*** NOTE: *** Doing this is mostly obsolete. The preferred method to sync music to an *** iPhone now is to use ifuse or some other afc-based client, which does not *** require jailbreaking or adding this service. Please take a look at the *** libiphone, ifuse, and libgpod projects. com.openssh.sft.plist is a launchd configuration to set up a bare SFTP server on TCP port 2299 localhost-only for USB use. It's nice for relatively fast music syncing and file transfer under Linux (and it avoids encryption). Con: it gives anyone with usb access root FS access on the phone, as well as anything running on the phone itself. Use it with a command like this: IPATH=/var/mobile/Media MOUNTPOINT=$HOME/media/iphone $ sshfs localhost:$IPATH $MOUNTPOINT -o workaround=rename -o directport=2299 \ -o kernel_cache -o entry_timeout=30 -o attr_timeout=30 Make sure you run tcprelay.py: $ python tcprelay.py -t 2299 Remember that to bypass the stupid new iTunesDB hash you need to edit /System/Library/Lockdown/Checkpoint.xml and change DBVersion to 2.