/* * idevicedebug.c * Interact with the debugserver service of a device. * * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Martin Szulecki All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #define TOOL_NAME "idevicedebug" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #define sleep(x) Sleep(x*1000) #endif #include #include #include #include #include "common/debug.h" static int debug_level = 0; #define log_debug(...) if (debug_level > 0) { printf(__VA_ARGS__); fputc('\n', stdout); } enum cmd_mode { CMD_NONE = 0, CMD_RUN }; static int quit_flag = 0; static void on_signal(int sig) { fprintf(stderr, "Exiting...\n"); quit_flag++; } static instproxy_error_t instproxy_client_get_object_by_key_from_info_dictionary_for_bundle_identifier(instproxy_client_t client, const char* appid, const char* key, plist_t* node) { if (!client || !appid || !key) return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; plist_t apps = NULL; // create client options for any application types plist_t client_opts = instproxy_client_options_new(); instproxy_client_options_add(client_opts, "ApplicationType", "Any", NULL); // only return attributes we need instproxy_client_options_set_return_attributes(client_opts, "CFBundleIdentifier", "CFBundleExecutable", key, NULL); // only query for specific appid const char* appids[] = {appid, NULL}; // query device for list of apps instproxy_error_t ierr = instproxy_lookup(client, appids, client_opts, &apps); instproxy_client_options_free(client_opts); if (ierr != INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS) { return ierr; } plist_t app_found = plist_access_path(apps, 1, appid); if (!app_found) { if (apps) plist_free(apps); *node = NULL; return INSTPROXY_E_OP_FAILED; } plist_t object = plist_dict_get_item(app_found, key); if (object) { *node = plist_copy(object); } else { log_debug("key %s not found", key); return INSTPROXY_E_OP_FAILED; } plist_free(apps); return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS; } static debugserver_error_t debugserver_client_handle_response(debugserver_client_t client, char** response, int send_reply) { debugserver_error_t dres = DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS; debugserver_command_t command = NULL; char* o = NULL; char* r = *response; if (r[0] == 'O') { /* stdout/stderr */ debugserver_decode_string(r + 1, strlen(r) - 1, &o); printf("%s", o); fflush(stdout); if (o != NULL) { free(o); o = NULL; } free(*response); *response = NULL; if (!send_reply) return dres; /* send reply */ debugserver_command_new("OK", 0, NULL, &command); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(client, command, response, NULL); log_debug("result: %d", dres); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; } else if (r[0] == 'T') { /* thread stopped information */ log_debug("Thread stopped. Details:\n%s", r + 1); free(*response); *response = NULL; if (!send_reply) return dres; dres = DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } else if (r[0] == 'E' || r[0] == 'W') { printf("%s: %s\n", (r[0] == 'E' ? "ERROR": "WARNING") , r + 1); free(*response); *response = NULL; if (!send_reply) return dres; /* send reply */ debugserver_command_new("OK", 0, NULL, &command); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(client, command, response, NULL); log_debug("result: %d", dres); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; } else if (r && strlen(r) == 0) { if (!send_reply) return dres; free(*response); *response = NULL; /* no command */ debugserver_command_new("OK", 0, NULL, &command); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(client, command, response, NULL); log_debug("result: %d", dres); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; } else { log_debug("ERROR: unhandled response '%s'", r); } return dres; } static void print_usage(int argc, char **argv) { char *name = NULL; name = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] COMMAND\n", (name ? name + 1: argv[0])); printf("\n"); printf("Interact with the debugserver service of a device.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Where COMMAND is one of:\n"); printf(" run BUNDLEID [ARGS...]\trun app with BUNDLEID and optional ARGS on device.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("The following OPTIONS are accepted:\n"); printf(" -u, --udid UDID\ttarget specific device by UDID\n"); printf(" -n, --network\t\tconnect to network device\n"); printf(" --detach\t\tdetach from app after launch, keeping it running\n"); printf(" -e, --env NAME=VALUE\tset environment variable NAME to VALUE\n"); printf(" -d, --debug\t\tenable communication debugging\n"); printf(" -h, --help\t\tprints usage information\n"); printf(" -v, --version\t\tprints version information\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Homepage: <" PACKAGE_URL ">\n"); printf("Bug Reports: <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int res = -1; idevice_t device = NULL; idevice_error_t ret = IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; instproxy_client_t instproxy_client = NULL; debugserver_client_t debugserver_client = NULL; int i; int cmd = CMD_NONE; const char* udid = NULL; int use_network = 0; int detach_after_start = 0; const char* bundle_identifier = NULL; char* path = NULL; char* working_directory = NULL; char **newlist = NULL; char** environment = NULL; int environment_index = 0; int environment_count = 0; char* response = NULL; debugserver_command_t command = NULL; debugserver_error_t dres = DEBUGSERVER_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; /* map signals */ signal(SIGINT, on_signal); signal(SIGTERM, on_signal); #ifndef WIN32 signal(SIGQUIT, on_signal); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif /* parse command line arguments */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--debug")) { debug_level++; idevice_set_debug_level(debug_level); continue; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-u") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--udid")) { i++; if (!argv[i] || !*argv[i]) { print_usage(argc, argv); res = 0; goto cleanup; } udid = argv[i]; continue; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-n") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--network")) { use_network = 1; continue; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--detach")) { detach_after_start = 1; continue; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-e") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--env")) { i++; if (!argv[i] || (strlen(argv[i]) <= 1) || strchr(argv[i], '=') == NULL) { print_usage(argc, argv); res = 0; goto cleanup; } /* add environment variable */ if (!newlist) newlist = malloc((environment_count + 1) * sizeof(char*)); else newlist = realloc(environment, (environment_count + 1) * sizeof(char*)); newlist[environment_count++] = strdup(argv[i]); environment = newlist; continue; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { print_usage(argc, argv); res = 0; goto cleanup; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--version")) { printf("%s %s\n", TOOL_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); res = 0; goto cleanup; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "run")) { cmd = CMD_RUN; i++; if (!argv[i]) { /* make sure at least the bundle identifier was provided */ printf("Please supply the bundle identifier of the app to run.\n"); print_usage(argc, argv); res = 0; goto cleanup; } /* read bundle identifier */ bundle_identifier = argv[i]; break; } else { print_usage(argc, argv); res = 0; goto cleanup; } } if (environment) { newlist = realloc(environment, (environment_count + 1) * sizeof(char*)); newlist[environment_count] = NULL; environment = newlist; } /* verify options */ if (cmd == CMD_NONE) { print_usage(argc, argv); goto cleanup; } /* connect to the device */ ret = idevice_new_with_options(&device, udid, (use_network) ? IDEVICE_LOOKUP_NETWORK : IDEVICE_LOOKUP_USBMUX); if (ret != IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS) { if (udid) { printf("No device found with udid %s.\n", udid); } else { printf("No device found.\n"); } goto cleanup; } switch (cmd) { case CMD_RUN: default: /* get the path to the app and it's working directory */ if (instproxy_client_start_service(device, &instproxy_client, TOOL_NAME) != INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not start installation proxy service.\n"); goto cleanup; } instproxy_client_get_path_for_bundle_identifier(instproxy_client, bundle_identifier, &path); if (!path) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid bundle identifier: %s\n", bundle_identifier); goto cleanup; } plist_t container = NULL; instproxy_client_get_object_by_key_from_info_dictionary_for_bundle_identifier(instproxy_client, bundle_identifier, "Container", &container); instproxy_client_free(instproxy_client); instproxy_client = NULL; if (container && (plist_get_node_type(container) == PLIST_STRING)) { plist_get_string_val(container, &working_directory); log_debug("working_directory: %s\n", working_directory); plist_free(container); } else { plist_free(container); fprintf(stderr, "Could not determine container path for bundle identifier %s.\n", bundle_identifier); goto cleanup; } /* start and connect to debugserver */ if (debugserver_client_start_service(device, &debugserver_client, TOOL_NAME) != DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not start com.apple.debugserver!\n" "Please make sure to mount the developer disk image first:\n" " 1) Get the iOS version from `ideviceinfo -k ProductVersion`.\n" " 2) Find the matching iPhoneOS DeveloperDiskImage.dmg files.\n" " 3) Run `ideviceimagemounter` with the above path.\n"); goto cleanup; } /* enable logging for the session in debug mode */ if (debug_level) { log_debug("Setting logging bitmask..."); debugserver_command_new("QSetLogging:bitmask=LOG_ALL|LOG_RNB_REMOTE|LOG_RNB_PACKETS", 0, NULL, &command); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(debugserver_client, command, &response, NULL); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; if (response) { if (strncmp(response, "OK", 2)) { debugserver_client_handle_response(debugserver_client, &response, 0); goto cleanup; } free(response); response = NULL; } } /* set maximum packet size */ log_debug("Setting maximum packet size..."); char* packet_size[2] = {strdup("1024"), NULL}; debugserver_command_new("QSetMaxPacketSize:", 1, packet_size, &command); free(packet_size[0]); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(debugserver_client, command, &response, NULL); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; if (response) { if (strncmp(response, "OK", 2)) { debugserver_client_handle_response(debugserver_client, &response, 0); goto cleanup; } free(response); response = NULL; } /* set working directory */ log_debug("Setting working directory..."); char* working_dir[2] = {working_directory, NULL}; debugserver_command_new("QSetWorkingDir:", 1, working_dir, &command); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(debugserver_client, command, &response, NULL); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; if (response) { if (strncmp(response, "OK", 2)) { debugserver_client_handle_response(debugserver_client, &response, 0); goto cleanup; } free(response); response = NULL; } /* set environment */ if (environment) { log_debug("Setting environment..."); for (environment_index = 0; environment_index < environment_count; environment_index++) { log_debug("setting environment variable: %s", environment[environment_index]); debugserver_client_set_environment_hex_encoded(debugserver_client, environment[environment_index], NULL); } } /* set arguments and run app */ log_debug("Setting argv..."); i++; /* i is the offset of the bundle identifier, thus skip it */ int app_argc = (argc - i + 2); char **app_argv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * app_argc); app_argv[0] = path; log_debug("app_argv[%d] = %s", 0, app_argv[0]); app_argc = 1; while (i < argc && argv && argv[i]) { log_debug("app_argv[%d] = %s", app_argc, argv[i]); app_argv[app_argc++] = argv[i]; i++; } app_argv[app_argc] = NULL; debugserver_client_set_argv(debugserver_client, app_argc, app_argv, NULL); free(app_argv); /* check if launch succeeded */ log_debug("Checking if launch succeeded..."); debugserver_command_new("qLaunchSuccess", 0, NULL, &command); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(debugserver_client, command, &response, NULL); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; if (response) { if (strncmp(response, "OK", 2)) { debugserver_client_handle_response(debugserver_client, &response, 0); goto cleanup; } free(response); response = NULL; } if (detach_after_start) { log_debug("Detaching from app"); debugserver_command_new("D", 0, NULL, &command); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(debugserver_client, command, &response, NULL); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; res = (dres == DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS) ? 0: -1; break; } /* set thread */ log_debug("Setting thread..."); debugserver_command_new("Hc0", 0, NULL, &command); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(debugserver_client, command, &response, NULL); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; if (response) { if (strncmp(response, "OK", 2)) { debugserver_client_handle_response(debugserver_client, &response, 0); goto cleanup; } free(response); response = NULL; } /* continue running process */ log_debug("Continue running process..."); debugserver_command_new("c", 0, NULL, &command); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(debugserver_client, command, &response, NULL); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; /* main loop which is parsing/handling packets during the run */ log_debug("Entering run loop..."); while (!quit_flag) { if (dres != DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS) { log_debug("failed to receive response"); break; } if (response) { log_debug("response: %s", response); if (strncmp(response, "OK", 2)) { dres = debugserver_client_handle_response(debugserver_client, &response, 1); } } sleep(1); } /* kill process after we finished */ log_debug("Killing process..."); debugserver_command_new("k", 0, NULL, &command); dres = debugserver_client_send_command(debugserver_client, command, &response, NULL); debugserver_command_free(command); command = NULL; if (response) { if (strncmp(response, "OK", 2)) { debugserver_client_handle_response(debugserver_client, &response, 0); goto cleanup; } free(response); response = NULL; } res = (dres == DEBUGSERVER_E_SUCCESS) ? 0: -1; break; } cleanup: /* cleanup the house */ if (environment) { for (environment_index = 0; environment_index < environment_count; environment_index++) { free(environment[environment_index]); } free(environment); } if (working_directory) free(working_directory); if (path) free(path); if (response) free(response); if (debugserver_client) debugserver_client_free(debugserver_client); if (device) idevice_free(device); return res; }