path: root/data/generator/sfPropelAdmin/mailadmin/template/actions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/generator/sfPropelAdmin/mailadmin/template/actions')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/generator/sfPropelAdmin/mailadmin/template/actions/actions.class.php b/data/generator/sfPropelAdmin/mailadmin/template/actions/actions.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70f94f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/generator/sfPropelAdmin/mailadmin/template/actions/actions.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+ * <?php echo $this->getGeneratedModuleName() ?> actions.
+ *
+ * @package ##PROJECT_NAME##
+ * @subpackage <?php echo $this->getGeneratedModuleName() ?>
+ * @author Fabien Potencier <>
+ * @version SVN: $Id: actions.class.php 3501 2007-02-18 10:28:17Z fabien $
+ */
+class <?php echo $this->getGeneratedModuleName() ?>Actions extends sfActions
+ public function executeIndex()
+ {
+ return $this->forward('<?php echo $this->getModuleName() ?>', 'list');
+ }
+ public function executeList()
+ {
+ $this->processSort();
+ $this->processFilters();
+<?php if ($this->getParameterValue('list.filters')): ?>
+ $this->filters = $this->getUser()->getAttributeHolder()->getAll('sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/filters');
+<?php endif ?>
+ // pager
+ $this->pager = new sfPropelPager('<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>', <?php echo $this->getParameterValue('list.max_per_page', 20) ?>);
+ $c = new Criteria();
+ $this->addSortCriteria($c);
+ $this->addFiltersCriteria($c);
+ $this->pager->setCriteria($c);
+ $this->pager->setPage($this->getRequestParameter('page', 1));
+<?php if ($this->getParameterValue('list.peer_method')): ?>
+ $this->pager->setPeerMethod('<?php echo $this->getParameterValue('list.peer_method') ?>');
+<?php endif ?>
+<?php if ($this->getParameterValue('list.peer_count_method')): ?>
+ $this->pager->setPeerCountMethod('<?php echo $this->getParameterValue('list.peer_count_method') ?>');
+<?php endif ?>
+ $this->pager->init();
+ }
+ public function executeCreate()
+ {
+ return $this->forward('<?php echo $this->getModuleName() ?>', 'edit');
+ }
+ public function executeSave()
+ {
+ return $this->forward('<?php echo $this->getModuleName() ?>', 'edit');
+ }
+ public function executeEdit()
+ {
+ $this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?> = $this->get<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>OrCreate();
+ if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST)
+ {
+ $this->update<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>FromRequest();
+ $this->save<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>($this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>);
+ $this->setFlash('notice', 'Your modifications have been saved');
+ if ($this->getRequestParameter('save_and_add'))
+ {
+ return $this->redirect('<?php echo $this->getModuleName() ?>/create');
+ }
+ else if ($this->getRequestParameter('save_and_list'))
+ {
+ return $this->redirect('<?php echo $this->getModuleName() ?>/list');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $this->redirect('<?php echo $this->getModuleName() ?>/edit?<?php echo $this->getPrimaryKeyUrlParams('this->') ?>);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->labels = $this->getLabels();
+ }
+ }
+ public function executeDelete()
+ {
+ $this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?> = <?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>Peer::retrieveByPk(<?php echo $this->getRetrieveByPkParamsForAction(40) ?>);
+ $this->forward404Unless($this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>);
+ try
+ {
+ $this->delete<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>($this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>);
+ }
+ catch (PropelException $e)
+ {
+ $this->getRequest()->setError('delete', 'Could not delete the selected <?php echo sfInflector::humanize($this->getSingularName()) ?>. Make sure it does not have any associated items.');
+ return $this->forward('<?php echo $this->getModuleName() ?>', 'list');
+ }
+<?php foreach ($this->getColumnCategories('edit.display') as $category): ?>
+<?php foreach ($this->getColumns('edit.display', $category) as $name => $column): ?>
+<?php $input_type = $this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.type') ?>
+<?php if ($input_type == 'admin_input_file_tag'): ?>
+<?php $upload_dir = $this->replaceConstants($this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.upload_dir')) ?>
+ $currentFile = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir')."/<?php echo $upload_dir ?>/".$this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->get<?php echo $column->getPhpName() ?>();
+ if (is_file($currentFile))
+ {
+ unlink($currentFile);
+ }
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+ return $this->redirect('<?php echo $this->getModuleName() ?>/list');
+ }
+ public function handleErrorEdit()
+ {
+ $this->preExecute();
+ $this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?> = $this->get<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>OrCreate();
+ $this->update<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>FromRequest();
+ $this->labels = $this->getLabels();
+ return sfView::SUCCESS;
+ }
+ protected function save<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>)
+ {
+ $<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->save();
+<?php foreach ($this->getColumnCategories('edit.display') as $category): ?>
+<?php foreach ($this->getColumns('edit.display', $category) as $name => $column): $type = $column->getCreoleType(); ?>
+<?php $name = $column->getName() ?>
+<?php if ($column->isPrimaryKey()) continue ?>
+<?php $credentials = $this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.credentials') ?>
+<?php $input_type = $this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.type') ?>
+$user_params = $this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.params');
+$user_params = is_array($user_params) ? $user_params : sfToolkit::stringToArray($user_params);
+$through_class = isset($user_params['through_class']) ? $user_params['through_class'] : '';
+<?php if ($through_class): ?>
+$class = $this->getClassName();
+$related_class = sfPropelManyToMany::getRelatedClass($class, $through_class);
+$related_table = constant($related_class.'Peer::TABLE_NAME');
+$middle_table = constant($through_class.'Peer::TABLE_NAME');
+$this_table = constant($class.'Peer::TABLE_NAME');
+$related_column = sfPropelManyToMany::getRelatedColumn($class, $through_class);
+$column = sfPropelManyToMany::getColumn($class, $through_class);
+<?php if ($input_type == 'admin_double_list' || $input_type == 'admin_check_list' || $input_type == 'admin_select_list'): ?>
+<?php if ($credentials): $credentials = str_replace("\n", ' ', var_export($credentials, true)) ?>
+ if ($this->getUser()->hasCredential(<?php echo $credentials ?>))
+ {
+<?php endif; ?>
+ // Update many-to-many for "<?php echo $name ?>"
+ $c = new Criteria();
+ $c->add(<?php echo $through_class ?>Peer::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getColumnName()) ?>, $<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->getPrimaryKey());
+ <?php echo $through_class ?>Peer::doDelete($c);
+ $ids = $this->getRequestParameter('associated_<?php echo $name ?>');
+ if (is_array($ids))
+ {
+ foreach ($ids as $id)
+ {
+ $<?php echo ucfirst($through_class) ?> = new <?php echo $through_class ?>();
+ $<?php echo ucfirst($through_class) ?>->set<?php echo $column->getPhpName() ?>($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->getPrimaryKey());
+ $<?php echo ucfirst($through_class) ?>->set<?php echo $related_column->getPhpName() ?>($id);
+ $<?php echo ucfirst($through_class) ?>->save();
+ }
+ }
+<?php if ($credentials): ?>
+ }
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+ }
+ protected function delete<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>)
+ {
+ $<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->delete();
+ }
+ protected function update<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>FromRequest()
+ {
+ $<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?> = $this->getRequestParameter('<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>');
+<?php foreach ($this->getColumnCategories('edit.display') as $category): ?>
+<?php foreach ($this->getColumns('edit.display', $category) as $name => $column): $type = $column->getCreoleType(); ?>
+<?php $name = $column->getName() ?>
+<?php if ($column->isPrimaryKey()) continue ?>
+<?php $credentials = $this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.credentials') ?>
+<?php $input_type = $this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.type') ?>
+<?php if ($credentials): $credentials = str_replace("\n", ' ', var_export($credentials, true)) ?>
+ if ($this->getUser()->hasCredential(<?php echo $credentials ?>))
+ {
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php if ($input_type == 'admin_input_file_tag'): ?>
+<?php $upload_dir = $this->replaceConstants($this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.upload_dir')) ?>
+ $currentFile = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir')."/<?php echo $upload_dir ?>/".$this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->get<?php echo $column->getPhpName() ?>();
+ if (!$this->getRequest()->hasErrors() && isset($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>_remove']))
+ {
+ $this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->set<?php echo $column->getPhpName() ?>('');
+ if (is_file($currentFile))
+ {
+ unlink($currentFile);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$this->getRequest()->hasErrors() && $this->getRequest()->getFileSize('<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>[<?php echo $name ?>]'))
+ {
+<?php elseif ($type != CreoleTypes::BOOLEAN): ?>
+ if (isset($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>']))
+ {
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php if ($input_type == 'admin_input_file_tag'): ?>
+<?php if ($this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.filename')): ?>
+ $fileName = "<?php echo str_replace('"', '\\"', $this->replaceConstants($this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.filename'))) ?>";
+<?php else: ?>
+ $fileName = md5($this->getRequest()->getFileName('<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>[<?php echo $name ?>]').time().rand(0, 99999));
+<?php endif ?>
+ $ext = $this->getRequest()->getFileExtension('<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>[<?php echo $name ?>]');
+ if (is_file($currentFile))
+ {
+ unlink($currentFile);
+ }
+ $this->getRequest()->moveFile('<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>[<?php echo $name ?>]', sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir')."/<?php echo $upload_dir ?>/".$fileName.$ext);
+ $this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->set<?php echo $column->getPhpName() ?>($fileName.$ext);
+<?php elseif ($type == CreoleTypes::DATE || $type == CreoleTypes::TIMESTAMP): ?>
+ if ($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>'])
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $dateFormat = new sfDateFormat($this->getUser()->getCulture());
+ <?php $inputPattern = $type == CreoleTypes::DATE ? 'd' : 'g'; ?>
+ <?php $outputPattern = $type == CreoleTypes::DATE ? 'i' : 'I'; ?>
+ if (!is_array($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>']))
+ {
+ $value = $dateFormat->format($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>'], '<?php echo $outputPattern ?>', $dateFormat->getInputPattern('<?php echo $inputPattern ?>'));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $value_array = $<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>'];
+ $value = $value_array['year'].'-'.$value_array['month'].'-'.$value_array['day'].(isset($value_array['hour']) ? ' '.$value_array['hour'].':'.$value_array['minute'].(isset($value_array['second']) ? ':'.$value_array['second'] : '') : '');
+ }
+ $this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->set<?php echo $column->getPhpName() ?>($value);
+ }
+ catch (sfException $e)
+ {
+ // not a date
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->set<?php echo $column->getPhpName() ?>(null);
+ }
+<?php elseif ($type == CreoleTypes::BOOLEAN): ?>
+ $this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->set<?php echo $column->getPhpName() ?>(isset($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>']) ? $<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>'] : 0);
+<?php elseif ($column->isForeignKey()): ?>
+ $this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->set<?php echo $column->getPhpName() ?>($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>'] ? $<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>'] : null);
+<?php else: ?>
+ $this-><?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>->set<?php echo $column->getPhpName() ?>($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>['<?php echo $name ?>']);
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php if ($type != CreoleTypes::BOOLEAN): ?>
+ }
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php if ($credentials): ?>
+ }
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+ }
+ protected function get<?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>OrCreate(<?php echo $this->getMethodParamsForGetOrCreate() ?>)
+ {
+ if (<?php echo $this->getTestPksForGetOrCreate() ?>)
+ {
+ $<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?> = new <?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?> = <?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>Peer::retrieveByPk(<?php echo $this->getRetrieveByPkParamsForGetOrCreate() ?>);
+ $this->forward404Unless($<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>);
+ }
+ return $<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>;
+ }
+ protected function processFilters()
+ {
+<?php if ($this->getParameterValue('list.filters')): ?>
+ if ($this->getRequest()->hasParameter('filter'))
+ {
+ $filters = $this->getRequestParameter('filters');
+<?php foreach ($this->getColumns('list.filters') as $column): $type = $column->getCreoleType() ?>
+<?php if ($type == CreoleTypes::DATE || $type == CreoleTypes::TIMESTAMP): ?>
+ if (isset($filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['from']) && $filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['from'] !== '')
+ {
+ $filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['from'] = sfI18N::getTimestampForCulture($filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['from'], $this->getUser()->getCulture());
+ }
+ if (isset($filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['to']) && $filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['to'] !== '')
+ {
+ $filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['to'] = sfI18N::getTimestampForCulture($filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['to'], $this->getUser()->getCulture());
+ }
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+ $this->getUser()->getAttributeHolder()->removeNamespace('sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/filters');
+ $this->getUser()->getAttributeHolder()->add($filters, 'sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/filters');
+ }
+<?php endif; ?>
+ }
+ protected function processSort()
+ {
+ if ($this->getRequestParameter('sort'))
+ {
+ $this->getUser()->setAttribute('sort', $this->getRequestParameter('sort'), 'sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/sort');
+ $this->getUser()->setAttribute('type', $this->getRequestParameter('type', 'asc'), 'sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/sort');
+ }
+ if (!$this->getUser()->getAttribute('sort', null, 'sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/sort'))
+ {
+<?php if ($sort = $this->getParameterValue('list.sort')): ?>
+<?php if (is_array($sort)): ?>
+ $this->getUser()->setAttribute('sort', '<?php echo $sort[0] ?>', 'sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/sort');
+ $this->getUser()->setAttribute('type', '<?php echo $sort[1] ?>', 'sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/sort');
+<?php else: ?>
+ $this->getUser()->setAttribute('sort', '<?php echo $sort ?>', 'sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/sort');
+ $this->getUser()->setAttribute('type', 'asc', 'sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/sort');
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ }
+ }
+ protected function addFiltersCriteria($c)
+ {
+<?php if ($this->getParameterValue('list.filters')): ?>
+<?php foreach ($this->getColumns('list.filters') as $column): $type = $column->getCreoleType() ?>
+<?php if (($column->isPartial() || $column->isComponent()) && $this->getParameterValue('list.fields.'.$column->getName().'.filter_criteria_disabled')) continue ?>
+ if (isset($this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>_is_empty']))
+ {
+ $criterion = $c->getNewCriterion(<?php echo $this->getPeerClassName() ?>::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getName()) ?>, '');
+ $criterion->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(<?php echo $this->getPeerClassName() ?>::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getName()) ?>, null, Criteria::ISNULL));
+ $c->add($criterion);
+ }
+<?php if ($type == CreoleTypes::DATE || $type == CreoleTypes::TIMESTAMP): ?>
+ else if (isset($this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']))
+ {
+ if (isset($this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['from']) && $this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['from'] !== '')
+ {
+<?php if ($type == CreoleTypes::DATE): ?>
+ $criterion = $c->getNewCriterion(<?php echo $this->getPeerClassName() ?>::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getName()) ?>, date('Y-m-d', $this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['from']), Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL);
+<?php else: ?>
+ $criterion = $c->getNewCriterion(<?php echo $this->getPeerClassName() ?>::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getName()) ?>, $this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['from'], Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL);
+<?php endif; ?>
+ }
+ if (isset($this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['to']) && $this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['to'] !== '')
+ {
+ if (isset($criterion))
+ {
+<?php if ($type == CreoleTypes::DATE): ?>
+ $criterion->addAnd($c->getNewCriterion(<?php echo $this->getPeerClassName() ?>::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getName()) ?>, date('Y-m-d', $this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['to']), Criteria::LESS_EQUAL));
+<?php else: ?>
+ $criterion->addAnd($c->getNewCriterion(<?php echo $this->getPeerClassName() ?>::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getName()) ?>, $this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['to'], Criteria::LESS_EQUAL));
+<?php endif; ?>
+ }
+ else
+ {
+<?php if ($type == CreoleTypes::DATE): ?>
+ $criterion = $c->getNewCriterion(<?php echo $this->getPeerClassName() ?>::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getName()) ?>, date('Y-m-d', $this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['to']), Criteria::LESS_EQUAL);
+<?php else: ?>
+ $criterion = $c->getNewCriterion(<?php echo $this->getPeerClassName() ?>::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getName()) ?>, $this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']['to'], Criteria::LESS_EQUAL);
+<?php endif; ?>
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($criterion))
+ {
+ $c->add($criterion);
+ }
+ }
+<?php else: ?>
+ else if (isset($this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']) && $this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>'] !== '')
+ {
+<?php if ($type == CreoleTypes::CHAR || $type == CreoleTypes::VARCHAR || $type == CreoleTypes::LONGVARCHAR): ?>
+ $c->add(<?php echo $this->getPeerClassName() ?>::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getName()) ?>, strtr($this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>'], '*', '%'), Criteria::LIKE);
+<?php else: ?>
+ $c->add(<?php echo $this->getPeerClassName() ?>::<?php echo strtoupper($column->getName()) ?>, $this->filters['<?php echo $column->getName() ?>']);
+<?php endif; ?>
+ }
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ }
+ protected function addSortCriteria($c)
+ {
+ if ($sort_column = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('sort', null, 'sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/sort'))
+ {
+ $sort_column = <?php echo $this->getClassName() ?>Peer::translateFieldName($sort_column, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME);
+ if ($this->getUser()->getAttribute('type', null, 'sf_admin/<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>/sort') == 'asc')
+ {
+ $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn($sort_column);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $c->addDescendingOrderByColumn($sort_column);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected function getLabels()
+ {
+ return array(
+<?php foreach ($this->getColumnCategories('edit.display') as $category): ?>
+<?php foreach ($this->getColumns('edit.display', $category) as $name => $column): ?>
+ '<?php echo $this->getSingularName() ?>{<?php echo $column->getName() ?>}' => '<?php $label_name = str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->getParameterValue('edit.fields.'.$column->getName().'.name')); echo $label_name ?><?php if ($label_name): ?>:<?php endif ?>',
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+ );
+ }