/* * iphoneinfo.c * Simple utility to show information about an attached device * * Copyright (c) 2009 Martin Szulecki All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include void print_usage(int argc, char **argv); void print_lckd_request_info(iphone_lckd_client_t control, const char *domain, const char *request, const char *key); void plist_node_to_string(plist_t *node); void plist_children_to_string(plist_t *node); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { iphone_lckd_client_t control = NULL; iphone_device_t phone = NULL; iphone_error_t ret = IPHONE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; int i; char uuid[41]; uuid[0] = 0; /* parse cmdline args */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--debug")) { iphone_set_debug_mask(DBGMASK_ALL); iphone_set_debug(1); continue; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-u") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--uuid")) { i++; if (!argv[i] || (strlen(argv[i]) != 40)) { print_usage(argc, argv); return 0; } strcpy(uuid, argv[i]); continue; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { print_usage(argc, argv); return 0; } else { print_usage(argc, argv); return 0; } } if (uuid[0] != 0) { ret = iphone_get_device_by_uuid(&phone, uuid); if (ret != IPHONE_E_SUCCESS) { printf("No device found with uuid %s, is it plugged in?\n", uuid); return -1; } } else { ret = iphone_get_device(&phone); if (ret != IPHONE_E_SUCCESS) { printf("No device found, is it plugged in?\n"); return -1; } } if (IPHONE_E_SUCCESS != iphone_lckd_new_client(phone, &control)) { iphone_free_device(phone); return -1; } /* dump all information we can retrieve */ printf("# general\n"); print_lckd_request_info(control, NULL, "GetValue", NULL); print_lckd_request_info(control, "com.apple.disk_usage", "GetValue", NULL); print_lckd_request_info(control, "com.apple.mobile.battery", "GetValue", NULL); /* FIXME: For some reason lockdownd segfaults on this, works sometimes though print_lckd_request_info(control, "com.apple.mobile.debug", "GetValue", NULL); */ print_lckd_request_info(control, "com.apple.xcode.developerdomain", "GetValue", NULL); print_lckd_request_info(control, "com.apple.international", "GetValue", NULL); print_lckd_request_info(control, "com.apple.mobile.sync_data_class", "GetValue", NULL); print_lckd_request_info(control, "com.apple.iTunes", "GetValue", NULL); print_lckd_request_info(control, "com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store", "GetValue", NULL); print_lckd_request_info(control, "com.apple.mobile.iTunes", "GetValue", NULL); iphone_lckd_free_client(control); iphone_free_device(phone); return 0; } void print_usage(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", (strrchr(argv[0], '/') + 1)); printf("Show information about the first connected iPhone/iPod Touch.\n\n"); printf(" -d, --debug\t\tenable communication debugging\n"); printf(" -u, --uuid UUID\ttarget specific device by its 40-digit device UUID\n"); printf(" -h, --help\t\tprints usage information\n"); printf("\n"); } void plist_node_to_string(plist_t *node) { char *s = NULL; double d; uint8_t b; uint64_t u = 0; plist_type t; if (!node) return; t = plist_get_node_type(node); switch (t) { case PLIST_BOOLEAN: plist_get_bool_val(node, &b); printf("%s\n", (b ? "true" : "false")); break; case PLIST_UINT: plist_get_uint_val(node, &u); printf("%llu\n", u); break; case PLIST_REAL: plist_get_real_val(node, &d); printf("%f\n", d); break; case PLIST_STRING: plist_get_string_val(node, &s); printf("%s\n", s); free(s); break; case PLIST_KEY: plist_get_key_val(node, &s); printf("%s: ", s); free(s); break; case PLIST_DATA: printf("\n"); break; case PLIST_DATE: printf("\n"); break; case PLIST_ARRAY: case PLIST_DICT: printf("\n"); plist_children_to_string(node); break; default: break; } } void plist_children_to_string(plist_t *node) { /* iterate over key/value pairs */ for ( node = plist_get_first_child(node); node != NULL; node = plist_get_next_sibling(node) ) { plist_node_to_string(node); } } void print_lckd_request_info(iphone_lckd_client_t control, const char *domain, const char *request, const char *key) { iphone_error_t ret = IPHONE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t node = plist_new_dict(); if (domain) { plist_add_sub_key_el(node, "Domain"); plist_add_sub_string_el(node, domain); printf("# %s\n", domain); } if (key) { plist_add_sub_key_el(node, "Key"); plist_add_sub_string_el(node, key); } plist_add_sub_key_el(node, "Request"); plist_add_sub_string_el(node, request); ret = iphone_lckd_send(control, node); if (ret == IPHONE_E_SUCCESS) { plist_free(node); node = NULL; ret = iphone_lckd_recv(control, &node); if (ret == IPHONE_E_SUCCESS) { /* seek to first dict node */ for ( node = plist_get_first_child(node); node && (plist_get_node_type(node) != PLIST_DICT); node = plist_get_next_sibling(node) ) { } if(plist_get_first_child(node)) plist_children_to_string(node); } } if (node) plist_free(node); node = NULL; }