/* * plist.c * Builds plist XML structures. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Zach C. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include "plist.h" #include #include plist_t plist_new_node(plist_data_t data) { return (plist_t) g_node_new(data); } plist_data_t plist_get_data(const plist_t node) { if (!node) return NULL; return ((GNode *) node)->data; } plist_data_t plist_new_plist_data(void) { plist_data_t data = (plist_data_t) calloc(sizeof(struct plist_data_s), 1); return data; } static void plist_free_node(GNode * node, gpointer none) { g_node_unlink(node); plist_data_t data = plist_get_data(node); if (data) { switch (data->type) { case PLIST_KEY: case PLIST_STRING: free(data->strval); break; case PLIST_DATA: free(data->buff); break; default: break; } free(data); } node->data = NULL; g_node_children_foreach(node, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, plist_free_node, NULL); } plist_t plist_new_dict(void) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_DICT; return plist_new_node(data); } plist_t plist_new_array(void) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_ARRAY; return plist_new_node(data); } //These nodes should not be handled by users static plist_t plist_new_key(const char *val) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_KEY; data->strval = strdup(val); data->length = strlen(val); return plist_new_node(data); } plist_t plist_new_string(const char *val) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_STRING; data->strval = strdup(val); data->length = strlen(val); return plist_new_node(data); } plist_t plist_new_bool(uint8_t val) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_BOOLEAN; data->boolval = val; data->length = sizeof(uint8_t); return plist_new_node(data); } plist_t plist_new_uint(uint64_t val) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_UINT; data->intval = val; data->length = sizeof(uint64_t); return plist_new_node(data); } plist_t plist_new_real(double val) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_REAL; data->realval = val; data->length = sizeof(double); return plist_new_node(data); } plist_t plist_new_data(const char *val, uint64_t length) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_DATA; data->buff = (uint8_t *) malloc(length); memcpy(data->buff, val, length); data->length = length; return plist_new_node(data); } plist_t plist_new_date(int32_t sec, int32_t usec) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_DATE; data->timeval.tv_sec = sec; data->timeval.tv_usec = usec; data->length = sizeof(GTimeVal); return plist_new_node(data); } void plist_free(plist_t plist) { plist_free_node(plist, NULL); g_node_destroy(plist); } static void plist_copy_node(GNode * node, gpointer parent_node_ptr) { plist_t newnode = NULL; plist_data_t data = plist_get_data(node); plist_data_t newdata = plist_new_plist_data(); assert(data); // plist should always have data memcpy(newdata, data, sizeof(struct plist_data_s)); plist_type node_type = plist_get_node_type(node); if (node_type == PLIST_DATA || node_type == PLIST_STRING || node_type == PLIST_KEY) { switch (node_type) { case PLIST_DATA: newdata->buff = (uint8_t *) malloc(data->length); memcpy(newdata->buff, data->buff, data->length); case PLIST_KEY: case PLIST_STRING: newdata->strval = strdup((char *) data->strval); default: break; } } newnode = plist_new_node(newdata); if (*(plist_t*)parent_node_ptr) { g_node_append(*(plist_t*)parent_node_ptr, newnode); } else { *(plist_t*)parent_node_ptr = newnode; } g_node_children_foreach(node, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, plist_copy_node, &newnode); } plist_t plist_copy(plist_t node) { plist_t copied = NULL; plist_copy_node(node, &copied); return copied; } uint32_t plist_array_get_size(plist_t node) { uint32_t ret = 0; if (node && PLIST_ARRAY == plist_get_node_type(node)) { ret = g_node_n_children(node); } return ret; } plist_t plist_array_get_item(plist_t node, uint32_t n) { plist_t ret = NULL; if (node && PLIST_ARRAY == plist_get_node_type(node)) { ret = (plist_t)g_node_nth_child(node, n); } return ret; } uint32_t plist_array_get_item_index(plist_t node) { plist_t father = plist_get_parent(node); if (PLIST_ARRAY == plist_get_node_type(father)) { return g_node_child_position(father, node); } } void plist_array_set_item(plist_t node, plist_t item, uint32_t n) { if (node && PLIST_ARRAY == plist_get_node_type(node)) { plist_t old_item = plist_array_get_item(node, n); if (old_item) { plist_free_node(old_item, NULL); old_item = NULL; plist_copy_node(item, &old_item); } } return; } void plist_array_append_item(plist_t node, plist_t item) { if (node && PLIST_ARRAY == plist_get_node_type(node)) { g_node_append(node, item); } return; } void plist_array_insert_item(plist_t node, plist_t item, uint32_t n) { if (node && PLIST_ARRAY == plist_get_node_type(node)) { g_node_insert(node, n, item); } return; } void plist_array_remove_item(plist_t node, uint32_t n) { if (node && PLIST_ARRAY == plist_get_node_type(node)) { plist_t old_item = plist_array_get_item(node, n); if (old_item) { plist_free(old_item); } } return; } void plist_dict_new_iter(plist_t node, plist_dict_iter *iter) { if (iter && *iter == NULL) { *iter = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)); *(uint32_t*)*iter = 0; } return; } void plist_dict_next_item(plist_t node, plist_dict_iter iter, char **key, plist_t *val) { if (node && PLIST_DICT == plist_get_node_type(node) && *(uint32_t*)iter < g_node_n_children(node) / 2) { if (key) { plist_get_key_val((plist_t)g_node_nth_child(node, 2 * (*(uint32_t*)iter)), key); } if (val) { *val = (plist_t) g_node_nth_child(node, 2 * (*(uint32_t*)iter) + 1); } *(uint32_t*)iter += 2; } return; } void plist_dict_get_item_key(plist_t node, char **key) { plist_t father = plist_get_parent(node); if (PLIST_DICT == plist_get_node_type(father)) { plist_get_key_val( (plist_t) g_node_prev_sibling(node), key); } } plist_t plist_dict_get_item(plist_t node, const char* key) { plist_t ret = NULL; if (node && PLIST_DICT == plist_get_node_type(node)) { plist_t current = NULL; for (current = (plist_t)g_node_first_child(node); current; current = (plist_t)g_node_next_sibling(g_node_next_sibling(current))) { assert( PLIST_KEY == plist_get_node_type(current) ); plist_data_t data = plist_get_data(current); if (data && !strcmp(key, data->strval)) { ret = (plist_t)g_node_next_sibling(current); break; } } } return ret; } void plist_dict_set_item(plist_t node, const char* key, plist_t item) { if (node && PLIST_DICT == plist_get_node_type(node)) { plist_t old_item = plist_dict_get_item(node, key); if (old_item) { plist_free_node(old_item, NULL); old_item = NULL; plist_copy_node(item, &old_item); } } return; } void plist_dict_insert_item(plist_t node, const char* key, plist_t item) { if (node && PLIST_DICT == plist_get_node_type(node)) { g_node_append(node, plist_new_key(key)); g_node_append(node, item); } return; } void plist_dict_remove_item(plist_t node, const char* key) { if (node && PLIST_DICT == plist_get_node_type(node)) { plist_t old_item = plist_dict_get_item(node, key); if (old_item) { plist_t key_node = g_node_prev_sibling(old_item); plist_free(key_node); plist_free(old_item); } } return; } static char compare_node_value(plist_type type, plist_data_t data, const void *value, uint64_t length) { char res = FALSE; switch (type) { case PLIST_BOOLEAN: res = data->boolval == *((char *) value) ? TRUE : FALSE; break; case PLIST_UINT: res = data->intval == *((uint64_t *) value) ? TRUE : FALSE; break; case PLIST_REAL: res = data->realval == *((double *) value) ? TRUE : FALSE; break; case PLIST_KEY: case PLIST_STRING: res = !strcmp(data->strval, ((char *) value)); break; case PLIST_DATA: res = !memcmp(data->buff, (char *) value, length); break; case PLIST_DATE: res = !memcmp(&(data->timeval), value, sizeof(GTimeVal)); break; case PLIST_ARRAY: case PLIST_DICT: default: break; } return res; } static plist_t plist_find_node(plist_t plist, plist_type type, const void *value, uint64_t length) { plist_t current = NULL; if (!plist) return NULL; for (current = (plist_t)g_node_first_child(plist); current; current = (plist_t)g_node_next_sibling(current)) { plist_data_t data = plist_get_data(current); if (data->type == type && data->length == length && compare_node_value(type, data, value, length)) { return current; } if (data->type == PLIST_DICT || data->type == PLIST_ARRAY) { plist_t sub = plist_find_node(current, type, value, length); if (sub) return sub; } } return NULL; } plist_t plist_find_node_by_key(plist_t plist, const char *value) { return plist_find_node(plist, PLIST_KEY, value, strlen(value)); } plist_t plist_find_node_by_string(plist_t plist, const char *value) { return plist_find_node(plist, PLIST_STRING, value, strlen(value)); } static void plist_get_type_and_value(plist_t node, plist_type * type, void *value, uint64_t * length) { plist_data_t data = NULL; if (!node) return; data = plist_get_data(node); *type = data->type; *length = data->length; switch (*type) { case PLIST_BOOLEAN: *((char *) value) = data->boolval; break; case PLIST_UINT: *((uint64_t *) value) = data->intval; break; case PLIST_REAL: *((double *) value) = data->realval; break; case PLIST_KEY: case PLIST_STRING: *((char **) value) = strdup(data->strval); break; case PLIST_DATA: *((uint8_t **) value) = (uint8_t *) malloc(*length * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(*((uint8_t **) value), data->buff, *length * sizeof(uint8_t)); break; case PLIST_DATE: //exception : here we use memory on the stack since it is just a temporary buffer (*((GTimeVal **) value))->tv_sec = data->timeval.tv_sec; (*((GTimeVal **) value))->tv_usec = data->timeval.tv_usec; break; case PLIST_ARRAY: case PLIST_DICT: default: break; } } plist_t plist_get_parent(plist_t node) { return node ? (plist_t) ((GNode *) node)->parent : NULL; } plist_type plist_get_node_type(plist_t node) { if (node) { plist_data_t data = plist_get_data(node); if (data) return data->type; } return PLIST_NONE; } void plist_get_key_val(plist_t node, char **val) { plist_type type = plist_get_node_type(node); uint64_t length = 0; if (PLIST_KEY == type) plist_get_type_and_value(node, &type, (void *) val, &length); assert(length == strlen(*val)); } void plist_get_string_val(plist_t node, char **val) { plist_type type = plist_get_node_type(node); uint64_t length = 0; if (PLIST_STRING == type) plist_get_type_and_value(node, &type, (void *) val, &length); assert(length == strlen(*val)); } void plist_get_bool_val(plist_t node, uint8_t * val) { plist_type type = plist_get_node_type(node); uint64_t length = 0; if (PLIST_BOOLEAN == type) plist_get_type_and_value(node, &type, (void *) val, &length); assert(length == sizeof(uint8_t)); } void plist_get_uint_val(plist_t node, uint64_t * val) { plist_type type = plist_get_node_type(node); uint64_t length = 0; if (PLIST_UINT == type) plist_get_type_and_value(node, &type, (void *) val, &length); assert(length == sizeof(uint64_t)); } void plist_get_real_val(plist_t node, double *val) { plist_type type = plist_get_node_type(node); uint64_t length = 0; if (PLIST_REAL == type) plist_get_type_and_value(node, &type, (void *) val, &length); assert(length == sizeof(double)); } void plist_get_data_val(plist_t node, char **val, uint64_t * length) { plist_type type = plist_get_node_type(node); if (PLIST_DATA == type) plist_get_type_and_value(node, &type, (void *) val, length); } void plist_get_date_val(plist_t node, int32_t * sec, int32_t * usec) { plist_type type = plist_get_node_type(node); uint64_t length = 0; GTimeVal val = { 0, 0 }; if (PLIST_DATE == type) plist_get_type_and_value(node, &type, (void *) &val, &length); assert(length == sizeof(GTimeVal)); *sec = val.tv_sec; *usec = val.tv_usec; } gboolean plist_data_compare(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { plist_data_t val_a = NULL; plist_data_t val_b = NULL; if (!a || !b) return FALSE; if (!((GNode *) a)->data || !((GNode *) b)->data) return FALSE; val_a = plist_get_data((plist_t) a); val_b = plist_get_data((plist_t) b); if (val_a->type != val_b->type) return FALSE; switch (val_a->type) { case PLIST_BOOLEAN: case PLIST_UINT: case PLIST_REAL: if (val_a->intval == val_b->intval) //it is an union so this is sufficient return TRUE; else return FALSE; case PLIST_KEY: case PLIST_STRING: if (!strcmp(val_a->strval, val_b->strval)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; case PLIST_DATA: if (!memcmp(val_a->buff, val_b->buff, val_a->length)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; case PLIST_ARRAY: case PLIST_DICT: //compare pointer if (a == b) return TRUE; else return FALSE; break; case PLIST_DATE: if (!memcmp(&(val_a->timeval), &(val_b->timeval), sizeof(GTimeVal))) return TRUE; else return FALSE; default: break; } return FALSE; } char plist_compare_node_value(plist_t node_l, plist_t node_r) { return plist_data_compare(node_l, node_r); } static plist_t plist_set_element_val(plist_t node, plist_type type, const void *value, uint64_t length) { //free previous allocated buffer plist_data_t data = plist_get_data(node); assert(data); // a node should always have data attached switch (data->type) { case PLIST_KEY: case PLIST_STRING: free(data->strval); data->strval = NULL; break; case PLIST_DATA: free(data->buff); data->buff = NULL; break; default: break; } //now handle value data->type = type; data->length = length; switch (type) { case PLIST_BOOLEAN: data->boolval = *((char *) value); break; case PLIST_UINT: data->intval = *((uint64_t *) value); break; case PLIST_REAL: data->realval = *((double *) value); break; case PLIST_KEY: case PLIST_STRING: data->strval = strdup((char *) value); break; case PLIST_DATA: data->buff = (uint8_t *) malloc(length); memcpy(data->buff, value, length); break; case PLIST_DATE: data->timeval.tv_sec = ((GTimeVal *) value)->tv_sec; data->timeval.tv_usec = ((GTimeVal *) value)->tv_usec; break; case PLIST_ARRAY: case PLIST_DICT: default: break; } } void plist_set_key_val(plist_t node, const char *val) { plist_set_element_val(node, PLIST_KEY, val, strlen(val)); } void plist_set_string_val(plist_t node, const char *val) { plist_set_element_val(node, PLIST_STRING, val, strlen(val)); } void plist_set_bool_val(plist_t node, uint8_t val) { plist_set_element_val(node, PLIST_BOOLEAN, &val, sizeof(uint8_t)); } void plist_set_uint_val(plist_t node, uint64_t val) { plist_set_element_val(node, PLIST_UINT, &val, sizeof(uint64_t)); } void plist_set_real_val(plist_t node, double val) { plist_set_element_val(node, PLIST_REAL, &val, sizeof(double)); } void plist_set_data_val(plist_t node, const char *val, uint64_t length) { plist_set_element_val(node, PLIST_DATA, val, length); } void plist_set_date_val(plist_t node, int32_t sec, int32_t usec) { GTimeVal val = { sec, usec }; plist_set_element_val(node, PLIST_DATE, &val, sizeof(GTimeVal)); } //DEPRECATED API BELOW static plist_t plist_add_sub_element(plist_t node, plist_type type, const void *value, uint64_t length) { //only structured types can have children plist_type node_type = plist_get_node_type(node); if (node_type == PLIST_DICT || node_type == PLIST_ARRAY) { //only structured types are allowed to have nulll value if (value || (!value && (type == PLIST_DICT || type == PLIST_ARRAY))) { plist_t subnode = NULL; //now handle value plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = type; data->length = length; switch (type) { case PLIST_BOOLEAN: data->boolval = *((char *) value); break; case PLIST_UINT: data->intval = *((uint64_t *) value); break; case PLIST_REAL: data->realval = *((double *) value); break; case PLIST_KEY: case PLIST_STRING: data->strval = strdup((char *) value); break; case PLIST_DATA: data->buff = (uint8_t *) malloc(length); memcpy(data->buff, value, length); break; case PLIST_DATE: data->timeval.tv_sec = ((GTimeVal *) value)->tv_sec; data->timeval.tv_usec = ((GTimeVal *) value)->tv_usec; break; case PLIST_ARRAY: case PLIST_DICT: default: break; } subnode = plist_new_node(data); if (node) g_node_append(node, subnode); return subnode; } else return NULL; } return NULL; } plist_t plist_get_first_child(plist_t node) { return (plist_t) g_node_first_child((GNode *) node); } plist_t plist_get_next_sibling(plist_t node) { return (plist_t) g_node_next_sibling((GNode *) node); } plist_t plist_get_prev_sibling(plist_t node) { return (plist_t) g_node_prev_sibling((GNode *) node); } plist_t plist_get_array_nth_el(plist_t node, uint32_t n) { plist_t ret = NULL; if (node && PLIST_ARRAY == plist_get_node_type(node)) { uint32_t i = 0; plist_t temp = plist_get_first_child(node); while (i <= n && temp) { if (i == n) ret = temp; temp = plist_get_next_sibling(temp); i++; } } return ret; } plist_t plist_get_dict_el_from_key(plist_t node, const char *key) { plist_t ret = NULL; if (node && PLIST_DICT == plist_get_node_type(node)) { plist_t key_node = plist_find_node_by_key(node, key); ret = plist_get_next_sibling(key_node); } return ret; } void plist_add_sub_node(plist_t node, plist_t subnode) { if (node && subnode) { plist_type type = plist_get_node_type(node); if (type == PLIST_DICT || type == PLIST_ARRAY) g_node_append(node, subnode); } } void plist_add_sub_key_el(plist_t node, const char *val) { plist_add_sub_element(node, PLIST_KEY, val, strlen(val)); } void plist_add_sub_string_el(plist_t node, const char *val) { plist_add_sub_element(node, PLIST_STRING, val, strlen(val)); } void plist_add_sub_bool_el(plist_t node, uint8_t val) { plist_add_sub_element(node, PLIST_BOOLEAN, &val, sizeof(uint8_t)); } void plist_add_sub_uint_el(plist_t node, uint64_t val) { plist_add_sub_element(node, PLIST_UINT, &val, sizeof(uint64_t)); } void plist_add_sub_real_el(plist_t node, double val) { plist_add_sub_element(node, PLIST_REAL, &val, sizeof(double)); } void plist_add_sub_data_el(plist_t node, const char *val, uint64_t length) { plist_add_sub_element(node, PLIST_DATA, val, length); } void plist_add_sub_date_el(plist_t node, int32_t sec, int32_t usec) { GTimeVal val = { sec, usec }; plist_add_sub_element(node, PLIST_DATE, &val, sizeof(GTimeVal)); }