_level(int level): idevice_set_debug_level(level) cdef class iDeviceEvent: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise TypeError("iDeviceEvent cannot be instantiated") def __str__(self): return 'iDeviceEvent: %s (%s)' % (self.event == IDEVICE_DEVICE_ADD and 'Add' or 'Remove', self.udid) property event: def __get__(self): return self._c_event.event property udid: def __get__(self): return self._c_event.udid property conn_type: def __get__(self): return self._c_event.conn_type cdef void idevice_event_cb(const_idevice_event_t c_event, void *user_data) with gil: cdef iDeviceEvent event = iDeviceEvent.__new__(iDeviceEvent) event._c_event = c_event (user_data)(event) def event_subscribe(object callback): cdef iDeviceError err = iDeviceError(idevice_event_subscribe(idevice_event_cb, callback)) if err: raise err def event_unsubscribe(): cdef iDeviceError err = iDeviceError(idevice_event_unsubscribe()) if err: raise err def get_device_list(): cdef: char** devices = NULL int count list result bytes device iDeviceError err = iDeviceError(idevice_get_device_list(&devices, &count)) if err: if devices != NULL: idevice_device_list_free(devices) raise err result = [] for i from 0 <= i < count: device = devices[i] result.append(device) err = iDeviceError(idevice_device_list_free(devices)) if err: raise err return result cdef class iDeviceConnection(Base): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise TypeError("iDeviceConnection cannot be instantiated. Please use iDevice.connect()") cpdef bytes receive_timeout(self, uint32_t max_len, unsigned int timeout): cdef: uint32_t bytes_received char* c_data = malloc(max_len) bytes result try: self.handle_error(idevice_connection_receive_timeout(self._c_connection, c_data, max_len, &bytes_received, timeout)) result = c_data[:bytes_received] return result except BaseError, e: raise finally: free(c_data) cpdef bytes receive(self, max_len): cdef: uint32_t bytes_received char* c_data = malloc(max_len) bytes result try: self.handle_error(idevice_connection_receive(self._c_connection, c_data, max_len, &bytes_received)) result = c_data[:bytes_received] return result except BaseError, e: raise finally: free(c_data) cpdef disconnect(self): cdef idevice_error_t err err = idevice_disconnect(self._c_connection) self.handle_error(err) cdef BaseError _error(self, int16_t ret): return iDeviceError(ret) from libc.stdlib cimport * cdef class iDevice(Base): def __cinit__(self, object udid=None, *args, **kwargs): cdef char* c_udid = NULL if isinstance(udid, basestring): c_udid = udid elif udid is not None: raise TypeError("iDevice's constructor takes a string or None as the udid argument") self.handle_error(idevice_new(&self._c_dev, c_udid)) def __dealloc__(self): if self._c_dev is not NULL: self.handle_error(idevice_free(self._c_dev)) cdef BaseError _error(self, int16_t ret): return iDeviceError(ret) cpdef iDeviceConnection connect(self, uint16_t port): cdef: idevice_error_t err idevice_connection_t c_conn = NULL iDeviceConnection conn err = idevice_connect(self._c_dev, port, &c_conn) try: self.handle_error(err) conn = iDeviceConnection.__new__(iDeviceConnection) conn._c_connection = c_conn return conn except Exception, e: if c_conn != NULL: idevice_disconnect(c_conn) property udid: def __get__(self): cdef: char* udid idevice_error_t err err = idevice_get_udid(self._c_dev, &udid) try: self.handle_error(err) return udid except Exception, e: if udid != NULL: free(udid) property handle: def __get__(self): cdef uint32_t handle self.handle_error(idevice_get_handle(self._c_dev, &handle)) return handle cdef extern from *: ctypedef char* const_char_ptr "const char*" cdef class BaseService(Base): __service_name__ = None cdef class PropertyListService(BaseService): cpdef send(self, plist.Node node): self.handle_error(self._send(node._c_node)) cpdef object receive(self): cdef: plist.plist_t c_node = NULL int16_t err err = self._receive(&c_node) try: self.handle_error(err) return plist.plist_t_to_node(c_node) except BaseError, e: if c_node != NULL: plist.plist_free(c_node) raise cpdef object receive_with_timeout(self, int timeout_ms): cdef: plist.plist_t c_node = NULL int16_t err err = self._receive_with_timeout(&c_node, timeout_ms) try: self.handle_error(err) return plist.plist_t_to_node(c_node) except BaseError, e: if c_node != NULL: plist.plist_free(c_node) raise cdef int16_t _send(self, plist.plist_t node): raise NotImplementedError("send is not implemented") cdef int16_t _receive(self, plist.plist_t* c_node): raise NotImplementedError("receive is not implemented") cdef int16_t _receive_with_timeout(self, plist.plist_t* c_node, int timeout_ms): raise NotImplementedError("receive_with_timeout is not implemented") cdef class DeviceLinkService(PropertyListService): pass include "lockdown.pxi" include "mobilesync.pxi" include "notification_proxy.pxi" include "sbservices.pxi" include "mobilebackup.pxi" include "mobilebackup2.pxi" include "afc.pxi" include "file_relay.pxi" include "screenshotr.pxi" include "installation_proxy.pxi" include "mobile_image_mounter.pxi" include "webinspector.pxi" include "heartbeat.pxi" include "diagnostics_relay.pxi" include "misagent.pxi" include "house_arrest.pxi" include "restore.pxi" include "debugserver.pxi"