/* * libiphone.h * Main include of libiphone * * Copyright (c) 2008 Jonathan Beck All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef LIBIPHONE_H #define LIBIPHONE_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <plist/plist.h> #include <usbmuxd.h> //general errors #define IPHONE_E_SUCCESS 0 #define IPHONE_E_INVALID_ARG -1 #define IPHONE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR -2 #define IPHONE_E_NO_DEVICE -3 #define IPHONE_E_TIMEOUT -4 #define IPHONE_E_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA -5 #define IPHONE_E_BAD_HEADER -6 //lockdownd specific error #define IPHONE_E_INVALID_CONF -7 #define IPHONE_E_PAIRING_FAILED -8 #define IPHONE_E_SSL_ERROR -9 #define IPHONE_E_PLIST_ERROR -10 #define IPHONE_E_DICT_ERROR -11 #define IPHONE_E_START_SERVICE_FAILED -12 //afc specific error #define IPHONE_E_AFC_ERROR -13 typedef int16_t iphone_error_t; typedef enum { AFC_FOPEN_RDONLY = 0x00000001, // r O_RDONLY AFC_FOPEN_RW = 0x00000002, // r+ O_RDWR | O_CREAT AFC_FOPEN_WRONLY = 0x00000003, // w O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC AFC_FOPEN_WR = 0x00000004, // w+ O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC AFC_FOPEN_APPEND = 0x00000005, // a O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT AFC_FOPEN_RDAPPEND = 0x00000006 // a+ O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT } iphone_afc_file_mode_t; struct iphone_device_int; typedef struct iphone_device_int *iphone_device_t; struct iphone_lckd_client_int; typedef struct iphone_lckd_client_int *iphone_lckd_client_t; struct iphone_afc_client_int; typedef struct iphone_afc_client_int *iphone_afc_client_t; struct iphone_afc_file_int; typedef struct iphone_afc_file_int *iphone_afc_file_t; struct iphone_msync_client_int; typedef struct iphone_msync_client_int *iphone_msync_client_t; struct iphone_np_client_int; typedef struct iphone_np_client_int *iphone_np_client_t; //debug related functions #define DBGMASK_ALL 0xFFFF #define DBGMASK_NONE 0x0000 #define DBGMASK_USBMUX (1 << 1) #define DBGMASK_LOCKDOWND (1 << 2) #define DBGMASK_MOBILESYNC (1 << 3) void iphone_set_debug_mask(uint16_t mask); void iphone_set_debug(int level); //device related functions iphone_error_t iphone_get_device ( iphone_device_t *device ); iphone_error_t iphone_get_device_by_uuid ( iphone_device_t *device, const char *uuid ); iphone_error_t iphone_free_device ( iphone_device_t device ); uint32_t iphone_get_device_handle ( iphone_device_t device ); //lockdownd related functions iphone_error_t lockdownd_get_device_uid(iphone_lckd_client_t control, char **uid); iphone_error_t lockdownd_get_device_name ( iphone_lckd_client_t client, char **device_name ); iphone_error_t iphone_lckd_new_client ( iphone_device_t device, iphone_lckd_client_t *client ); iphone_error_t iphone_lckd_free_client( iphone_lckd_client_t client ); iphone_error_t iphone_lckd_start_service ( iphone_lckd_client_t client, const char *service, int *port ); iphone_error_t iphone_lckd_recv ( iphone_lckd_client_t client, plist_t* plist); iphone_error_t iphone_lckd_send ( iphone_lckd_client_t client, plist_t plist); //afc related functions iphone_error_t iphone_afc_new_client ( iphone_device_t device, int dst_port, iphone_afc_client_t *client ); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_free_client ( iphone_afc_client_t client ); int iphone_afc_get_afcerror ( iphone_afc_client_t client ); int iphone_afc_get_errno ( iphone_afc_client_t client ); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_get_devinfo ( iphone_afc_client_t client, char ***infos ); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_get_dir_list ( iphone_afc_client_t client, const char *dir, char ***list); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_get_file_attr ( iphone_afc_client_t client, const char *filename, struct stat *stbuf ); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_open_file ( iphone_afc_client_t client, const char *filename, iphone_afc_file_mode_t file_mode, iphone_afc_file_t *file ); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_close_file ( iphone_afc_client_t client, iphone_afc_file_t file); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_lock_file ( iphone_afc_client_t client, iphone_afc_file_t file, int operation); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_read_file ( iphone_afc_client_t client, iphone_afc_file_t file, char *data, int length, uint32_t *bytes); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_write_file ( iphone_afc_client_t client, iphone_afc_file_t file, const char *data, int length, uint32_t *bytes); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_seek_file ( iphone_afc_client_t client, iphone_afc_file_t file, int seekpos); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_truncate_file ( iphone_afc_client_t client, iphone_afc_file_t file, uint32_t newsize); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_delete_file ( iphone_afc_client_t client, const char *path); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_rename_file ( iphone_afc_client_t client, const char *from, const char *to); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_mkdir ( iphone_afc_client_t client, const char *dir); iphone_error_t iphone_afc_truncate(iphone_afc_client_t client, const char *path, off_t newsize); iphone_error_t iphone_msync_new_client(iphone_device_t device, int dst_port, iphone_msync_client_t * client); iphone_error_t iphone_msync_free_client(iphone_msync_client_t client); iphone_error_t iphone_msync_recv(iphone_msync_client_t client, plist_t * plist); iphone_error_t iphone_msync_send(iphone_msync_client_t client, plist_t plist); // NotificationProxy related // notifications for use with post_notification (client --> device) #define NP_SYNC_WILL_START "com.apple.itunes-mobdev.syncWillStart" #define NP_SYNC_DID_START "com.apple.itunes-mobdev.syncDidStart" #define NP_SYNC_DID_FINISH "com.apple.itunes-mobdev.syncDidFinish" // notifications for use with observe_notification (device --> client) #define NP_SYNC_CANCEL_REQUEST "com.apple.itunes-client.syncCancelRequest" #define NP_SYNC_SUSPEND_REQUEST "com.apple.itunes-client.syncSuspendRequest" #define NP_SYNC_RESUME_REQUEST "com.apple.itunes-client.syncResumeRequest" #define NP_PHONE_NUMBER_CHANGED "com.apple.mobile.lockdown.phone_number_changed" #define NP_DEVICE_NAME_CHANGED "com.apple.mobile.lockdown.device_name_changed" #define NP_ATTEMPTACTIVATION "com.apple.springboard.attemptactivation" #define NP_DS_DOMAIN_CHANGED "com.apple.mobile.data_sync.domain_changed" #define NP_APP_INSTALLED "com.apple.mobile.application_installed" #define NP_APP_UNINSTALLED "com.apple.mobile.application_uninstalled" iphone_error_t iphone_np_new_client ( iphone_device_t device, int dst_port, iphone_np_client_t *client ); iphone_error_t iphone_np_free_client ( iphone_np_client_t client ); iphone_error_t iphone_np_post_notification ( iphone_np_client_t client, const char *notification ); iphone_error_t iphone_np_observe_notification ( iphone_np_client_t client, const char *notification ); iphone_error_t iphone_np_observe_notifications ( iphone_np_client_t client, const char **notification_spec ); iphone_error_t iphone_np_get_notification ( iphone_np_client_t client, char **notification ); typedef void (*iphone_np_notify_cb_t) ( const char *notification ); iphone_error_t iphone_np_set_notify_callback ( iphone_np_client_t client, iphone_np_notify_cb_t notify_cb ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif