/** * gui.c * GUI implementations. * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikias Bassen * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Martin Szulecki * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more profile. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 * USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include /* for GETTEXT_PACKAGE */ #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sbmgr.h" #include "utility.h" #include "device.h" #include "sbitem.h" #include "gui.h" #define STAGE_WIDTH 320 #define STAGE_HEIGHT 480 #define DOCK_HEIGHT 90 #define MAX_PAGE_ITEMS 16 #define PAGE_X_OFFSET(i) ((gfloat)(i)*(gfloat)(STAGE_WIDTH)) const char CLOCK_FONT[] = "FreeSans Bold 12px"; ClutterColor clock_text_color = { 255, 255, 255, 210 }; const char ITEM_FONT[] = "FreeSans Bold 10px"; ClutterColor item_text_color = { 255, 255, 255, 210 }; ClutterColor dock_item_text_color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; ClutterColor stage_color = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff }; /* Black */ ClutterColor battery_color = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x9f }; ClutterColor spinner_color = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf0 }; GtkWidget *clutter_gtk_widget; const ClutterActorBox dock_area = { 0.0, STAGE_HEIGHT - DOCK_HEIGHT, STAGE_WIDTH, STAGE_HEIGHT }; const ClutterActorBox sb_area = { 0.0, 16.0, STAGE_WIDTH, STAGE_HEIGHT - DOCK_HEIGHT - 16.0 }; const ClutterActorBox left_trigger = { -30.0, 16.0, -8.0, STAGE_HEIGHT - DOCK_HEIGHT - 16.0 }; const ClutterActorBox right_trigger = { STAGE_WIDTH + 8.0, 16.0, STAGE_WIDTH + 30.0, STAGE_HEIGHT - DOCK_HEIGHT - 16.0 }; ClutterActor *stage = NULL; ClutterActor *wallpaper = NULL; ClutterActor *the_dock = NULL; ClutterActor *the_sb = NULL; ClutterActor *type_label = NULL; ClutterActor *clock_label = NULL; ClutterActor *battery_level = NULL; ClutterActor *page_indicator = NULL; ClutterActor *page_indicator_group = NULL; ClutterActor *fade_rectangle = NULL; ClutterActor *spinner = NULL; ClutterTimeline *spinner_timeline = NULL; ClutterTimeline *clock_timeline = NULL; GMutex *selected_mutex = NULL; SBItem *selected_item = NULL; GMutex *icon_loader_mutex = NULL; static int icons_loaded = 0; static int total_icons = 0; gfloat start_x = 0.0; gfloat start_y = 0.0; gboolean move_left = TRUE; GList *dockitems = NULL; GList *sbpages = NULL; guint num_dock_items = 0; sbservices_client_t sbc = NULL; uint32_t osversion = 0; device_info_t device_info = NULL; static finished_cb_t finished_callback = NULL; static device_info_cb_t device_info_callback = NULL; int current_page = 0; struct timeval last_page_switch; static int gui_deinitialized = 0; static int clutter_threads_initialized = 0; static int clutter_initialized = 0; static void gui_page_indicator_group_add(GList *page, int page_index); static void gui_page_align_icons(guint page_num, gboolean animated); /* helper */ static void sbpage_free(GList *sbitems, gpointer data) { if (sbitems) { g_list_foreach(sbitems, (GFunc) (g_func_sbitem_free), NULL); g_list_free(sbitems); clutter_group_remove_all(CLUTTER_GROUP(page_indicator_group)); } } static void pages_free() { if (sbpages) { g_list_foreach(sbpages, (GFunc)(sbpage_free), NULL); g_list_free(sbpages); sbpages = NULL; } if (dockitems) { sbpage_free(dockitems, NULL); dockitems = NULL; } if (wallpaper) { clutter_actor_destroy(wallpaper); wallpaper = NULL; item_text_color.alpha = 210; } } static void clutter_actor_get_abs_center(ClutterActor *actor, gfloat *center_x, gfloat *center_y) { *center_x = 0.0; *center_y = 0.0; if (!actor) return; clutter_actor_get_scale_center(actor, center_x, center_y); *center_x += clutter_actor_get_x(actor); *center_y += clutter_actor_get_y(actor); } static GList *iconlist_insert_item_at(GList *iconlist, SBItem *newitem, gfloat item_x, gfloat item_y, int pageindex, int icons_per_row) { if (!newitem) { return iconlist; } debug_printf("%s: count items %d\n", __func__, g_list_length(iconlist)); if (!iconlist) { debug_printf("%s: appending item\n", __func__); /* for empty lists just add the element */ return g_list_append(iconlist, newitem); } gint i; gint count = g_list_length(iconlist); gint newpos = count; if (count <= 0) { return iconlist; } gfloat xpageoffset = PAGE_X_OFFSET(pageindex); gfloat spacing = 16; if (icons_per_row > 4) { spacing = 3; } gfloat xpos = spacing + xpageoffset; gfloat ypos = 16; gfloat oxpos = xpos; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { oxpos = xpos; gint nrow = (ypos - 16) / 88; gint irow = (item_y - 16) / 88; oxpos += nrow*STAGE_WIDTH; gfloat ixpos = item_x + irow*STAGE_WIDTH; /* if required, add spacing */ if (!move_left) oxpos += spacing; if (ixpos < oxpos + 60) { newpos = i; break; } if (((i + 1) % icons_per_row) == 0) { xpos = spacing + xpageoffset; if (ypos + 88.0 < sb_area.y2 - sb_area.y1) { ypos += 88.0; } } else { xpos += 60; xpos += spacing; } } debug_printf("%s: newpos:%d\n", __func__, newpos); /* do we have a full page? */ if ((count >= MAX_PAGE_ITEMS) && (icons_per_row == 4)) { debug_printf("%s: full page detected\n", __func__); /* remove overlapping item from current page */ SBItem *last_item = g_list_nth_data(iconlist, MAX_PAGE_ITEMS-1); iconlist = g_list_remove(iconlist, last_item); /* animate it to new position */ ClutterActor *actor = clutter_actor_get_parent(last_item->texture); clutter_actor_animate(actor, CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_QUAD, 250, "x", 16.0 + PAGE_X_OFFSET(pageindex + 1), "y", 16.0, NULL); /* first, we need to get the pages that we have to manipulate */ gint page_count = g_list_length(sbpages); gint last_index = pageindex; for (i = pageindex; i < page_count; i++) { GList *thepage = g_list_nth_data(sbpages, i); if (g_list_length(thepage) < 16) { last_index = i; break; } } if (g_list_length(g_list_nth_data(sbpages, last_index)) >= MAX_PAGE_ITEMS) { /* it's the last page that is full, so we need to add a new page */ debug_printf("last page is full, appending page\n"); sbpages = g_list_append(sbpages, NULL); last_index++; } debug_printf("will alter pages %d to %d (%d pages)\n", pageindex, last_index, (last_index - pageindex) + 1); /* now manipulate the lists in reverse order */ for (i = last_index; i >= pageindex; i--) { GList *thepage = g_list_nth_data(sbpages, i); sbpages = g_list_remove(sbpages, thepage); GList *prevpage = NULL; if (i > pageindex) { prevpage = g_list_nth_data(sbpages, i-1); } gint thepage_count = g_list_length(thepage); while (thepage_count >= MAX_PAGE_ITEMS) { thepage = g_list_remove(thepage, g_list_nth_data(thepage, thepage_count-1)); thepage_count = g_list_length(thepage); } if (prevpage) { SBItem *prev_page_item = g_list_nth_data(prevpage, MAX_PAGE_ITEMS-1); /* animate this item to fix drawing error */ actor = clutter_actor_get_parent(prev_page_item->texture); clutter_actor_animate(actor, CLUTTER_LINEAR, 100, "x", 16 + PAGE_X_OFFSET(i + 1), "y", 16.0, NULL); thepage = g_list_prepend(thepage, prev_page_item); } else { thepage = g_list_prepend(thepage, last_item); } sbpages = g_list_insert(sbpages, thepage, i); } } return g_list_insert(iconlist, newitem, newpos >= MAX_PAGE_ITEMS ? 15:newpos); } /* clock */ static void clock_set_time(ClutterActor *label, time_t t) { struct tm *curtime = localtime(&t); gchar *ctext = g_strdup_printf("%02d:%02d", curtime->tm_hour, curtime->tm_min); clutter_text_set_text(CLUTTER_TEXT(label), ctext); clutter_actor_set_position(label, (clutter_actor_get_width(stage) - clutter_actor_get_width(label)) / 2, 2); g_free(ctext); } static void clock_update_cb(ClutterTimeline *timeline, gint msecs, gpointer data) { clock_set_time(clock_label, time(NULL)); } /* gui */ static void gui_fade_init() { ClutterColor fade_color = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff }; fade_rectangle = clutter_rectangle_new_with_color(&fade_color); clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), fade_rectangle); clutter_actor_set_position(fade_rectangle, 0, 0); clutter_actor_set_size(fade_rectangle, STAGE_WIDTH, STAGE_HEIGHT); clutter_actor_set_opacity(fade_rectangle, 0); } static void gui_fade_stop() { clutter_actor_raise_top(fade_rectangle); clutter_actor_animate(CLUTTER_ACTOR(fade_rectangle), CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_QUAD, 500, "opacity", 0, NULL); clutter_actor_set_reactive(fade_rectangle, FALSE); } static void gui_fade_start() { clutter_actor_set_reactive(fade_rectangle, TRUE); clutter_actor_raise_top(fade_rectangle); clutter_actor_animate(CLUTTER_ACTOR(fade_rectangle), CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_QUAD, 500, "opacity", 180, NULL); } static gboolean spinner_spin_cb(gpointer data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { ClutterActor *actor = clutter_group_get_nth_child(CLUTTER_GROUP(spinner), i); clutter_actor_set_opacity(actor, clutter_actor_get_opacity(actor)-30); } return TRUE; } static void gui_spinner_init() { ClutterActor *spinner_element = clutter_rectangle_new_with_color(&spinner_color); clutter_actor_set_size(spinner_element, 2.0, 8.0); clutter_actor_hide(spinner_element); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(stage), spinner_element); spinner = clutter_group_new(); int i; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { ClutterActor *actor = clutter_clone_new(spinner_element); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(spinner), actor); clutter_actor_set_position(actor, 15.0, 0.0); clutter_actor_set_opacity(actor, (guint8)(((gfloat)(i)/12.0)*255)); clutter_actor_set_rotation(actor, CLUTTER_Z_AXIS, i*30, 1.0, 15.0, 0); clutter_actor_show(actor); } clutter_actor_hide(spinner); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(stage), spinner); clutter_actor_set_position(spinner, (STAGE_WIDTH-32.0)/2, (STAGE_HEIGHT-64.0)/2); spinner_timeline = clutter_timeline_new(100); clutter_timeline_set_loop(spinner_timeline, TRUE); g_signal_connect(spinner_timeline, "completed", G_CALLBACK(spinner_spin_cb), NULL); } static void gui_spinner_start() { clutter_actor_show(spinner); clutter_actor_raise_top(spinner); clutter_timeline_start(spinner_timeline); } static void gui_spinner_stop() { clutter_timeline_stop(spinner_timeline); clutter_actor_hide(spinner); } static void gui_dock_align_icons(gboolean animated) { if (!dockitems) return; gint count = g_list_length(dockitems); if (count == 0) { return; } gfloat spacing = 16.0; gfloat ypos = 8.0; gfloat xpos = 0.0; gint i = 0; if (count > 4) { spacing = 3.0; } gfloat totalwidth = count * 60.0 + spacing * (count - 1); xpos = (STAGE_WIDTH - totalwidth) / 2.0; /* set positions */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { SBItem *item = g_list_nth_data(dockitems, i); if (!item || !item->texture) { continue; } ClutterActor *icon = clutter_actor_get_parent(item->texture); if (!icon) { continue; } if (item != selected_item) { if (animated) { clutter_actor_animate(icon, CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_QUAD, 250, "x", xpos, "y", ypos, NULL); } else { clutter_actor_set_position(icon, xpos, ypos); } } xpos += 60; if (i < count - 1) { xpos += spacing; } } } static void gui_page_align_icons(guint page_num, gboolean animated) { if (!sbpages) return; if (g_list_length(sbpages) == 0) { printf("%s: no pages? that's strange...\n", __func__); return; } GList *pageitems = g_list_nth_data(sbpages, page_num); if (!pageitems) { printf("%s: no items on page %d\n", __func__, page_num); return; } gint count = g_list_length(pageitems); gfloat ypos = 16.0; gfloat xpos = 16.0 + PAGE_X_OFFSET(page_num); gint i = 0; /* set positions */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { SBItem *item = g_list_nth_data(pageitems, i); if (!item) { debug_printf("%s: item is null for i=%d\n", __func__, i); continue; } if (!item->texture) { debug_printf("%s(%d,%d): i=%d item->texture is null\n", __func__, page_num, animated, i); continue; } ClutterActor *icon = clutter_actor_get_parent(item->texture); if (!icon) { continue; } if (item != selected_item) { if (animated) { clutter_actor_animate(icon, CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_QUAD, 250, "x", xpos, "y", ypos, NULL); } else { clutter_actor_set_position(icon, xpos, ypos); } } if (((i + 1) % 4) == 0) { xpos = 16.0 + PAGE_X_OFFSET(page_num); if (ypos + 88.0 < sb_area.y2 - sb_area.y1) { ypos += 88.0; } } else { xpos += 76; } } } static void gui_page_indicator_group_align() { gint count = clutter_group_get_n_children(CLUTTER_GROUP(page_indicator_group)); gint i; gfloat xpos = 0.0; if (count <= 0) return; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { ClutterActor *dot = clutter_group_get_nth_child(CLUTTER_GROUP(page_indicator_group), i); clutter_actor_set_position(dot, xpos, 0.0); clutter_actor_set_name(dot, g_strdup_printf("%d", i)); if (i == current_page) { clutter_actor_set_opacity(dot, 200); } else { clutter_actor_set_opacity(dot, 100); } xpos += clutter_actor_get_width(dot); } clutter_actor_set_x(page_indicator_group, (STAGE_WIDTH - xpos) / 2.0); } static gboolean page_indicator_clicked_cb(ClutterActor *actor, ClutterButtonEvent *event, gpointer data); static void gui_page_indicator_group_add(GList *page, int page_index) { debug_printf("%s: adding page indicator for page %d\n", __func__, page_index); if (page_indicator) { ClutterActor *actor = clutter_clone_new(page_indicator); clutter_actor_unparent(actor); clutter_actor_set_reactive(actor, TRUE); g_signal_connect(actor, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(page_indicator_clicked_cb), NULL); clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(page_indicator_group), actor); gui_page_indicator_group_align(); } } static void gui_page_indicator_group_remove(GList *page, int page_index) { debug_printf("%s: removing page indicator for page %d\n", __func__, page_index); if (page_indicator) { ClutterActor *actor = clutter_group_get_nth_child(CLUTTER_GROUP(page_indicator_group), page_index); /* afaik, this also removes it from the container */ clutter_actor_destroy(actor); gui_page_indicator_group_align(); } } static void gui_pages_remove_empty() { gint count = g_list_length(sbpages); gint i; GList *page = NULL; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { page = g_list_nth_data(sbpages, i); debug_printf("%s: checking page %d itemcount %d\n", __func__, i, g_list_length(page)); if (g_list_length(page) == 0) { debug_printf("%s: removing page %d\n", __func__, i); gui_page_indicator_group_remove(page, i); } } sbpages = g_list_remove_all(sbpages, NULL); } static void gui_set_current_page(int pageindex, gboolean animated) { gint count = clutter_group_get_n_children(CLUTTER_GROUP(page_indicator_group)); if ((pageindex < 0) || (pageindex >= count)) return; /* make sure the page has correct aligned icons */ gui_page_align_icons(pageindex, FALSE); current_page = pageindex; gui_page_indicator_group_align(); if (animated) { clutter_actor_animate(the_sb, CLUTTER_EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC, 400, "x", (gfloat) (-PAGE_X_OFFSET(current_page)), NULL); } else { clutter_actor_set_x(the_sb, (gfloat)(-PAGE_X_OFFSET(current_page))); } } static void gui_show_next_page() { gui_set_current_page(current_page+1, TRUE); } static void gui_show_previous_page() { gui_set_current_page(current_page-1, TRUE); } static plist_t sbitem_get_subitems(SBItem *item) { plist_t result = plist_new_array(); if (item && item->subitems) { guint i; for (i = 0; i < g_list_length(item->subitems); i++) { SBItem *subitem = g_list_nth_data(item->subitems, i); plist_t node = plist_dict_get_item(subitem->node, "displayIdentifier"); if (!node) { printf("could not get displayIdentifier\n"); continue; } plist_array_append_item(result, plist_copy(node)); } } return result; } static plist_t sbitem_to_plist(SBItem *item) { plist_t result = plist_new_dict(); if (!item) { return result; } plist_t node; if (item->is_folder) { node = plist_dict_get_item(item->node, "displayName"); if (!node) { printf("could not get displayName for folder!\n"); return result; } plist_dict_insert_item(result, "displayName", plist_copy(node)); plist_t iconlists = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(iconlists, sbitem_get_subitems(item)); plist_dict_insert_item(result, "iconLists", iconlists); } else { node = plist_dict_get_item(item->node, "displayIdentifier"); if (!node) { printf("could not get displayIdentifier\n"); return result; } plist_dict_insert_item(result, "displayIdentifier", plist_copy(node)); } return result; } plist_t gui_get_iconstate(const char *format_version) { plist_t iconstate = NULL; plist_t pdockarray = NULL; plist_t pdockitems = NULL; guint i; int use_version = 1; if (format_version && (strcmp(format_version, "2") == 0)) { use_version = 2; } guint count = g_list_length(dockitems); pdockitems = plist_new_array(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { SBItem *item = g_list_nth_data(dockitems, i); if (item && item->node) { plist_array_append_item(pdockitems, sbitem_to_plist(item)); } } if (use_version == 1) { for (i = count; i < num_dock_items; i++) { plist_array_append_item(pdockitems, plist_new_bool(0)); } } pdockarray = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(pdockarray, pdockitems); iconstate = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(iconstate, pdockarray); for (i = 0; i < g_list_length(sbpages); i++) { GList *page = g_list_nth_data(sbpages, i); if (page) { guint j; count = g_list_length(page); if (count <= 0) { continue; } plist_t ppage = plist_new_array(); plist_t row = NULL; if (use_version == 2) { row = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(ppage, row); } for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { SBItem *item = g_list_nth_data(page, j); if (use_version == 1) { if ((j % 4) == 0) { row = plist_new_array(); plist_array_append_item(ppage, row); } } if (item && item->node) { plist_array_append_item(row, sbitem_to_plist(item)); } else { if (use_version == 1) plist_array_append_item(row, plist_new_bool(0)); } } plist_array_append_item(iconstate, plist_copy(ppage)); plist_free(ppage); } } return iconstate; } /* input */ static gboolean stage_motion_cb(ClutterActor *actor, ClutterMotionEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { /* check if an item has been raised */ if (!selected_item) { return FALSE; } ClutterActor *icon = clutter_actor_get_parent(selected_item->texture); clutter_actor_move_by(icon, (event->x - start_x), (event->y - start_y)); if (event->x-start_x > 0) { move_left = FALSE; } else { move_left = TRUE; } start_x = event->x; start_y = event->y; gfloat center_x; gfloat center_y; clutter_actor_get_abs_center(icon, ¢er_x, ¢er_y); if (clutter_actor_box_contains(&left_trigger, center_x-30, center_y)) { if (current_page > 0) { if (elapsed_ms(&last_page_switch, 1000)) { gui_show_previous_page(); gettimeofday(&last_page_switch, NULL); } } } else if (clutter_actor_box_contains(&right_trigger, center_x+30, center_y)) { if (current_page < (gint)(g_list_length(sbpages)-1)) { if (elapsed_ms(&last_page_switch, 1000)) { gui_show_next_page(); gettimeofday(&last_page_switch, NULL); } } } if (selected_item->is_dock_item) { dockitems = g_list_remove(dockitems, selected_item); if (center_y >= dock_area.y1) { debug_printf("%s: icon from dock moving inside the dock!\n", __func__); selected_item->is_dock_item = TRUE; dockitems = iconlist_insert_item_at(dockitems, selected_item, (center_x - dock_area.x1), (center_y - dock_area.y1), 0, num_dock_items); gui_dock_align_icons(TRUE); } else { debug_printf("%s: icon from dock moving outside the dock!\n", __func__); selected_item->is_dock_item = FALSE; gui_page_align_icons(current_page, TRUE); } } else { int p = current_page; int i; GList *pageitems = NULL; debug_printf("%s: current_page %d\n", __func__, p); /* remove selected_item from all pages */ int count = g_list_length(sbpages); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { pageitems = g_list_nth_data(sbpages, i); sbpages = g_list_remove(sbpages, pageitems); pageitems = g_list_remove(pageitems, selected_item); sbpages = g_list_insert(sbpages, pageitems, i); } /* get current page */ pageitems = g_list_nth_data(sbpages, p); /* remove current page from pages list as we will alter it */ sbpages = g_list_remove(sbpages, pageitems); if (center_y >= dock_area.y1 && (g_list_length(dockitems) < num_dock_items)) { debug_printf("%s: regular icon is moving inside the dock!\n", __func__); selected_item->is_dock_item = TRUE; } else { debug_printf("%s: regular icon is moving!\n", __func__); pageitems = iconlist_insert_item_at(pageitems, selected_item, (center_x - sb_area.x1) + PAGE_X_OFFSET(p), (center_y - sb_area.y1), p, 4); } /* insert back current page */ sbpages = g_list_insert(sbpages, pageitems, p); gui_dock_align_icons(TRUE); gui_page_align_icons(p, TRUE); } return TRUE; } static gboolean page_indicator_clicked_cb(ClutterActor *actor, ClutterButtonEvent *event, gpointer data) { if (event->click_count > 1) { return FALSE; } const gchar *index_str = clutter_actor_get_name(actor); int pageindex = strtol(index_str, NULL, 10); debug_printf("page indicator for page %d has been clicked\n", pageindex); gui_set_current_page(pageindex, TRUE); return TRUE; } static gboolean item_button_press_cb(ClutterActor *actor, ClutterButtonEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { if (!user_data) { return FALSE; } if (selected_item) { /* do not allow a button_press event without a prior release */ return FALSE; } /* discard double clicks */ if (event->click_count > 1) { return FALSE; } SBItem *item = (SBItem*)user_data; char *strval = sbitem_get_display_name(item); g_mutex_lock(selected_mutex); debug_printf("%s: %s mouse pressed\n", __func__, strval); if (actor) { gfloat diffx = 0.0; gfloat diffy = 0.0; ClutterActor *sc = clutter_actor_get_parent(actor); if (item->is_dock_item) { GList *children = clutter_container_get_children(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(sc)); if (children) { ClutterActor *icon = g_list_nth_data(children, 0); ClutterActor *label = g_list_nth_data(children, 1); clutter_text_set_color(CLUTTER_TEXT(label), &item_text_color); clutter_actor_set_y(label, clutter_actor_get_y(icon) + 62.0); g_list_free(children); } diffx = dock_area.x1; diffy = dock_area.y1; } else { diffx = sb_area.x1 - PAGE_X_OFFSET(current_page); diffy = sb_area.y1; } clutter_actor_reparent(sc, stage); clutter_actor_set_position(sc, clutter_actor_get_x(sc) + diffx, clutter_actor_get_y(sc) + diffy); clutter_actor_raise_top(sc); clutter_actor_set_scale_full(sc, 1.2, 1.2, clutter_actor_get_x(actor) + clutter_actor_get_width(actor) / 2, clutter_actor_get_y(actor) + clutter_actor_get_height(actor) / 2); clutter_actor_set_opacity(sc, 160); selected_item = item; start_x = event->x; start_y = event->y; } g_mutex_unlock(selected_mutex); /* add pages and page indicators as needed */ GList *page = NULL; gui_page_indicator_group_add(page, g_list_length(sbpages)); sbpages = g_list_append(sbpages, page); return TRUE; } static gboolean item_button_release_cb(ClutterActor *actor, ClutterButtonEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { if (!user_data) { return FALSE; } /* discard double clicks */ if (event->click_count > 1) { return FALSE; } SBItem *item = (SBItem*)user_data; char *strval = sbitem_get_display_name(item); /* remove empty pages and page indicators as needed */ gui_pages_remove_empty(); int count = g_list_length(sbpages); if (current_page >= count) { gui_set_current_page(count-1, FALSE); } g_mutex_lock(selected_mutex); debug_printf("%s: %s mouse released\n", __func__, strval); if (actor) { ClutterActor *sc = clutter_actor_get_parent(actor); clutter_actor_set_scale_full(sc, 1.0, 1.0, clutter_actor_get_x(actor) + clutter_actor_get_width(actor) / 2, clutter_actor_get_y(actor) + clutter_actor_get_height(actor) / 2); clutter_actor_set_opacity(sc, 255); if (item->is_dock_item) { GList *children = clutter_container_get_children(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(sc)); if (children) { ClutterActor *icon = g_list_nth_data(children, 0); ClutterActor *label = g_list_nth_data(children, 1); clutter_text_set_color(CLUTTER_TEXT(label), &dock_item_text_color); clutter_actor_set_y(label, clutter_actor_get_y(icon) + 67.0); g_list_free(children); } clutter_actor_reparent(sc, the_dock); clutter_actor_set_position(sc, clutter_actor_get_x(sc) - dock_area.x1, clutter_actor_get_y(sc) - dock_area.y1); } else { clutter_actor_reparent(sc, the_sb); clutter_actor_set_position(sc, clutter_actor_get_x(sc) + PAGE_X_OFFSET(current_page) - sb_area.x1, clutter_actor_get_y(sc) - sb_area.y1); } } selected_item = NULL; gui_dock_align_icons(TRUE); gui_page_align_icons(current_page, TRUE); start_x = 0.0; start_y = 0.0; g_mutex_unlock(selected_mutex); return TRUE; } static gboolean stage_key_press_cb(ClutterActor *actor, ClutterEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { if (!user_data || (event->type != CLUTTER_KEY_PRESS)) { return FALSE; } guint symbol = clutter_event_get_key_symbol(event); switch(symbol) { case CLUTTER_Right: gui_show_next_page(); break; case CLUTTER_Left: gui_show_previous_page(); break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void gui_draw_subitems(SBItem *item) { ClutterActor *grp = clutter_actor_get_parent(item->texture); guint i; for (i = 0; i < g_list_length(item->subitems); i++) { SBItem *subitem = (SBItem*)g_list_nth_data(item->subitems, i); if (subitem && subitem->texture && !subitem->drawn && subitem->node) { subitem->is_dock_item = FALSE; ClutterActor *sgrp = clutter_group_new(); ClutterActor *actor = subitem->texture; clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(sgrp), actor); clutter_actor_set_position(actor, 0.0, 0.0); clutter_actor_set_reactive(actor, TRUE); clutter_actor_show(actor); actor = subitem->label; clutter_actor_set_position(actor, (59.0 - clutter_actor_get_width(actor)) / 2, 62.0); clutter_text_set_color(CLUTTER_TEXT(actor), &item_text_color); clutter_actor_show(actor); clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(sgrp), actor); clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(grp), sgrp); clutter_actor_hide(sgrp); ClutterActor *suba = clutter_clone_new(subitem->texture); clutter_actor_unparent(suba); clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(grp), suba); clutter_actor_set_scale(suba, 0.22, 0.22); clutter_actor_set_position(suba, 8.0 + (i%3)*15.0, 8.0 + ((double)(int)((int)i/(int)3))*16.0); if (i < 9) clutter_actor_show(suba); else clutter_actor_hide(suba); subitem->drawn = TRUE; } } } static void gui_show_icons() { guint i; guint j; gfloat ypos; gfloat xpos; if (dockitems) { xpos = 0.0; ypos = 0.0; debug_printf("%s: showing dock icons\n", __func__); for (i = 0; i < g_list_length(dockitems); i++) { SBItem *item = (SBItem*)g_list_nth_data(dockitems, i); if (item && item->texture && !item->drawn && item->node) { item->is_dock_item = TRUE; ClutterActor *grp = clutter_group_new(); ClutterActor *actor = item->texture; clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(grp), actor); clutter_actor_set_position(actor, xpos, ypos); clutter_actor_set_reactive(actor, TRUE); g_signal_connect(actor, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(item_button_press_cb), item); g_signal_connect(actor, "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(item_button_release_cb), item); clutter_actor_show(actor); actor = item->label; clutter_actor_set_position(actor, xpos + (59.0 - clutter_actor_get_width(actor)) / 2, ypos + 67.0); clutter_text_set_color(CLUTTER_TEXT(actor), &dock_item_text_color); clutter_actor_show(actor); clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(grp), actor); clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(the_dock), grp); item->drawn = TRUE; } /* process subitems */ if (item->texture && item->is_folder && item->subitems) { gui_draw_subitems(item); } } gui_dock_align_icons(FALSE); } clutter_stage_ensure_redraw(CLUTTER_STAGE(stage)); if (sbpages) { debug_printf("%s: processing %d pages\n", __func__, g_list_length(sbpages)); for (j = 0; j < g_list_length(sbpages); j++) { GList *cpage = g_list_nth_data(sbpages, j); ypos = 0.0; xpos = 0.0; debug_printf("%s: showing page icons for page %d\n", __func__, j); for (i = 0; i < g_list_length(cpage); i++) { SBItem *item = (SBItem*)g_list_nth_data(cpage, i); if (item && item->texture && !item->drawn && item->node) { item->is_dock_item = FALSE; ClutterActor *grp = clutter_group_new(); ClutterActor *actor = item->texture; clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(grp), actor); clutter_actor_set_position(actor, xpos, ypos); clutter_actor_set_reactive(actor, TRUE); g_signal_connect(actor, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(item_button_press_cb), item); g_signal_connect(actor, "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(item_button_release_cb), item); clutter_actor_show(actor); actor = item->label; clutter_text_set_color(CLUTTER_TEXT(actor), &item_text_color); clutter_actor_set_position(actor, xpos + (59.0 - clutter_actor_get_width(actor)) / 2, ypos + 62.0); clutter_actor_show(actor); clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(grp), actor); clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(the_sb), grp); item->drawn = TRUE; } /* process subitems */ if (item->texture && item->is_folder && item->subitems) { gui_draw_subitems(item); } } gui_page_align_icons(j, FALSE); } } clutter_stage_ensure_redraw(CLUTTER_STAGE(stage)); } static gboolean sbitem_texture_new(gpointer data) { SBItem *item = (SBItem *)data; char *icon_filename; if (item->is_folder) { icon_filename = g_strdup(SBMGR_DATA "/folder.png"); } else { icon_filename = sbitem_get_icon_filename(item); } GError *err = NULL; /* create and load texture */ ClutterActor *actor = clutter_texture_new(); clutter_texture_set_load_async(CLUTTER_TEXTURE(actor), TRUE); clutter_texture_set_from_file(CLUTTER_TEXTURE(actor), icon_filename, &err); clutter_actor_set_size(actor, 59.0, 62.0); /* create item */ item->texture = actor; char *txtval = sbitem_get_display_name(item); if (txtval) { item->label = clutter_text_new_with_text(ITEM_FONT, txtval); } if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", err->message); g_error_free(err); } /* FIXME: Optimize! Do not traverse whole iconlist, just this icon */ gui_show_icons(); g_mutex_lock(icon_loader_mutex); icons_loaded++; g_mutex_unlock(icon_loader_mutex); return FALSE; } static gpointer sbitem_thread_load_texture(gpointer data) { SBItem *item = (SBItem *)data; char *icon_filename = sbitem_get_icon_filename(item); char *display_identifier = sbitem_get_display_identifier(item); GError *err = NULL; debug_printf("%s: loading icon texture for '%s'\n", __func__, display_identifier); if (device_sbs_save_icon(sbc, display_identifier, icon_filename, &err)) { /* load texture in the clutter main loop */ clutter_threads_add_idle((GSourceFunc)sbitem_texture_new, item); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", err->message); g_error_free(err); } g_free(icon_filename); return NULL; } static guint gui_load_icon_row(plist_t items, GList **row) { int i; int count; int icon_count = 0; SBItem *item = NULL; count = plist_array_get_size(items); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { plist_t icon_info = plist_array_get_item(items, i); plist_t subitems = plist_dict_get_item(icon_info, "iconLists"); if (subitems) { /* this is a folder, so we need to load the subitems */ GList *folderitems = NULL; if (plist_get_node_type(subitems) == PLIST_ARRAY) { subitems = plist_array_get_item(subitems, 0); if (plist_get_node_type(subitems) == PLIST_ARRAY) { icon_count += gui_load_icon_row(subitems, &folderitems); } } if (folderitems) { item = sbitem_new_with_subitems(icon_info, folderitems); if (item != NULL) { clutter_threads_add_idle((GSourceFunc)sbitem_texture_new, item); *row = g_list_append(*row, item); icon_count++; } } } else { item = sbitem_new(icon_info); if (item != NULL) { /* load texture of icon in a new thread */ g_thread_create(sbitem_thread_load_texture, item, FALSE, NULL); *row = g_list_append(*row, item); icon_count++; } } } return icon_count; } static void gui_set_iconstate(plist_t iconstate, const char *format_version) { int total; /* get total number of pages */ if (plist_get_node_type(iconstate) != PLIST_ARRAY) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid icon state format!\n"); return; } total = plist_array_get_size(iconstate); if (total < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No icons returned in icon state\n"); return; } else { plist_t dock = plist_array_get_item(iconstate, 0); if ((plist_get_node_type(dock) != PLIST_ARRAY) || (plist_array_get_size(dock) < 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: error getting outer dock icon array!\n"); return; } if (!format_version || (strcmp(format_version, "2") != 0)) { dock = plist_array_get_item(dock, 0); if (plist_get_node_type(dock) != PLIST_ARRAY) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: error getting inner dock icon array!\n"); return; } } /* load dock icons */ debug_printf("%s: processing dock\n", __func__); num_dock_items = gui_load_icon_row(dock, &dockitems); total_icons += num_dock_items; if (total > 1) { /* get all page icons */ int p, r, rows; for (p = 1; p < total; p++) { plist_t npage = plist_array_get_item(iconstate, p); GList *page = NULL; if ((plist_get_node_type(npage) != PLIST_ARRAY) || (plist_array_get_size(npage) < 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: error getting outer page icon array!\n"); return; } if (!format_version || (strcmp(format_version, "2") != 0)) { /* rows */ rows = plist_array_get_size(npage); for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) { debug_printf("%s: processing page %d, row %d\n", __func__, p, r); plist_t nrow = plist_array_get_item(npage, r); if (plist_get_node_type(nrow) != PLIST_ARRAY) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: error getting page row icon array!\n"); return; } total_icons += gui_load_icon_row(nrow, &page); } } else { total_icons += gui_load_icon_row(npage, &page); } if (page) { sbpages = g_list_append(sbpages, page); gui_page_indicator_group_add(page, p - 1); } } } } } static void gui_disable_controls() { gui_fade_start(); gui_spinner_start(); } static void gui_enable_controls() { gui_spinner_stop(); gui_fade_stop(); } static gboolean wait_icon_load_finished(gpointer user_data) { gboolean res = TRUE; g_mutex_lock(icon_loader_mutex); debug_printf("%d of %d icons loaded (%d%%)\n", icons_loaded, total_icons, (int)(100*((double)icons_loaded/(double)total_icons))); if (icons_loaded >= total_icons) { gui_enable_controls(); res = FALSE; if (finished_callback) { finished_callback(TRUE); finished_callback = NULL; } } g_mutex_unlock(icon_loader_mutex); return res; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_1_1 static void gui_set_wallpaper(const char *wp) { GError *err = NULL; wallpaper = NULL; ClutterActor *actor = clutter_texture_new(); clutter_texture_set_load_async(CLUTTER_TEXTURE(actor), TRUE); clutter_texture_set_from_file(CLUTTER_TEXTURE(actor), wp, &err); if (err) { g_error_free(err); err = NULL; return; } clutter_actor_set_size(actor, 320.0, 480.0); clutter_actor_set_position(actor, 0, 0); clutter_actor_show(actor); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(stage), actor); clutter_actor_lower_bottom(actor); wallpaper = actor; item_text_color.alpha = 255; } #endif static gboolean gui_pages_init_cb(gpointer user_data) { const char *uuid = (const char*)user_data; GError *error = NULL; plist_t iconstate = NULL; gui_disable_controls(); icons_loaded = 0; total_icons = 0; pages_free(); /* connect to sbservices */ if (!sbc) sbc = device_sbs_new(uuid, &osversion, &error); if (error) { g_printerr("%s", error->message); g_error_free(error); error = NULL; } if (sbc) { const char *fmt_version = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_1_1 if (osversion >= 0x04000000) { fmt_version = "2"; /* Load wallpaper if available */ if (device_sbs_save_wallpaper(sbc, "/tmp/wallpaper.png", &error)) { gui_set_wallpaper("/tmp/wallpaper.png"); } } #endif /* Load icon data */ if (device_sbs_get_iconstate(sbc, &iconstate, fmt_version, &error)) { gui_set_iconstate(iconstate, fmt_version); plist_free(iconstate); } } if (error) { g_printerr("%s", error->message); g_error_free(error); error = NULL; } clutter_threads_add_timeout(500, (GSourceFunc)wait_icon_load_finished, NULL); return FALSE; } static gboolean update_device_info_cb(gpointer user_data) { device_info_t di = (device_info_t)user_data; if (di) { clutter_text_set_text(CLUTTER_TEXT(type_label), di->device_type); } else { clutter_text_set_text(CLUTTER_TEXT(type_label), NULL); } return FALSE; } static gboolean update_battery_info_cb(gpointer user_data) { const char *uuid = (const char*)user_data; GError *error = NULL; gboolean res = TRUE; if (gui_deinitialized) { return FALSE; } if (device_get_info(uuid, &device_info, &error)) { clutter_actor_set_size(battery_level, (guint) (((double) (device_info->battery_capacity) / 100.0) * 15), 6); if (device_info->battery_capacity == 100) { res = FALSE; } } return res; } static gboolean init_battery_info_cb(gpointer user_data) { clutter_actor_set_size(battery_level, (guint) (((double) (device_info->battery_capacity) / 100.0) * 15), 6); return FALSE; } void gui_pages_free() { clutter_threads_add_timeout(0, (GSourceFunc)(update_device_info_cb), NULL); pages_free(); if (sbc) { device_sbs_free(sbc); sbc = NULL; osversion = 0; } } static gboolean device_info_cb(gpointer user_data) { GError *error = NULL; const char *uuid = (const char*)user_data; if (device_get_info(uuid, &device_info, &error)) { /* Update device info */ clutter_threads_add_idle((GSourceFunc)update_device_info_cb, device_info); /* Update battery information */ clutter_threads_add_idle((GSourceFunc)init_battery_info_cb, NULL); /* Register battery state read timeout */ clutter_threads_add_timeout(device_info->battery_poll_interval * 1000, (GSourceFunc)update_battery_info_cb, (gpointer)uuid); if (device_info_callback) { device_info_callback(device_info->device_name, device_info->device_name); device_info_callback = NULL; } } else { if (error) { g_printerr("%s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } else { g_printerr(_("Unknown error occurred")); } if (finished_callback) { finished_callback(FALSE); finished_callback = NULL; } } return FALSE; } void gui_pages_load(const char *uuid, device_info_cb_t info_cb, finished_cb_t finished_cb) { printf("%s: %s\n", __func__, uuid); finished_callback = finished_cb; device_info_callback = info_cb; /* Load icons */ clutter_threads_add_idle((GSourceFunc)gui_pages_init_cb, (gpointer)uuid); /* Load device information */ g_thread_create((GThreadFunc)device_info_cb, (gpointer)uuid, FALSE, NULL); } GtkWidget *gui_init() { device_info = device_info_new(); ClutterActor *actor; if (!g_thread_supported()) g_thread_init(NULL); if (icon_loader_mutex == NULL) icon_loader_mutex = g_mutex_new(); /* initialize clutter threading environment */ if (!clutter_threads_initialized) { clutter_threads_init(); clutter_threads_initialized = 1; } if (!clutter_initialized) { if (gtk_clutter_init(NULL, NULL) != CLUTTER_INIT_SUCCESS) { g_error("Unable to initialize GtkClutter"); return NULL; } clutter_initialized = 1; } gettimeofday(&last_page_switch, NULL); /* Create the clutter widget */ GtkWidget *clutter_widget = gtk_clutter_embed_new(); /* Set the size of the widget, because we should not set the size of its * stage when using GtkClutterEmbed. */ gtk_widget_set_size_request(clutter_widget, STAGE_WIDTH, STAGE_HEIGHT); /* Set the stage background color */ stage = gtk_clutter_embed_get_stage(GTK_CLUTTER_EMBED(clutter_widget)); clutter_stage_set_color(CLUTTER_STAGE(stage), &stage_color); /* attach to stage signals */ g_signal_connect(stage, "motion-event", G_CALLBACK(stage_motion_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect(stage, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(stage_key_press_cb), NULL); /* Load ui background */ GError *err = NULL; actor = clutter_texture_new(); clutter_texture_set_load_async(CLUTTER_TEXTURE(actor), TRUE); clutter_texture_set_from_file(CLUTTER_TEXTURE(actor), SBMGR_DATA "/background.png", &err); if (err) { g_error_free(err); err = NULL; } if (actor) { clutter_actor_set_position(actor, 0, 0); clutter_actor_show(actor); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(stage), actor); } else { fprintf(stderr, "could not load background.png\n"); } /* Create device type widget */ type_label = clutter_text_new_full(CLOCK_FONT, "", &clock_text_color); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(stage), type_label); clutter_actor_set_position(type_label, 3.0, 2.0); /* clock widget */ clock_label = clutter_text_new_full(CLOCK_FONT, "00:00", &clock_text_color); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(stage), clock_label); /* page indicator group for holding the page indicator dots */ page_indicator_group = clutter_group_new(); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(stage), page_indicator_group); /* alignment will be done when new indicators are added */ clutter_actor_set_position(page_indicator_group, 0, STAGE_HEIGHT - DOCK_HEIGHT - 18); /* page indicator (dummy), will be cloned when the pages are created */ page_indicator = clutter_texture_new(); clutter_texture_set_load_async(CLUTTER_TEXTURE(page_indicator), TRUE); clutter_texture_set_from_file(CLUTTER_TEXTURE(page_indicator), SBMGR_DATA "/dot.png", &err); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load texture " SBMGR_DATA "/dot.png" ": %s\n", err->message); g_error_free(err); err = NULL; } if (page_indicator) { clutter_actor_hide(page_indicator); clutter_container_add_actor(CLUTTER_CONTAINER(stage), page_indicator); } /* a group for the springboard icons */ the_sb = clutter_group_new(); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(stage), the_sb); clutter_actor_set_position(the_sb, 0, 16); /* a group for the dock icons */ the_dock = clutter_group_new(); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(stage), the_dock); clutter_actor_set_position(the_dock, dock_area.x1, dock_area.y1); gui_fade_init(); gui_spinner_init(); /* Show the stage */ clutter_actor_show(stage); /* Create a timeline to manage animation */ clock_timeline = clutter_timeline_new(200); clutter_timeline_set_loop(clock_timeline, TRUE); /* have it loop */ /* fire a callback for frame change */ g_signal_connect(clock_timeline, "completed", G_CALLBACK(clock_update_cb), NULL); /* and start it */ clutter_timeline_start(clock_timeline); if (selected_mutex == NULL) selected_mutex = g_mutex_new(); /* Position and update the clock */ clock_set_time(clock_label, time(NULL)); clutter_actor_show(clock_label); /* battery capacity */ battery_level = clutter_rectangle_new_with_color(&battery_color); clutter_group_add(CLUTTER_GROUP(stage), battery_level); clutter_actor_set_position(battery_level, 298, 6); return clutter_widget; } void gui_deinit() { clutter_timeline_stop(clock_timeline); device_info_free(device_info); gui_deinitialized = 1; }