.TH "idevicebackup2" 1 .SH NAME idevicebackup2 \- Create or restore backups for devices running iOS 4 or later. .SH SYNOPSIS .B idevicebackup2 [OPTIONS] CMD [CMDOPTIONS] DIRECTORY .SH DESCRIPTION Create or restore backup from the current or specified directory. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-u, \-\-udid UDID target specific device by UDID. .TP .B \-s, \-\-source UDID use backup data from device specified by UDID. .TP .B \-i, \-\-interactive request passwords interactively on the command line. .TP .B \-n, \-\-network connect to network device. .TP .B \-d, \-\-debug enable communication debugging. .TP .B \-h, \-\-help prints usage information. .TP .B \-v, \-\-version prints version information. .SH COMMANDS .TP .B backup create backup for the device. .TP .B \t\-\-full force full backup from device. .TP .B restore restore last backup to the device. .TP .B \t\-\-system restore system files, too. .TP .B \t\-\-no\-reboot reboot the system when done. .TP .B \t\-\-copy create a copy of backup folder before restoring. .TP .B \t\-\-settings restore device settings from the backup. .TP .B \t\-\-remove remove items which are not being restored. .TP .B \t\-\-skip-apps do not trigger re-installation of apps after restore. .TP .B \t\-\-password PWD supply the password for the encrypted source backup. If omitted, the password will be requested in interactive mode (\f[B]\-i\f[]), or it can be passed using the environment variable \f[B]BACKUP_PASSWORD\f[]. .TP .B info show details about last completed backup of device. .TP .B list list files of last completed backup in CSV format. .TP .B unback unpack a completed backup in DIRECTORY/_unback_/ .TP .B encryption on|off [PWD] enable or disable backup encryption. The password will be requested in interactive mode (\f[B]\-i\f[]) if omitted, or it can be passed using the environment variable \f[B]BACKUP_PASSWORD\f[]. .TP .B changepw [OLD NEW] change backup password on target device. The passwords will be requested in interactive mode (\f[B]\-i\f[]) if omitted, or they can be passed using the environment variables \f[B]BACKUP_PASSWORD\f[] (old password) and \f[B]BACKUP_PASSWORD_NEW\f[] (new password) respectively. .TP .B cloud on|off enable or disable cloud use (requires iCloud account). .SH SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS Passing passwords on the command line is not advised, since it might reveal the backup password to other users via process list or command line history. Use interactive mode (\f[B]\-i\f[]) or pass them via environment variable(s) as mentioned in the description of the respective commands above. .SH AUTHORS Martin Szulecki Nikias Bassen .SH ON THE WEB https://libimobiledevice.org https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice