/* * debugserver.c * com.apple.debugserver service implementation. * * Copyright (c) 2019 Nikias Bassen, All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Martin Szulecki All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #define __USE_GNU 1 #include #include #include "debugserver.h" #include "lockdown.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "asprintf.h" /** * Convert a service_error_t value to a debugserver_error_t value. * Used internally to get correct error codes. * * @param err An service_error_t error code * * @return A matching debugserver_error_t error code, * DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR otherwise. */ static debugserver_error_t debugserver_error(service_error_t err) { switch (err) { case SERVICE_E_SUCCESS: return DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS; case SERVICE_E_INVALID_ARG: return DEBUGSERVER_E_INVALID_ARG; case SERVICE_E_MUX_ERROR: return DEBUGSERVER_E_MUX_ERROR; case SERVICE_E_SSL_ERROR: return DEBUGSERVER_E_SSL_ERROR; case SERVICE_E_TIMEOUT: return DEBUGSERVER_E_TIMEOUT; default: break; } return DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_new(idevice_t device, lockdownd_service_descriptor_t service, debugserver_client_t* client) { *client = NULL; if (!device || !service || service->port == 0 || !client || *client) { debug_info("Incorrect parameter passed to debugserver_client_new."); return DEBUGSERVER_E_INVALID_ARG; } debug_info("Creating debugserver_client, port = %d.", service->port); service_client_t parent = NULL; debugserver_error_t ret = debugserver_error(service_client_new(device, service, &parent)); if (ret != DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS) { debug_info("Creating base service client failed. Error: %i", ret); return ret; } if (service->identifier && (strcmp(service->identifier, DEBUGSERVER_SECURE_SERVICE_NAME) != 0)) { service_disable_bypass_ssl(parent, 1); } debugserver_client_t client_loc = (debugserver_client_t) malloc(sizeof(struct debugserver_client_private)); client_loc->parent = parent; client_loc->noack_mode = 0; *client = client_loc; debug_info("debugserver_client successfully created."); return DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_start_service(idevice_t device, debugserver_client_t * client, const char* label) { debugserver_error_t err = DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; service_client_factory_start_service(device, DEBUGSERVER_SECURE_SERVICE_NAME, (void**)client, label, SERVICE_CONSTRUCTOR(debugserver_client_new), &err); if (err != DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS) { err = DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; service_client_factory_start_service(device, DEBUGSERVER_SERVICE_NAME, (void**)client, label, SERVICE_CONSTRUCTOR(debugserver_client_new), &err); } return err; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_free(debugserver_client_t client) { if (!client) return DEBUGSERVER_E_INVALID_ARG; debugserver_error_t err = debugserver_error(service_client_free(client->parent)); client->parent = NULL; free(client); return err; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_send(debugserver_client_t client, const char* data, uint32_t size, uint32_t *sent) { debugserver_error_t res = DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; int bytes = 0; if (!client || !data || (size == 0)) { return DEBUGSERVER_E_INVALID_ARG; } debug_info("sending %d bytes", size); res = debugserver_error(service_send(client->parent, data, size, (uint32_t*)&bytes)); if (bytes <= 0) { debug_info("ERROR: sending to device failed."); } if (sent) { *sent = (uint32_t)bytes; } return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_receive_with_timeout(debugserver_client_t client, char* data, uint32_t size, uint32_t *received, unsigned int timeout) { debugserver_error_t res = DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; int bytes = 0; if (!client || !data || (size == 0)) { return DEBUGSERVER_E_INVALID_ARG; } res = debugserver_error(service_receive_with_timeout(client->parent, data, size, (uint32_t*)&bytes, timeout)); if (bytes <= 0) { debug_info("Could not read data, error %d", res); } if (received) { *received = (uint32_t)bytes; } return (bytes > 0) ? DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS : res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_receive(debugserver_client_t client, char* data, uint32_t size, uint32_t *received) { return debugserver_client_receive_with_timeout(client, data, size, received, 1000); } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_command_new(const char* name, int argc, char* argv[], debugserver_command_t* command) { int i; debugserver_command_t tmp = (debugserver_command_t) malloc(sizeof(struct debugserver_command_private)); /* copy name */ tmp->name = strdup(name); /* copy arguments */ tmp->argc = argc; tmp->argv = NULL; if (argc > 0) { tmp->argv = malloc(sizeof(char*) * (argc + 2)); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { tmp->argv[i] = strdup(argv[i]); } tmp->argv[i+1] = NULL; } /* return */ *command = tmp; return DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_command_free(debugserver_command_t command) { int i; debugserver_error_t res = DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; if (!command) return DEBUGSERVER_E_INVALID_ARG; if (command) { if (command->name) free(command->name); if (command->argv && command->argc) { for (i = 0; i < command->argc; i++) { free(command->argv[i]); } free(command->argv); } free(command); res = DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS; } return res; } static int debugserver_hex2int(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return 10 + c - 'a'; else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return 10 + c - 'A'; else return c; } static char debugserver_int2hex(int x) { const char *hexchars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; return hexchars[x]; } #define DEBUGSERVER_HEX_ENCODE_FIRST_BYTE(byte) debugserver_int2hex((byte >> 0x4) & 0xf) #define DEBUGSERVER_HEX_ENCODE_SECOND_BYTE(byte) debugserver_int2hex(byte & 0xf) #define DEBUGSERVER_HEX_DECODE_FIRST_BYTE(byte) ((byte >> 0x4) & 0xf) #define DEBUGSERVER_HEX_DECODE_SECOND_BYTE(byte) (byte & 0xf) static uint32_t debugserver_get_checksum_for_buffer(const char* buffer, uint32_t size) { uint32_t checksum = 0; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { checksum += buffer[i]; } return checksum; } static int debugserver_response_is_checksum_valid(const char* response, uint32_t size) { uint32_t checksum = 0; if ((size - DEBUGSERVER_CHECKSUM_HASH_LENGTH - 1) > 0) checksum = debugserver_get_checksum_for_buffer(&response[1], size - DEBUGSERVER_CHECKSUM_HASH_LENGTH - 1); debug_info("checksum: 0x%x", checksum); if ((unsigned)debugserver_hex2int(response[size - 2]) != DEBUGSERVER_HEX_DECODE_FIRST_BYTE(checksum)) return 0; if ((unsigned)debugserver_hex2int(response[size - 1]) != DEBUGSERVER_HEX_DECODE_SECOND_BYTE(checksum)) return 0; debug_info("valid checksum"); return 1; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API void debugserver_encode_string(const char* buffer, char** encoded_buffer, uint32_t* encoded_length) { uint32_t position; uint32_t index; uint32_t length = strlen(buffer); *encoded_length = (2 * length) + DEBUGSERVER_CHECKSUM_HASH_LENGTH + 1; *encoded_buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * (*encoded_length)); memset(*encoded_buffer, '\0', *encoded_length); for (position = 0, index = 0; index < length; index++) { position = (index * (2 * sizeof(char))); (*encoded_buffer)[position] = DEBUGSERVER_HEX_ENCODE_FIRST_BYTE(buffer[index]); (*encoded_buffer)[position + 1] = DEBUGSERVER_HEX_ENCODE_SECOND_BYTE(buffer[index]); } } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API void debugserver_decode_string(const char *encoded_buffer, size_t encoded_length, char** buffer) { *buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * ((encoded_length / 2)+1)); char* t = *buffer; const char *f = encoded_buffer; const char *fend = f + encoded_length; while (f < fend) { *t++ = debugserver_hex2int(*f) << 4 | debugserver_hex2int(f[1]); f += 2; } *t = '\0'; } static void debugserver_format_command(const char* prefix, const char* command, const char* arguments, int calculate_checksum, char** buffer, uint32_t* size) { char checksum_hash[DEBUGSERVER_CHECKSUM_HASH_LENGTH + 1] = {'#', '0', '0', '\0'}; char* encoded = NULL; uint32_t encoded_length = 0; if (arguments) { /* arguments must be hex encoded */ debugserver_encode_string(arguments, &encoded, &encoded_length); } else { encoded = NULL; } char* encoded_command = string_concat(command, encoded, NULL); encoded_length = strlen(encoded_command); if (calculate_checksum) { uint32_t checksum = debugserver_get_checksum_for_buffer(encoded_command, encoded_length); checksum_hash[1] = DEBUGSERVER_HEX_ENCODE_FIRST_BYTE(checksum); checksum_hash[2] = DEBUGSERVER_HEX_ENCODE_SECOND_BYTE(checksum); } *buffer = string_concat(prefix, encoded_command, checksum_hash, NULL); *size = strlen(prefix) + strlen(encoded_command) + DEBUGSERVER_CHECKSUM_HASH_LENGTH; debug_info("formatted command: %s size: %d checksum: 0x%s", *buffer, *size, checksum_hash); if (encoded_command) free(encoded_command); if (encoded) free(encoded); } static debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_send_ack(debugserver_client_t client) { debug_info("sending ACK"); return debugserver_client_send(client, "+", sizeof(char), NULL); } static debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_send_noack(debugserver_client_t client) { debug_info("sending !ACK"); return debugserver_client_send(client, "-", sizeof(char), NULL); } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_set_ack_mode(debugserver_client_t client, int enabled) { if (!client) return DEBUGSERVER_E_INVALID_ARG; client->noack_mode = (enabled == 0)? 1: 0; debug_info("ack mode: %s", client->noack_mode == 0 ? "on": "off"); return DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS; } static int debugserver_client_receive_internal_check(debugserver_client_t client, char* received_char) { debugserver_error_t res = DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS; int did_receive_char = 0; char buffer = 0; uint32_t bytes = 0; /* we loop here as we expect an answer */ res = debugserver_client_receive_with_timeout(client, &buffer, sizeof(char), &bytes, 1000); if (res == DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS && received_char[0] != 0) { if (memcmp(&buffer, received_char, sizeof(char)) == 0) { did_receive_char = 1; } } else { did_receive_char = 0; } if (!did_receive_char) { memcpy(received_char, &buffer, sizeof(char)); } return did_receive_char; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_receive_response(debugserver_client_t client, char** response, size_t* response_size) { debugserver_error_t res = DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS; int should_receive = 1; int skip_prefix = 0; char* command_prefix = strdup("$"); char* buffer = NULL; uint32_t buffer_size = 0; uint32_t buffer_capacity = 0; if (response) *response = NULL; if (!client->noack_mode) { char ack[2] = {'+', '\0'}; debug_info("attempting to receive ACK %c", *ack); should_receive = debugserver_client_receive_internal_check(client, ack); debug_info("received char: %c", *ack); if (strncmp(ack, command_prefix, sizeof(char)) == 0) { should_receive = 1; skip_prefix = 1; buffer = malloc(1024); buffer_capacity = 1024; strcpy(buffer, command_prefix); buffer_size += sizeof(char); debug_info("received ACK"); } } debug_info("should_receive: %d, skip_prefix: %d", should_receive, skip_prefix); if (should_receive && !skip_prefix) { debug_info("attempting to receive prefix"); should_receive = debugserver_client_receive_internal_check(client, command_prefix); debug_info("received command_prefix: %c", *command_prefix); if (should_receive) { if (buffer) { strcpy(buffer, command_prefix); } else { buffer = malloc(1024); buffer_capacity = 1024; strcpy(buffer, command_prefix); buffer_size += sizeof(char); } } } debug_info("buffer: %*s, should_receive: %d, skip_prefix: %d", buffer_size, buffer, should_receive, skip_prefix); if (should_receive) { uint32_t checksum_length = DEBUGSERVER_CHECKSUM_HASH_LENGTH; int receiving_checksum_response = 0; debug_info("attempting to read up response until checksum"); while ((checksum_length > 0)) { char data[2] = {'#', '\0'}; if (debugserver_client_receive_internal_check(client, data)) { receiving_checksum_response = 1; } if (receiving_checksum_response) { checksum_length--; } if (buffer_size + 1 >= buffer_capacity) { char* newbuffer = realloc(buffer, buffer_capacity+1024); if (!newbuffer) { return DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } buffer = newbuffer; buffer[buffer_capacity] = '\0'; buffer_capacity += 1024; } strcat(buffer, data); buffer_size += sizeof(char); } debug_info("validating response checksum..."); if (client->noack_mode || debugserver_response_is_checksum_valid(buffer, buffer_size)) { if (response) { /* assemble response string */ uint32_t resp_size = sizeof(char) * (buffer_size - DEBUGSERVER_CHECKSUM_HASH_LENGTH - 1); *response = (char*)malloc(resp_size + 1); memcpy(*response, buffer + 1, resp_size); (*response)[resp_size] = '\0'; if (response_size) *response_size = resp_size; } if (!client->noack_mode) { /* confirm valid command */ debugserver_client_send_ack(client); } } else { /* response was invalid */ res = DEBUGSERVER_E_RESPONSE_ERROR; if (!client->noack_mode) { /* report invalid command */ debugserver_client_send_noack(client); } } } if (response) { debug_info("response: %s", *response); } if (buffer) free(buffer); if (command_prefix) free(command_prefix); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_send_command(debugserver_client_t client, debugserver_command_t command, char** response, size_t* response_size) { debugserver_error_t res = DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS; int i; uint32_t bytes = 0; char* send_buffer = NULL; uint32_t send_buffer_size = 0; char* command_arguments = NULL; /* concat all arguments */ for (i = 0; i < command->argc; i++) { debug_info("argv[%d]: %s", i, command->argv[i]); command_arguments = string_append(command_arguments, command->argv[i], NULL); } debug_info("command_arguments(%d): %s", command->argc, command_arguments); /* encode command arguments, add checksum if required and assemble entire command */ debugserver_format_command("$", command->name, command_arguments, 1, &send_buffer, &send_buffer_size); debug_info("sending encoded command: %s", send_buffer); res = debugserver_client_send(client, send_buffer, send_buffer_size, &bytes); debug_info("command result: %d", res); if (res != DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } /* receive response */ res = debugserver_client_receive_response(client, response, response_size); debug_info("response result: %d", res); if (res != DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } if (response) { debug_info("received response: %s", *response); } /* disable sending ack on the client */ if (!strncmp(command->name, "QStartNoAckMode", 16)) { debugserver_client_set_ack_mode(client, 0); } cleanup: if (command_arguments) free(command_arguments); if (send_buffer) free(send_buffer); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_set_environment_hex_encoded(debugserver_client_t client, const char* env, char** response) { if (!client || !env) return DEBUGSERVER_E_INVALID_ARG; debugserver_error_t result = DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; char* env_tmp = strdup(env); char* env_arg[2] = { env_tmp, NULL }; debugserver_command_t command = NULL; debugserver_command_new("QEnvironmentHexEncoded:", 1, env_arg, &command); result = debugserver_client_send_command(client, command, response, NULL); debugserver_command_free(command); free(env_tmp); return result; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_set_argv(debugserver_client_t client, int argc, char* argv[], char** response) { if (!client || !argc) return DEBUGSERVER_E_INVALID_ARG; debugserver_error_t result = DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; char *pkt = NULL; size_t pkt_len = 0; int i = 0; /* calculate total length */ while (i < argc && argv && argv[i]) { char *prefix = NULL; int ret = asprintf(&prefix, ",%zu,%d,", strlen(argv[i]) * 2, i); if (ret < 0 || prefix == NULL) { debug_info("asprintf failed, out of memory?"); return DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } pkt_len += strlen(prefix) + strlen(argv[i]) * 2; free(prefix); i++; } /* allocate packet and initialize it */ pkt = (char *) malloc(pkt_len + 1); memset(pkt, 0, pkt_len + 1); char *pktp = pkt; i = 0; while (i < argc && argv && argv[i]) { debug_info("argv[%d] = \"%s\"", i, argv[i]); char *prefix = NULL; char *m = NULL; size_t arg_len = strlen(argv[i]); size_t arg_hexlen = arg_len * 2; int ret = asprintf(&prefix, ",%zu,%d,", arg_hexlen, i); if (ret < 0 || prefix == NULL) { debug_info("asprintf failed, out of memory?"); return DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } m = (char *) malloc(arg_hexlen); char *p = m; char *q = (char*)argv[i]; while (*q) { *p++ = DEBUGSERVER_HEX_ENCODE_FIRST_BYTE(*q); *p++ = DEBUGSERVER_HEX_ENCODE_SECOND_BYTE(*q); q++; } memcpy(pktp, prefix, strlen(prefix)); pktp += strlen(prefix); memcpy(pktp, m, arg_hexlen); pktp += arg_hexlen; free(prefix); free(m); i++; } pkt[0] = 'A'; debugserver_command_t command = NULL; debugserver_command_new(pkt, 0, NULL, &command); result = debugserver_client_send_command(client, command, response, NULL); debugserver_command_free(command); if (pkt) free(pkt); return result; }