.\" WARNING! THIS FILE WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY c2man! .\" DO NOT EDIT! CHANGES MADE TO THIS FILE WILL BE LOST! .TH "vf_read_file" 3 "30 April 2003" "c2man vf_iface.h" .SH "NAME" vf_read_file \- vf_read_file() .SH "SYNOPSIS" .ft B #include <../vformat/vf_iface.h> .sp extern bool_t vf_read_file .br ( .br VF_OBJECT_T **pp_object, .br const char *p_name .br ); .ft R .SH "PARAMETERS" .TP .B "VF_OBJECT_T **pp_object" Pointer to output object. .TP .B "const char *p_name" Name of file to read. .SH "DESCRIPTION" Reads indicated VOBJECT_T file. .SH "RETURNS" TRUE <=> read OK, FALSE else. .SH "SEE ALSO" vf_parse_init(3), vf_parse_text(3), vf_parse_end(3), vf_write_file(3), vf_get_next_object(3), vf_create_object(3), vf_get_object_type(3), vf_get_property(3), vf_get_property_ex(3), vf_get_next_property(3), vf_get_prop_value(3), vf_set_prop_value(3), vf_get_prop_value_string(3), vf_get_prop_name_string(3), vf_set_prop_name_string(3), vf_get_prop_name(3), vf_get_prop_value_object(3), vf_set_prop_value_object(3), vf_set_prop_value_string(3), vf_set_prop_value_base64(3), vf_get_prop_value_base64(3), vf_set_property_from_file(3), vf_delete_object(3), vf_delete_prop(3), vf_find_prop_qual_index(3), vf_is_modified(3), vf_find_charset(3), vf_date_string_to_time(3), vf_period_string_to_time(3), vf_period_time_to_string(3), vf_set_prop_value_time(3), vf_get_prop_value_time(3)