axis2cApache Axis2/C is a Web services engine implemented C11 yearssummarylogtree
csoapA portable and simple client/server C API for SOAP11 yearssummarylogtree
dskelAutotools skeleton for applications written in the D Programming Language11 yearssummarylogtree
gdk-pixbuf-psdA GdkPixbuf loader for the PSD file format13 yearssummarylogtree
gfaxGFax is a client for Hylafax and EFax written in C#/Mono15 yearssummarylogtree
gnome-plist-editorA GUI editor for Apple Property List files using libplist14 yearssummarylogtree
hl-demofile-specHalf-Life 1 Demofile Specifications11 yearssummarylogtree
ideviceinstallerManage applications on iOS devices5 dayssummarylogtree
idevicerestoreRestore/upgrade firmware of iOS devices5 dayssummarylogtree
ifuseA fuse filesystem layer to access the contents of iOS devices16 monthssummarylogtree
libideviceactivationA library to handle the activation process of iOS devices3 weekssummarylogtree
libimobiledeviceA protocol library to access iOS devices on Linux11 dayssummarylogtree
libimobiledevice-glueA library to collect common code used around the libimobiledevice project5 dayssummarylogtree
libirecoveryLibrary and utility to talk to iBoot/iBSS via USB on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linu...3 weekssummarylogtree
libplistLibrary to handle Apple Property List format files in binary or XML5 dayssummarylogtree
libusbmuxdA client library to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices3 weekssummarylogtree
libvformatA small, portable library for accessing vformat objects eg VCARD.11 yearssummarylogtree
mailadminIMAP+MySQL+Postfix server FOSS frontend using the Symfony PHP Framework11 yearssummarylogtree
sbmanagerManage SpringBoard icons of iOS devices from the computer12 yearssummarylogtree
tango-theme-s60Theme for Symbian60 phones based on the Tango icon style11 yearssummarylogtree
totem-plugin-airplayPlugin enabling AirPlay video playback in the Totem media player13 yearssummarylogtree
usbmuxdA socket daemon to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices7 monthssummarylogtree
wiiwadtoolsUtility to work with WAD files used by the Wii15 yearssummarylogtree