/----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | $Log: README,v $ | Revision 1.1 2002/10/11 14:08:59 monos | *** empty log message *** | | Revision 1.13 2001/12/28 17:29:29 tilda | Minor tidy ups after updating to DevIL-1.2.4 | | Revision 1.12 2001/12/16 16:01:15 tilda | Update release notes before Alpha-5 | | Revision 1.11 2001/12/10 09:28:35 tilda | Typo. | | Revision 1.10 2001/12/10 09:21:47 tilda | Describe image librrary build options. | | Revision 1.9 2001/12/02 21:20:25 tilda | Update prior to Alpha-4 | | Revision 1.8 2001/11/27 18:32:59 tilda | Reword LICENCING section in README.txt. Move docs into vformatl.dsp | \----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the vFormat Library! LICENCE ======= All this software (the library and the demo apps) is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. A copy of this is distributed with the library - see the file LICENCE.txt in the libraries root directory. Please read and understand the comments at the top of vf_iface.h before use. RELEASES ======== This will be considered "alpha" until all the features I think should be there are there. It'll be "beta" until I know of no outstanding issues. Release history: Alpha-1 : first cut at a release, known problems with BASE64, no create/modify API Alpha-2 : BASE64 encoding fixed, first pass at create/modify functionality Alpha-3 : including first usable version of vfedit demo app Alpha-4 : Add basic framework support for vCalendar to VFEDIT. Sort out tools menu and font manager. Fix IIDs 485069, 485071, 488003, 484956, 488006, 488011. Sort out various bugs in IMGHLP DLLs. Alpha-5 : Various bug fixes and move to use of a image library (DevIL from SourceForge) rather than various dodgy home-grown bits'n'pieces. Fix IIDs 484685, 491475 489753, 484684, 488021, 484958, 484844, 484843. vfedit now reasonably usable (for VCARDs). BUILDING ======== Under Windows, the build uses Microsoft's Visual C++ version 6.0 - the project & workspace files are included in the distribution. The workspace at .../build/vformat/vformat.dsw references will build and install the library (ie. the .DLL) and builds the test harness. In detail: .../build/vformat/vformat.dsw - workspace including other project files .../build/vformatl/vformatl.dsp - builds (and installs) DLL version .../build/tools - various tools & utilities .../build/vfdisplay - minimal app enumerating contents of a vobject .../build/vfedit - demo app supporting VCARDs & VCALENDARs. Beware - vformatl.dsp and the other DSPs will install the DLLs in your windows/system directory using the INSDLL.BAT file in the tools directory which is invoked as a post-build step (see the post-build tab on the projects/settings dialog). If you don't like this, delete the post build step or edit the script to put the DLL somewhere else. IMAGE LIBRARY ============= Imaging formats (.JPG etc) are handled in the demo applications using a 3rd party open source image library. Early releases of VFEDIT used various bits of garbage I'd collected over the years wrapped up in an .DLL (deliberately hiding the crap). As of Alpha-5, VFEDIT includes support for DevIL - the Developer's Image Libray. Details of this can be found at http://OpenIL.sourceforge.net. To enable image support you need to download & install DevIL and change the line at the top of ImageManager.cpp to #define USE_IMAGE_LIBRARY (rather than #undef). Here are the instructions to get a basic version of this going, this is based on the install instructions included in DevIL & various things about my machine. The basic version supports .BMP files, I've not (yet) got round to adding .JPG etc to my build of DevIL. - download DevIL-1.2.4.zip from the page in SourceForge. - unpack the .ZIP file somewhere convenient eg. D:\DevIL - change your global include paths (eg. Tools->Options->Directories in MSVC6) to include DevIL's include dirs (eg. D:\DevIL\ImageLib\Include) - change your global library paths to include DevIL's include dirs (eg. D:\DevIL\ImageLib\lib and D:\DevIL\ImageLib\lib\debug) - change the post build steps as appropriate for your system - uncomment IL_NO_GIF, IL_NO_JPG, IL_NO_MNG, IL_NO_PNG, IL_NO_TIF - uncomment IL_NO_LCMS and comment out ilApplyProfile from IL.DEF - comment out ILUT_USE_DIRECTX8 in il/ilut.h (I don't have it installed) - comment out ilutD3D8LoadSurface ... ilutD3D8VolTexFromResource from ILUT.def - change the USE_IMAGE_LIBRARY #define in ImageManager.cpp REFERENCES ========== [1] vCard, The Electronic Business Card Version 2.1 from Versit. OUTSTANDING ISSUES ================== After Alpha-4, this section transferred to the SourceForge database. THE TEST HARNESS ================ Running the test harness will produce a load of output similar to the following: --tests//adhoc//straight_qp_4.vcf------------------------------------------ Successfully read file 'tests//adhoc//straight_qp_4.vcf' Successfully wrote file 'vobject.vcf' Successfully wrote file 'tests//adhoc//straight_qp_4.out-1' Sizes difference : tests//adhoc//straight_qp_4.out-1 (139 bytes) Vs. tests//adhoc//straight_qp_4.vcf (151 bytes) Warning - differences after 1st read/write Successfully read file 'tests//adhoc//straight_qp_4.out-1' Successfully wrote file 'tests//adhoc//straight_qp_4.out-2' OK - no differences after 2nd read/write [60 tests, 0 errors, 13 warnings] What does it all mean? All the warnings are a result of size differences between the original file & the result of reading/writing the file back. The size differences are a result of: * slightly different conventions for line length * line ends (eg not ) * different selection of quoted chars in QP format * excess whitespace at the end of the file * characters ignored before the first BEGIN: or between END: and BEGIN: Each such difference is clocked up as a warning. The [...] stuff is a rolling count of tests, errors & warnings. An error is logged if after the file is "canonicalised" (well; into the format assumed by this library anyway) we fail to read & write and get the same output. The files in tests/spec are named after sections of the (very fine) vcard 2.1 specification eg. 2_1_4_1-grouping-sequential.vcf will refer to something like "sequential grouping" in section of the Versit doc (see http://www.imc.org/pdi/ for the docs). (There is no intention to infringe the copyright anyone might consider they have vested in the text of these examples) The files in tests/adhoc are just sample scripts I knocked up during development. FUTURE PLANS ============ 1) Convert this document to some decent on-line docs on the project website. 2) Write a vobjects library .../src/vobjects & .../build/vobjectsl which provides C++ classes modelling a vformat object with derived classes for vCard, vNote etc. Functions on the base class provide file handling and change logs. Functions on the derived classes handle a user's normal interaction with the relevant objects eg: typedef enum { Work, Home, Cellular, Mobile = Cellular } vf_phone_type_t; bool_t vformat::vcard::set_phone_no( vf_phone_type_t t, /* Type of phone number */ bool_t is_pref, /* Should this entry be given the PREF flag? */ const char *phone_no /* The phone number itself */ ); 4) Duplicate the MFC app as a GTK app. CREDITS ======= Enjoy! Nick