/* * plist.c * XML plist implementation * * Copyright (c) 2008 Jonathan Beck All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "plist.h" #include "base64.h" #define XPLIST_TEXT BAD_CAST("text") #define XPLIST_KEY BAD_CAST("key") #define XPLIST_FALSE BAD_CAST("false") #define XPLIST_TRUE BAD_CAST("true") #define XPLIST_INT BAD_CAST("integer") #define XPLIST_REAL BAD_CAST("real") #define XPLIST_DATE BAD_CAST("date") #define XPLIST_DATA BAD_CAST("data") #define XPLIST_STRING BAD_CAST("string") #define XPLIST_ARRAY BAD_CAST("array") #define XPLIST_DICT BAD_CAST("dict") static const char *plist_base = "\n\ \n\ \n\ \0"; /** Formats a block of text to be a given indentation and width. * * The total width of the return string will be depth + cols. * * @param buf The string to format. * @param cols The number of text columns for returned block of text. * @param depth The number of tabs to indent the returned block of text. * * @return The formatted string. */ static char *format_string(const char *buf, size_t len, int cols, int depth) { if (!buf || !(len > 0)) return NULL; int colw = depth + cols + 1; int nlines = len / cols + 1; char *new_buf = NULL; int i = 0; int j = 0; assert(cols >= 0); assert(depth >= 0); new_buf = (char*) malloc(nlines * colw + depth + 1); assert(new_buf != 0); memset(new_buf, 0, nlines * colw + depth + 1); // Inserts new lines and tabs at appropriate locations for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) { new_buf[i * colw] = '\n'; for (j = 0; j < depth; j++) new_buf[i * colw + 1 + j] = '\t'; memcpy(new_buf + i * colw + 1 + depth, buf + i * cols, (size_t)(i + 1) * cols <= len ? cols : len - i * cols); } new_buf[len + (1 + depth) * nlines] = '\n'; // Inserts final row of indentation and termination character for (j = 0; j < depth; j++) new_buf[len + (1 + depth) * nlines + 1 + j] = '\t'; new_buf[len + (1 + depth) * nlines + depth + 1] = '\0'; return new_buf; } struct xml_node { xmlNodePtr xml; uint32_t depth; }; /** Creates a new plist XML document. * * @return The plist XML document. */ static xmlDocPtr new_xml_plist(void) { char *plist = strdup(plist_base); xmlDocPtr plist_xml = xmlParseMemory(plist, strlen(plist)); if (!plist_xml) return NULL; free(plist); return plist_xml; } static struct node_t* new_key_node(const char* name) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_KEY; int size = strlen(name); data->strval = strdup(name); data->length = size; return node_create(NULL, data); } static struct node_t* new_uint_node(uint64_t uint) { plist_data_t data = plist_new_plist_data(); data->type = PLIST_UINT; data->intval = uint; data->length = sizeof(uint64_t); return node_create(NULL, data); } static void node_to_xml(node_t* node, void *xml_struct) { struct xml_node *xstruct = NULL; plist_data_t node_data = NULL; xmlNodePtr child_node = NULL; char isStruct = FALSE; char isUIDNode = FALSE; const xmlChar *tag = NULL; char *val = NULL; //for base64 char *valtmp = NULL; uint32_t i = 0; if (!node) return; xstruct = (struct xml_node *) xml_struct; node_data = plist_get_data(node); switch (node_data->type) { case PLIST_BOOLEAN: { if (node_data->boolval) tag = XPLIST_TRUE; else tag = XPLIST_FALSE; } break; case PLIST_UINT: tag = XPLIST_INT; val = (char*)malloc(64); (void)snprintf(val, 64, "%"PRIu64, node_data->intval); break; case PLIST_REAL: tag = XPLIST_REAL; val = (char*)malloc(64); (void)snprintf(val, 64, "%f", node_data->realval); break; case PLIST_STRING: tag = XPLIST_STRING; val = strdup(node_data->strval); break; case PLIST_KEY: tag = XPLIST_KEY; val = strdup((char*) node_data->strval); break; case PLIST_DATA: tag = XPLIST_DATA; if (node_data->length) { size_t len = node_data->length; valtmp = base64encode(node_data->buff, &len); val = format_string(valtmp, len, 68, xstruct->depth); free(valtmp); } break; case PLIST_ARRAY: tag = XPLIST_ARRAY; isStruct = TRUE; break; case PLIST_DICT: tag = XPLIST_DICT; isStruct = TRUE; break; case PLIST_DATE: tag = XPLIST_DATE; { time_t time = (time_t)node_data->timeval.tv_sec; struct tm *btime = localtime(&time); if (btime) { val = (char*)malloc(24); memset(val, 0, 24); if (strftime(val, 24, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", btime) <= 0) { free (val); val = NULL; } } } break; case PLIST_UID: // special case for keyed encoding tag = XPLIST_DICT; isStruct = TRUE; isUIDNode = TRUE; node_data->type = PLIST_DICT; node_attach(node, new_key_node("CF$UID")); node_attach(node, new_uint_node(node_data->intval)); break; default: break; } for (i = 0; i < xstruct->depth; i++) { xmlNodeAddContent(xstruct->xml, BAD_CAST("\t")); } if (node_data->type == PLIST_STRING) { /* make sure we convert the following predefined xml entities */ /* < = < > = > ' = ' " = " & = & */ child_node = xmlNewTextChild(xstruct->xml, NULL, tag, BAD_CAST(val)); } else child_node = xmlNewChild(xstruct->xml, NULL, tag, BAD_CAST(val)); xmlNodeAddContent(xstruct->xml, BAD_CAST("\n")); if (val) { free(val); } //add return for structured types if (node_data->type == PLIST_ARRAY || node_data->type == PLIST_DICT) xmlNodeAddContent(child_node, BAD_CAST("\n")); //make sure we don't produce if it's empty if ((node_data->type == PLIST_DATA) && !val) { xmlNodeAddContent(child_node, BAD_CAST("\n")); for (i = 0; i < xstruct->depth; i++) { xmlNodeAddContent(child_node, BAD_CAST("\t")); } } if (isStruct) { struct xml_node child = { child_node, xstruct->depth + 1 }; node_iterator_t *ni = node_iterator_create(node->children); node_t *ch; while ((ch = node_iterator_next(ni))) { node_to_xml(ch, &child); } node_iterator_destroy(ni); } //fix indent for structured types if (node_data->type == PLIST_ARRAY || node_data->type == PLIST_DICT) { for (i = 0; i < xstruct->depth; i++) { xmlNodeAddContent(child_node, BAD_CAST("\t")); } } if (isUIDNode) { unsigned int num = node_n_children(node); unsigned int j; for (j = num; j > 0; j--) { node_t* ch = node_nth_child(node, j-1); node_detach(node, ch); node_destroy(ch); } node_data->type = PLIST_UID; } return; } static void parse_date(const char *strval, struct tm *btime) { if (!btime) return; memset(btime, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); if (!strval) return; #ifdef strptime strptime((char*)strval, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", btime); #else sscanf(strval, "%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%dZ", &btime->tm_year, &btime->tm_mon, &btime->tm_mday, &btime->tm_hour, &btime->tm_min, &btime->tm_sec); btime->tm_year-=1900; btime->tm_mon--; #endif btime->tm_isdst=-1; } static void xml_to_node(xmlNodePtr xml_node, plist_t * plist_node) { xmlNodePtr node = NULL; plist_data_t data = NULL; plist_t subnode = NULL; //for string long len = 0; int type = 0; if (!xml_node) return; for (node = xml_node->children; node; node = node->next) { while (node && !xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_TEXT)) node = node->next; if (!node) break; if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, BAD_CAST("comment"))) { continue; } data = plist_new_plist_data(); subnode = plist_new_node(data); if (*plist_node) node_attach(*plist_node, subnode); else *plist_node = subnode; if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_TRUE)) { data->boolval = TRUE; data->type = PLIST_BOOLEAN; data->length = 1; continue; } if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_FALSE)) { data->boolval = FALSE; data->type = PLIST_BOOLEAN; data->length = 1; continue; } if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_INT)) { xmlChar *strval = xmlNodeGetContent(node); data->intval = strtoull((char*)strval, NULL, 0); data->type = PLIST_UINT; data->length = 8; xmlFree(strval); continue; } if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_REAL)) { xmlChar *strval = xmlNodeGetContent(node); data->realval = atof((char *) strval); data->type = PLIST_REAL; data->length = 8; xmlFree(strval); continue; } if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_DATE)) { xmlChar *strval = xmlNodeGetContent(node); time_t time = 0; if (strlen((const char*)strval) >= 11) { struct tm btime; parse_date((const char*)strval, &btime); time = mktime(&btime); } data->timeval.tv_sec = (long)time; data->timeval.tv_usec = 0; data->type = PLIST_DATE; data->length = sizeof(struct timeval); xmlFree(strval); continue; } if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_STRING)) { xmlChar *strval = xmlNodeGetContent(node); len = strlen((char *) strval); type = xmlDetectCharEncoding(strval, len); if (XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8 == type || XML_CHAR_ENCODING_ASCII == type || XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE == type) { data->strval = strdup((char *) strval); data->type = PLIST_STRING; data->length = strlen(data->strval); } xmlFree(strval); continue; } if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_KEY)) { xmlChar *strval = xmlNodeGetContent(node); data->strval = strdup((char *) strval); data->type = PLIST_KEY; data->length = strlen(data->strval); xmlFree(strval); continue; } if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_DATA)) { xmlChar *strval = xmlNodeGetContent(node); size_t size = 0; unsigned char *dec = base64decode((char*)strval, &size); data->buff = (uint8_t *) malloc(size * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(data->buff, dec, size * sizeof(uint8_t)); free(dec); data->length = size; data->type = PLIST_DATA; xmlFree(strval); continue; } if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_ARRAY)) { data->type = PLIST_ARRAY; xml_to_node(node, &subnode); continue; } if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, XPLIST_DICT)) { data->type = PLIST_DICT; xml_to_node(node, &subnode); if (plist_get_node_type(subnode) == PLIST_DICT) { if (plist_dict_get_size(subnode) == 1) { plist_t uid = plist_dict_get_item(subnode, "CF$UID"); if (uid) { uint64_t val = 0; plist_get_uint_val(uid, &val); plist_dict_remove_item(subnode, "CF$UID"); plist_data_t nodedata = plist_get_data((node_t*)subnode); free(nodedata->buff); nodedata->type = PLIST_UID; nodedata->length = sizeof(uint64_t); nodedata->intval = val; } } } continue; } } } void plist_to_xml(plist_t plist, char **plist_xml, uint32_t * length) { xmlDocPtr plist_doc = NULL; xmlNodePtr root_node = NULL; struct xml_node root = { NULL, 0 }; int size = 0; if (!plist || !plist_xml || *plist_xml) return; plist_doc = new_xml_plist(); root_node = xmlDocGetRootElement(plist_doc); root.xml = root_node; char *current_locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL); char *saved_locale = NULL; if (current_locale) { saved_locale = strdup(current_locale); } if (saved_locale) { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "POSIX"); } node_to_xml(plist, &root); xmlChar* tmp = NULL; xmlDocDumpMemory(plist_doc, &tmp, &size); if (size >= 0 && tmp) { /* make sure to copy the terminating 0-byte */ *plist_xml = (char*)malloc((size+1) * sizeof(char)); memcpy(*plist_xml, tmp, size+1); *length = size; xmlFree(tmp); tmp = NULL; } xmlFreeDoc(plist_doc); if (saved_locale) { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, saved_locale); free(saved_locale); } } void plist_from_xml(const char *plist_xml, uint32_t length, plist_t * plist) { xmlDocPtr plist_doc = xmlParseMemory(plist_xml, length); xmlNodePtr root_node = xmlDocGetRootElement(plist_doc); xml_to_node(root_node, plist); xmlFreeDoc(plist_doc); }